"Brother Yang!" Tang San looked moved, and took the last flying mushroom sausage: "The cultivation of this shadow civet is very likely to reach ten thousand years."

"I'll stop it for you, you can go at ease." In Yang Qi'an's hand, the Dragon Mark Soul Breaking Spear appeared again.

At this time, if he made a sudden move, Tang San would undoubtedly die.

But... this situation does not allow him to attack Tang San.

Because he had already seen a Man Faced Demon Spider approaching rapidly from a distance.

"Brother Yang, thank you for your kindness."

Tang San's expression turned serious, and he swallowed the flying mushroom sausage.

The moment the light wings appeared, Tang San took out a hand-bound book: "If I die, let the Tang Sect's unique learning spread in this world."

The book was thrown to Yang Qi'an by Tang San with hidden weapons, Yang Qi'an's expression changed, and he put it into the soul guide: "I wish you success!"


The Shadow Civet didn't seem to want Tang San to leave, the moment Tang San flew away, it turned into a black shadow and followed.

However, the moment it left, a rose-red field spread out, covering it.

Also shrouded in the Rose Flame Domain, there is also a Man Faced Demon Spider!

"Kill Tang San, with you two bastards blocking me, I won't have time to cover up my tracks.

However, today's harvest seems to be good! "

In Meiyan's domain, Yang Qi'an turned into a burning man, and the shadow civet was instantly attached to Meiyan.

chi chi chi~

Also burned by the rose flame was the Man Faced Demon Spider that broke in.

"Get rid of the Man-faced Demon Spider first, just in case!"

The soul power in Yang Qi'an's body was passing away rapidly, and within a radius of less than ten meters, a man-faced spider with a lifespan of more than 3000 years and a shadow civet with a lifespan of more than ten thousand years were trapped.

It is conceivable how much Yang Qi'an's soul power was consumed at this time.

In order to reduce the consumption of soul power, Yang Qi'an decided to make a quick decision.

The dragon's chant lasted for a long time, the soul-breaking gun jumped, and the huge force directly knocked over the pounced man-faced demon spider.

Immediately afterwards, biu! Biu! Biu! Biu! ....

A whole body silver pistol appeared in Yang Qi'an's hand, a shuttle of bullets ran out, and seven of the eight eyes in the Man Faced Demon Spider's abdomen were shattered.

In this way, the life force of this man-faced demon spider passed away rapidly, and under the burning of the rose flame, a dark purple soul ring was condensed in just a moment.

"It's done!"

Yang Qi'an breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately rushed forward the next moment.


The sound of flesh and blood being separated could be heard, Yang Qi'an only felt a burst of heat from his back, it was blood flowing out.

"So fast!"

After all, it is a ten-thousand-year soul beast, even in Yang Qi'an's domain, it can maintain its combat effectiveness in a short period of time even if it is burned by the rose flame.

Next, it's time to spend.

It's just that Yang Qi'an doesn't compare his consumption to it.

In theory, the ten thousand year soul beast is an existence that only the soul king can barely deal with. As a soul master, he is not as tough as the ten thousand year soul beast!

The silver short gun in his hand disappeared and was replaced by a short gun.

The short cannon is a modified version of the pistol, but the caliber of the muzzle is one inch.

Yang Qi'an's eyes flickered quickly, and blood flowed out of the cut wound on his back.

But Yang Qi'an ignored it, his eyes locked on the figure of the ignited shadow civet.


Being burned by the rose flame, the shadow civet definitely felt uncomfortable, and rushed towards Yang Qi'an uninterruptedly.

"It's really looking for death!"

Yang Qi'an held the short cannon steady with both hands, and at the moment the shadow civet's figure flew into the air, it blasted out with one cannon!


Blood splashed everywhere, and the shadow civet, which was no more than two meters in size, was instantly knocked into the air.

Yang Qi'an could see with the naked eye that the shadow civet's abdomen exploded with blood.


Without any hesitation, he made up with another shot, directly hitting the shadow civet's neck!


The meowing sound was shrill and hoarse, but Yang Qi'an would not hold back the slightest bit.

The spear moved again, piercing the shadow civet's neck with one shot, completely killing its vitality!

When the domain dispersed, Yang Qi'an's complexion was as pale as paper, and the soul power consumed to maintain the domain was too great.

