However, when he saw the visions caused by the power released by the king when he met the devil, he didn't even have the courage to make a fist.

"No, it's impossible.

How could a human...have such terrifying power. "

The original Lesa Phoenix, he always just thought that Luo Hao was a lucky human with many artifacts at the same time.


Now in the eyes of Lesa Phoenix, Luo Hao, is he really still a human being?


Listen to Lesa Phoenix.

At this time, Luo Hao's family members couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Indeed, the word of the question.

They also thought about it.

The answer is the same, Lord Luo Hao is indeed a human being in terms of race.

It's just...ordinary humans don't possess such powerful power.

Master Luo Hao, he is the "King"!


In the underworld, there are many high-ranking noble demons.

They were all shocked, even terrified, by the power possessed by the Demon King at the same time.

Even Suzeks Gremory, the strongest among them, could not do such an exaggerated thing even if he had reached the realm of "Transcendence".


The current King of Time, just the power he released has seriously affected the two laws of "space" and "time".


Listening to the unbelievable words of Lesa Phoenix.

At this time, the King of the Devils, he was not in a hurry to release his ultimate kill immediately.


He was still extremely indifferent, and responded to Lesa Phoenix with his voice that had become a little low and hoarse.

"Yes, that's right! I never said... I'm a human being."

To everyone's surprise, at this moment, Luo Hao has denied the fact that he is a human being.


And with the meeting of the devil, the king's voice just fell.

Lesa Phoenix, he also immediately showed a surprised expression.

"You bastard, what are you!!??"

After getting the answer from the King of Time, Lesa Phoenix.

His brain froze all of a sudden.

This man...isn't he really a human?


"Yes! I'm not human...I'm the Demon King.

The demon king of time and space, the supreme, powerful and evil demon king! "

And after hearing the words of Lesa Phoenix again.

At this time, the King of the Devils, he once again declared his identity to the world.


"Yeah, so what.

I admit that the current me is indeed not your opponent.

It's just... I have an immortal body, you can't defeat me no matter what! "

I saw Lesa Phoenix at this time, he finally admitted that he was no match for the Demon King in front of him at all.

However, he still trusted his "Phoenix" family lineage.

As the "Phoenix", he will never be defeated by the opponent's attack...  


Because, they can be reborn infinitely.


Lesa Phoenix, he resisted the feeling of fear that kept gushing out of his heart, and slowly stood up from the ground.




"Oh? Are you so sure that I have no way to solve your immortality?


Want to try it? "


Accompanied by the time of the devil, the king's voice just fell.


I saw that at this time, the king of the devil, he slowly rose into the air at this time.


The two pointer shapes named "pocalypse of. Kingdom" on the back of the armor also unfolded like wings at this time.




He looked at the King of Time, who had already jumped into the midair.


Lysa Phoenix, with fear in his eyes.


He knew that this time, he would definitely die.

Even though he knew that he could be resurrected, he still felt extremely scared.

He thought that what the king said just now might not be scaring him.

It is really possible for him to kill himself completely and truly.

He wanted to run away, but his legs were under the emotional infection of fear.

There is no strength to escape at all....


This time, I will be the announcer of the "Ranking Game".

At this moment, Shitori Sona lifted her glasses slightly.


She said very calmly.

"It seems that this battle has come to an end."

You don't even need to watch the ending.

At this moment, Jitori Sona, she can already accurately judge the 2.5 ending of such a battle.


And at the same time, in an extremely mysterious room.

As the leader of the Fallen Angel Central Organization Grigori (Son of God Monitor), Asachel shook the red wine glass in his hand, and said to the young man with silver hair in front of him.

"Your old enemy, the cage hand of Sekiryuutei has appeared. And... that guy is very special.

The information I got from the demon side is, never touch that guy.

What do you think, Wally? "

Listening to Asachel's words, the man named "Vali" at this time.

He also just said very indifferently.

"If there is a chance, I will try to compete with that guy."

(Come here, family members, today's third update, as long as you follow up, there is no problem. Xiaomengxin, I have a guarantee of 6 updates every day, and a limit of 7-8. Thank you readers for your support. Xiaopujie is really happy today. happy!!!).

73. Hidden rewards, star treasures! (Seek full order!)

After the battle, everyone.

They also returned to the "Mystery Research Department" of Juwang Academy very smoothly.


Rather than saying that it ended the battle, it would be better to say that the King of Demons killed Lesa Phoenix directly.

Then, the overflowing energy is too huge.

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