He felt melancholy, but when the group of people behind saw Tang Qingyun kissing him, their eyes turned red with jealousy.

Chapter 45 Asura Emperor Clan

Above the sky, black clouds cover the sky.

In the Cangxiang Building, Yingsongyanyanwu.

An old man in sackcloth with a wine gourd in his hand appeared in front of Lin Changfeng. The old man had been in the crowd just now and had noticed Lin Changfeng a long time ago. He sat down opposite and put the wine gourd on the table.

Lin Changfeng glanced at him.

The old man chuckled and stared at the long black sword he had placed on the table.

"Hey, this thing is not simple."

As he said that, the old man wanted to reach out and touch it.

Lin Changfeng's eyes turned cold, he picked up the long sword, and stuck it behind his back.

The old man sighed with regret, "If this kind of magical weapon can be touched by an old man, I would be willing to live a few years less."

Lin Changfeng frowned, "Old man, this is just an ordinary long sword, not the magical weapon you mentioned."

"Yes or no, you know better than me." The old man smiled mysteriously, and suddenly stretched out his palm, pinching Lin Changfeng's arm, "We are destined to meet each other. How about I give you a chance today?"


Lin Changfeng was taken aback for a moment.


Suddenly, he felt his arms become extremely hot, as if being burned by something, and stared at the old guy in shock.

Such a profound cultivation!

The old man smiled and let go of his arms.

Lin Changfeng hurriedly sensed that a fiery red mark appeared on his arm. This mark was quite strange, and it actually began to absorb the spiritual power in his body little by little. Then, two light spots flickered in the mark, and It's like some kind of ancient monster opened its scarlet eyes!

Sensing the violent and domineering force in the imprint, Lin Changfeng was a little shocked.

The old man on the opposite side picked up the gourd and took a sip of wine, and sighed in his heart: "To be able to fit the ancient fierce spirit seal so perfectly is really worthy of a superb physique."

"Master, what is this?" Lin Changfeng felt a little strange, and hurriedly asked his master in his mind.

However, the strange thing is that this time his master remained silent and ignored him.

The old man on the opposite side shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, the old man will not harm you. I watched the sky at night and found that there will be a purple dragon rising into the sky in the northern wilderness. The aura of a demon looms faintly, and soon there will be chaos here, and the mark I gave you can help you contract an ancient sky demon, and when the time comes, it will be like a tiger with wings, and the chaos in the northern wilderness needs you to put it down."

heard here.

Lin Changfeng was a little dazed, he stretched out his hand to caress the scarlet mark through his clothes, and murmured, "Ancient Heavenly Demon?"

If it is possible to contract such an ancient sky demon, who would look up to those ordinary spirit beasts.

In the next second, he hurriedly cupped his fists at the old man, and said sincerely: "Junior Lin Changfeng, I don't know who the old man is, and what should he call him?"

The old man pointed at himself and laughed loudly, "Me? It doesn't matter what I call you. When you leave the Northern Wilderness in the future, you will naturally know who I am."

After he finished speaking, while pouring wine, a pair of cloudy eyes swept towards Su Ming in front of him, and then frowned slightly, "Strange?!"

"Senior, what's the matter?" Lin Changfeng was puzzled.

The old man shook his head and remained silent.

But my heart was shocked.

The luck on that person's body, one black and one white, one gold and one purple, one red and one dark, was even more subtle and mysterious than that of Lin Changfeng's. Some can't see through, what a monstrous man!

The old man stared at Su Ming with scorching eyes. It was already rare to meet Lin Changfeng. However, the fate of this person was even more terrifying than that of Lin Changfeng. when.

Suddenly, Su Ming in front of him tilted his head slightly and casually swept towards him with a smile in his eyes.

"The old man can't see through his cultivation?!"

The old man had already used a special pupil technique, and he couldn't even break Su Ming's luck, let alone see through his cultivation.

"It's not right, this person has the charm of the emperor, and he will definitely not be from the Northern Wilderness!"

He picked up the flagon, glanced at Lin Changfeng, and then staggered towards Su Ming while drinking the wine.

"Senior!" Lin Changfeng shouted softly from behind.

The old man waved his hand with his back.


Su Ming was playing with Tang Qingyun's slippery jade hands, sensing the old man's aura, he chuckled lightly, turned his head quietly, a breathtaking purple light flowed in his eyes, the originally dark and deep pupils also instantly turned dark purple.


The space behind him suddenly froze.

The old man paused, turned his head to look, the space around him was frozen, and almost all of the people's bodies froze, maintaining a single movement.


He looked up at Su Ming, his pupils shrank!

In the space behind Su Ming, one after another of extremely terrifying auras rose up, and in each aura, there seemed to be a palpitating and terrifying phantom emerging, one after another phantom, the majesty was shocking , the old man's eyes jumped wildly, staring at the phantoms behind Su Ming, he felt like he was about to suffocate!

Those phantoms...

Those purple pupils...

That is, the breath of the Asura Emperor Clan? !

Millions of Asura Imperial Army!

This boy in white is actually a descendant of the ancient Asura Emperor Clan? !