From the beginning to the present, the Meiyan Domain has only been maintained for 1 minute.

Of course, this also had something to do with Yang Qi'an not being at his peak.

Without being stingy, he put a piece of Longzhi leaf in his mouth, so as to quickly recover his soul power and vitality.

Yang Qi'an didn't have the time to deal with the wound on his back, he immediately came to the side of the Man-faced Demon Spider, and after careful perception, the spear pierced the Man-faced Demon's hard body.


The dragon pattern soul breaking gun pried open a gap, and the stench filled the air, with black and purple pus flowing out.

Yang Qi'an didn't care so much, he wrapped it in Meiyan, and directly took it in.

puchi puchi~

The foul-smelling liquid from the Man-faced Demon Spider's body splashed on Yang Qi'an's body, making him extremely disgusted.

But Yang Qi'an didn't change his expression, he kept groping inside with his palm, and finally touched a hard object.


With the palm pulled out, a ferocious spider-like skeleton was dug out by Yang Qi'an.

Meiyan burned away the filth that was contaminated on the skeleton, revealing the purple-black eight spider lance spirit bones.

It was a bone like a shield, but on that bone, eight hideous spears could be seen entrenched.

Yang Qi'an quickly put it into the soul guide, and then burned the wound of the Man-faced Demon Spider with rose flames, covering up the traces of excavation.

After doing this, Yang Qi'an breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost forgot, after Tang San killed the Man-faced Demon Spider, Duke Long and Mrs. Snake arrived just in time.

Far away from the body of the Man-faced Demon Spider, Yang Qi'an looked in the direction of the Shadow Civet. At this time, the body of the Shadow Civet was still being burned by Mei Yan.

Yang Qi'an walked over to disperse the flames, glanced at the black soul ring, and ignored it.

"It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes...Huh? This is..."

Yang Qi'an's eyes brightened, and he quickly glanced around, picked out the spear without hesitation, then retracted it again, and a crystal clear left leg bone fell into his hand.

"Gan, if you do good deeds every day, your fortune will increase.

If I didn't kill Tang San, I would be a good person!Getting two soul bones a day is not too much! "

The soul bone was put away by Yang Qi'an, it must not be exposed.

The flames of the rose were burning, and the shadow civet's left hind leg was scorched black and bloody.

"The blood must be extracted as soon as possible, it can be used in alchemy.

The Star Dou Great Forest didn't come in vain this time. "

With a contented smile on Yang Qi'an's face, he didn't notice that Duke Long and Mrs. Snake had already walked behind him.

"It's you? Why are you here?"

Meng Yiran spoke suddenly, out of breath, and startled Yang Qi'an who was about to start refining the blood of the Shadow Civet.

He just put away the spirit bone, so he wasn't found, right?

Yang Qi'an turned around abruptly, sat down on the ground, looked at Meng Yiran, and patted his chest: "Damn, it's scary. What's your name?

Surprised! "

Chapter 57

Meng Yiran was severely beaten by Yang Qi'an, he even stopped when he wanted to get closer, and looked at Yang Qi'an with a bewildered expression.

Yang Qi'an turned against the guests, rolled his eyes, waved his hands impatiently and said: "Go, go, go and play."

After all, Yang Qi'an didn't care that Duke Long and Snake Woman were watching from behind, and directly began to bleed the shadow civet.

Duke Long and Mrs. Snake were also stupefied. They looked at each other and saw the dullness in each other's eyes.

In other words, shouldn't they be the ones to hold Yang Qi'an accountable?

The man-faced demon spider they were chasing and killing seemed to be killed by Yang Qi'an, so it's fine if Yang Qi'an didn't give an explanation, and even beat up their precious granddaughter.

"You, you, you, too much!"

Meng Yiran stepped forward angrily, pointed at Yang Qi'an, and said, "You stole my soul ring again, you definitely did it on purpose!"

Meng Yiran still remembered what he was doing here, so he immediately began to question the teacher.

However, Yang Qi'an said: "I didn't force your soul ring, but the man-faced spider attacked me, so I can't kill it?

Moreover, the man-faced demon spider has a cultivation base of at least 3000 years, don't you want to live?Absorb the soul ring of the Man Faced Demon Spider? "

Yang Qi'an spoke while tossing the corpse of the shadow civet.

And the black soul ring on the corpse quickly dissipated along with Yang Qi'an's movements.

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