Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked ahead.

Although I can sense a faint energy change, no matter how hard I try, I can't see it clearly, there is only a faint induction.

can not see clearly……

Su Luoheng frowned slightly, and thought to himself: Is it because of lack of mental strength?

After thinking about it, he tried to inject spiritual power.

However, everything in front of me remains the same, without any changes.


Could the problem be with the eyes?

If it is really eyes, I happen to have...

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and the remaining second soul ring that emerged lit up.

The second soul skill: Projection activates.

Projection Martial Soul: Spirit Eyes open!

The blue-purple light of the spiritual eye was intertwined with the golden light, forming a purple-gold brilliance.

And when the Spirit Eye and the Eye of Destiny appeared at the same time, that strange feeling reappeared, making Su Luoheng close his eyes involuntarily.

Soon, when the two initially merged.

When the purple-golden light flickered, Su Luoheng opened his eyes again.

At this moment, everything in the room has disappeared.

The feeling from his body told Su Luoheng that he was still in the room.But what he saw in front of him was indeed a strange environment that he had never seen before, and it was pitch black.

This feeling……

It's like the separation of consciousness and body.

In layman's terms, it is the soul out of the body.

"This is?"

Just when Su Luoheng was wondering, a light spot suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

The second, the third, the fourth...

Soon, the dark field of vision was gradually illuminated by these light spots.

Observing the surroundings with the help of the light, Su Luoheng found that this space was very large, even with the increased viewing distance of the projection eye, he still couldn't see the border at a glance.

This scene is very similar to the time when I shared memories with Ruishou in the Star Dou Great Forest.The difference is that this time the field of view is significantly wider, as if looking down from a bird's-eye view.And I can look in any direction at will, without being fixed on the "protagonist".

Su Luoheng looked around.

But this space is nothing but dots of light.

Chapter 303 Douluo Dalu, the terminated future!

After some investigation to no avail.

Su Luoheng turned his eyes and looked at the countless light spots in front of him.

what are they?

Why did the eye of fate see these?

Maybe they can tell themselves the answer.

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng narrowed his eyes slightly and observed intently.

A golden light flashed in his eyes as he looked towards the light in front of him.

in sight.

One by one, the dots of light zigzagged forward.

And the paths they pass through form strips of light.

As the line of sight focused, Su Luoheng finally saw clearly that these so-called dots of light in front of him actually represented individual "people"!

Spots of light = people?

Such a novel scene aroused Su Luoheng's interest.

With a bit of curiosity and doubts.

The gaze falls on a strip of light, starting from its origin.

First see the formation of a human embryo.

Subsequently, the embryo grows in chaos until it becomes a baby and is born from the mother's womb.

Then, it left traces on the mainland.

until he finally dies, ending his life.

As the spot of light completely disappeared, the trail of the light belt also came to an end.

The same goes back and forth for other light spots.

Most of the dots of light eventually disappear, leaving only a zigzag band of light.

Ended with a point of light.

When Su Luoheng withdrew his gaze, there was already enlightenment in his eyes.

Each dot of light represents a person.And the light band it leaves behind represents a life trajectory belonging to this person.

Just like a person.

Although a person has left, the traces left by him will always exist.

As the gaze moves away from the light spot.

When he looked around again, Su Luoheng's eyes suddenly felt surprised.

The picture in front of me has changed.

Unknowingly, the strips of light formed by the dots of light have gathered together to form a winding "river" with no end in sight.

Each of the light bands is a part of the river.

But although Su Luoheng could see them, he couldn't see each of the bands of light clearly, as if his eyes were covered with a layer of gauze, and he could only see a rough trajectory.

Except for the birth and death at the beginning, the pictures of other performances are unclear.


Su Luoheng felt a familiar aura on these dots of light representing "people".

The power of luck!

Every light point has the power of luck.

And depending on the strength of luck, the bands of light formed are also different.

Among them, the light spots with strong luck will have extremely bright light bands representing the trajectory of life; on the contrary, the light bands left by those with weak luck will appear dimmer.

And in this river.


As long as one of the light spots has a small change, it is enough to change the flow of the entire river significantly.

But sometimes.

No matter how rampant and violent this spot of light is, it is like an insignificant little wave, and will not have the slightest impact on the entire river.

The dots of light go round and round, and the bands of light converge accordingly.

And according to his observation: Those light points that can change are precisely the brightest power of destiny in that short section of "river".

No matter how it changes, this is without exception.


All living beings and all living beings trajectory;

The power of luck and the eye of fate, and so on.

Following repeated verifications, Su Luoheng had already guessed the meaning of the "river" formed by countless bands of light in front of him.

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This river represents the world line.

To be more precise, it is the world line that represents the trajectory of all living beings in the Douluo Continent.

and so--

Those with strong luck may have a butterfly effect in the world because of their existence, which can change the direction of the "river" and affect the change of the world line.

And those whose luck is not strong enough, even if they cause changes in their own era, these are only temporary and will not affect the entire river.It can only be bound by the world line.


Although the flow of the river is slow, it has been zigzagging forward.

At a glance, you can't see the edge at all.

At this time, Su Luoheng had a sudden thought: How far can this river, which represents the world line of Douluo Continent, extend?

Just do it.

Su Luoheng injected spiritual power into his eyes.

And with the luster of the Eye of Destiny, the river spread forward rapidly.

The speed is several times higher than before.On the contrary, the mental power consumed doubled compared to before, and the mental power that was originally abundant also quickly disappeared.


Su Luoheng thought about it in his heart.

With my current reserve of mental power, although it can last for a while.

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