Was it because he wanted to get close to him that he triggered the protection set by those ancient powers of the Shura Emperor Clan?

The Asura Emperor Clan is an ancient race outside the Northern Spirit Realm. It is said that the ancient Emperor Clan of Central Continent once surrendered to the Asura Emperor Clan. However, tens of thousands of years ago, for unknown reasons, the Asura Emperor Clan began to hide from the world. Not to be seen, only legends are left, and their most important feature is the pair of purple pupils that dominate the past and the present!

One pupil gives birth to the nether world, withered bones and ten thousand emperors!

It's no wonder that he has such a strong imperial charm. This young man is probably the prince from the Shura Emperor Clan, and he went to their Northern Spirit Realm to experience and play, right?

The old man no longer dared to take a step forward.

Even though his cultivation was top-notch in the entire Northern Spiritual Realm, facing those terrifying phantoms behind Su Ming, he had a premonition that if he took another step forward, in the next second, this body might have to be confessed here.

I let out a long breath in my heart.

The old man was in a trance for a moment, and then the frozen space in his eyes changed again, the spiritual power of heaven and earth flowed past again, and everyone returned to normal in the next second, but no one noticed the horrible scene just now, those phantoms behind Su Ming, And only he can see it.

The old man's eyes fluctuated, and at last he saw Su Ming's gaze. Holding the wine gourd, he cupped his fists at Su Ming, "The old man is so abrupt."

Su Ming smiled faintly, and said to the old man, "Senior, are you here to beg for a drink?"

The old man was a little embarrassed.

He couldn't stand this senior.

Su Ming waved to a girl in Tsing Yi beside him, "Give this senior two jars of spiritual wine."

The old man was a little uncomfortable, but although he didn't like the wine here, if it was a gift from Su Ming, he could accept it, so he said softly, "Thank you, young master."

Su Ming looked away with a faint smile, "You're welcome."

Chapter 46

In the dark sky.

The old man appeared with a wine gourd.

Glancing at the brightly lit Cangxiang Building below, her eyes are complicated.

In the end, he let out a long sigh. Regardless of whether it is true or not, he needs to report to the Ancient Emperor Clan about the matter of the Asura Emperor Clan. If Su Ming is really the prince of the Asura Emperor Clan, and he came to practice with them, then they will be in the Northern Spiritual Realm. , can never neglect!

The matter of Lin Changfeng is second.

After making up his mind, he swiped his palm, and his body instantly turned into a spot of light, completely disappearing from the sky.

Not long after the old man left.

On the dark and gloomy Shenyan Mountain in the distance, suddenly there is a stream of light flying towards here in an extremely embarrassing manner. Behind this stream of light, there are several powerful auras closely following.

"Rebellious disciple, you attacked and killed the master, robbed the sect's most precious treasure, and if you don't let me catch you, I will kill you today and bury you alive in the ground!"

A huge roar of anger resounded through the sky.

A powerful breath of spiritual power enveloped Cangcheng, which was originally silent in the dark, and instantly became noisy and boiling. In the Cangxiang Tower, countless people suddenly raised their heads and looked out of the window. They saw a man covered in blood. The embarrassed figure, holding a smooth jade mirror in his hand, was rushing towards here.

"Who is that?!"

"He seems to be being chased by the people behind?!"

Lin Changfeng also quietly raised his head. Under the gray robe, a pair of quiet eyes stared at the figure, his eyes flickering.

At this time, the old voice came again in his mind: "You are lucky tonight. I saw that the mysterious mirror in that person's hand is not there. If the teacher is right, it should be left after the ancient heaven and earth mirror was broken. A fragment, also known as the Xuantian Mirror, is a real low-level magic weapon!"


Lin Changfeng was shocked.

Low-level magic weapon? !

Is it just a fragment?

What kind of treasure should the complete version of the Immemorial Heaven and Earth Mirror be? !

As far as he knows, the weapons and magic weapons in this world are divided into five levels, Xuanbing, Lingbing, Shenbing, Emperor's Weapon, and Immortal Emperor's Weapon!

A handful of low-level spirit weapons can be sold for thousands of spirit stones, and high-level spirit weapons can't be bought in many places with spirit stones. Almost all of them are ordinary spiritual soldiers. As for divine weapons, even low-level divine weapons can already become the treasure of a top sect!

His eyes instantly became extremely hot.

Originally, because of Ning's small matter, he was a little unhappy, but now he not only got the inheritance of an ancient fierce spirit mark, but also met a low-level magic weapon. This kind of magic weapon is different from the sealed long sword in his hand. Once in hand, as long as the blood deed recognizes the master, it can activate the spiritual power.

At that time, his Nirvana realm cultivation base can at least step up to a level with the strong in the early stage of the Spirit Venerable Realm. It is not a problem to fight against the strong at the peak of the spiritual realm.

"What my teacher really likes is not the Xuantian Mirror, but the Immemorial Mirror of Heaven and Earth. In the dark age of ancient times, the Mirror of Heaven and Earth was manipulated by an emperor to fight against the great emperor of the dark race outside the territory. Among them, it was broken into nine pieces, and this Xuantian Mirror is one of them."

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