"I know."

Mei'er's fiery red eyes showed a bit of narrowness, and Shui Bing'er's heart was exposed, and her face was flushed with embarrassment.

In the room, a mess.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing completely became Yang Qi'an's woman.

She slept soundly, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

One month is fleeting.

The promotion competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is not as lively as the qualifiers.In order to protect the privacy of soul masters and safety considerations, no spectators are allowed to watch the promotion match.

On the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, including the five teams that qualified for the Heaven Dou City preliminaries, a total of [-] teams have completed the registration process in the morning and gathered at the location of the promotion competition.

There are fewer teams, but those who can pass the qualifiers are undoubtedly the elite of the elite.

The ten teams from the five kingdoms and duchies who passed the qualifiers came earlier, and they needed to familiarize themselves with the environment.At the same time, they all came with many promises from the kingdoms or principalities they represented.

If they get good grades, the rewards they can get are even greater than Emperor Xue Ye's promise.

After all, those kingdoms and principalities have a greater thirst for talents, who doesn't want to have more powerful soul masters in their hands?

In the battle of Douluo Continent, soul masters are the decisive factor on the battlefield.

And the number of high-level soul masters is also the basis for measuring the power of a party.

The Royal Hunting Ground is located fifty kilometers southwest of Tiandou City.The terrain in the hunting ground is varied and the area is vast.It is the place where the royal family members hunt and train.

Here, within a few days of Hongmeng City, no civilians are allowed to approach here.The Royal Knights can also be regarded as the most powerful in the hands of the Heaven Dou Empire royal family.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and conflicts, and to prevent the strength of each academy entering the promotion competition from being observed by other academies, all fifteen high-level soul master academy teams that entered the promotion competition were arranged to rest in different places.

For the promotion match, the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire had clearly prepared for it. When Yang Wudi led the members of the Hongmeng team to come here early in the morning, the first thing they saw was the huge Royal Knights.

The bright silver color and the Heavenly Soul Horse gave off a sense of oppression at first glance.

But this oppressive feeling didn't have much impact on the Hongmeng team and others.

After showing the letter, Yang Wudi and others were assigned to live in a tent area.

For the next half a month or so, they will spend in this royal hunting ground.

The five tents are an independent small courtyard, which is more than enough for everyone in the Hongmeng team to live in.

But when everyone had just allocated their residences, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe walked side by side.

Xue Qinghe glanced at Yang Qi'an, and then looked at Yang Wudi, with a somewhat respectful expression: "Junior Xue Qinghe, I have met senior Yang Wudi."

Chapter 154 Strong duel, the opening is Wang Zha!

"This...His Royal Highness is being polite."

Yang Wudi was somewhat flustered by Xue Qinghe's salute.

Xue Qinghe is indeed a junior, but he is also the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Given his status, it wouldn't be too much for Yang Wudi to salute him.

But, would Xue Qinghe let Yang Wudi salute him, or let Yang Wudi talk to him first?

Obviously, he didn't dare.

If he really did this, a certain big man would definitely try his best to torment her.

Ning Fengzhi greeted Yang Wudi with a smile, and then said to Yang Qi'an: "Qi'an, Emperor Xue Ye let go of what you want."

Yang Qi'an's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he quickly asked, "Are there any conditions?"

Yang Qi'an wanted the treasure of the Tiandou Empire, the treasure of the vast sea and the universe.

But is it true that Yang Qi'an said he wanted the treasure of the country, and Emperor Xue Ye would give it to him?

Therefore, Yang Qi'an invited Ning Fengzhi to be a lobbyist, and now Ning Fengzhi has brought good news.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said nothing, but looked at Xue Qinghe, Xue Qinghe coughed twice, and said: "Brother Qi'an, I have a royal sister, if Brother Qi'an is willing to enter into a marriage contract with my royal sister, after the engagement On this day, the treasure of the town can be used as a dowry and given to the Qi'an brothers in advance."

When Xue Qinghe said this condition, his eyes shone brightly, and the eyes he looked at Yang Qi'an obviously had other meanings.

Yang Qi'an didn't look at Xue Qinghe, but turned around slowly, and said, "I don't like the binding of interests, so...is this the only choice?"

Facing Yang Qi'an's refusal, both Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe seemed relieved, but neither of them showed it.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Xue Qinghe again, Xue Qinghe smiled bitterly: "My teacher and I have also considered this, so... there is another way."

"what way?"

Yang Qi'an knew that the second method should be feasible.

"First: The Qi'an brothers need to win the championship of this year's elite competition, and no defeat is allowed.

Second: When I inherit the throne in the future, the next prince will worship you as his teacher.

Third: The Qi'an brothers inherit the seal of the king of the town, titled Dragon Soul! "

Xue Qinghe said three conditions in a row, it sounds like, except for the first one that Yang Qi'an needs to do, the other two are only good for Yang Qi'an.

But don't forget, if you take his position and don't seek his own government, you will be cast aside by the people of the world.

Emperor Xue Ye wanted to kidnap Yang Qi'an with his reputation.

This abacus is so good.

No, this abacus was not made by Emperor Xue Ye, but by Xue Qinghe!

Xue Qinghe is Qian Renxue, her child... defeated Yang Qi'an as a teacher?

As for the country of the town, whose country is not the same as the town?What does the prince's rebellion have to do with him?

"If I promise to come down..."

"The day of the triumphant return, the time of canonization and gift giving!"


Yang Qi'an was not hesitating, and Ning Fengzhi seemed to have completed the task, looking at Yang Qi'an helplessly: "That's you, if someone wants the treasure of the empire, I don't know how many times I would lose my head.

In other words, do you know what is the treasure of the empire? "

There was something in Ning Fengzhi's words, but Yang Qi'an shook his head decisively: "How can I know what is the treasure of the empire?

I just thought, since the emperor wants to win me over, since he wants to work for the empire in the future, how can I not get enough benefits? "

"Hahahaha, Brother Qi'an is right, and it's useless to keep the national treasure there. It's better to give it to Brother Qi'an, it will be of some value."

Xue Qinghe behaved generously, but he didn't know that this was the result of Yang Qi'an's hard work for several nights.

After chatting for a while, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe left, while everyone in the Hongmeng team rested early.

The promotion match is not like the qualifiers where there are multiple arenas going on at the same time, but there is only one venue for the competition, and that is the Royal Knights' Grand Campus.

A total of [-] teams participating in the promotion competition will have [-] rounds of round robin, one round per day, one team will have a bye every day, and seven games will be played on the same venue.

The big school field has been remodeled, and an area with a diameter of [-] meters is drawn in the center as the competition field. Compared with the arena of the qualifiers, the space here is wider, and it is naturally easier to display one's strength.

On the north side of the big school field, a VIP seat was temporarily built facing south, which is also the referee's seat. There are not as many VIPs who came to watch the game this time as last time.

Many nobles are missing.Looking around, in the VIP seats, apart from the first row of Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, Platinum Bishop Mansa and others, the seats in the back are all occupied by people dressed as generals and Wuhun Temple Tiandou City Wuhun Temple some high-level.

Team battles are chaotic after all, and many things are not easy to see clearly, but the promotion match is different.

Every student will show their personal strength in full view, and this is also the best time to judge the strength of a soul master.

On the outside of the Grand Campus, a total of [-] royal knights surrounded the entire Grand Campus, their armor shining brightly.The soldiers of the Royal Knights in the front row stood on the ground, while those in the back row sat on the backs of their mounts, forming a huge circle.

Such a tight defense can be said to be watertight.

Between the large circle formed by the knights and the competition venue, fifteen participating teams have already arrived at the venue, even the teams that have a bye today are no exception. Even if they don't have to compete, they still have to see clearly the strength of their opponents.

The rules of the game are simple.Each side sends seven players to participate, and each team member has to fight until he is defeated, and if he wins, he will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

And today's bye team is... Tianshui Academy!

As for today's unlucky ghost, it's... Shrek Academy!

When they heard the information about today's game, everyone in the Hongmeng team couldn't help being a little bit astonished.

Like the qualifiers, the Shrek team is a very troublesome team.

And it was the first match against such a team, and the Hongmeng team was also a little unhappy.

But the result of the lottery has already come out, and it is impossible to change it.

"Kamikaze Academy admit defeat!"

At this moment, among the five teams on the Tiandou side, the Kamikaze team suddenly chose to admit defeat.

This made the teams of the other five principalities and kingdoms a little confused.

"Today's Kamikaze team's opponent, won't be Blazing Team?"

Yang Qi'an said casually, otherwise, there would be no reason for Kamikaze to admit defeat.

"Feng Xiaotian, what do you mean?"

Before Yang Qi'an could ask, Huo Wu's violent temper exploded.

Sure enough, the Kamikaze team's opponent is the Blazing team.

Feng Xiaotian smiled mischievously: "Huo Wu, don't I want to save my energy to watch the game?

Our two teams are on the verge of dying, and the next game will not be easy. "

What Feng Xiaotian said was correct, although their two teams were not the first match today, it was before the match between the Hongmeng team and the Shrek team.

Moreover, strong against strong, today's match seems to be nothing, but there are still half a month of continuous matches ahead!

If the state is not good, it is easy to affect the results of the subsequent competitions.

Chapter 155 Three vs Three, a Gambling Battle

Huo Wu naturally understood Feng Xiaotian's considerations, but she still had the feeling that Feng Xiaotian was letting her in on purpose.

In the end, Huo Wu snorted coldly and gave Feng Xiaotian a blank look. The two teams had a bye in disguise.

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