Right now, Xueyue City's forces are intricate and complex, and people's hearts are not ancient. Wuqing's mind-reading skills may come in handy.


Chapter 38 See through people's hearts and return everything to the original!

Zhuge Shenhou naturally understood Lu Chen's intentions, so he looked at Wuqing aside, seeing that she had no intention of refusing, presumably he also knew Lu Chen's purpose.

So he agreed: "It's okay, it's okay, there aren't many important cases in Six Doors recently, so let Wuqing stay in Xueyue City for a little longer."

After watching Zhuge Shenhou, Zhao Yuzhen and others leave, Lu Chen returned to Xueyue City with ruthlessness.

Although Wuqing's legs are disabled, he has practiced a superb lightness kung fu. With only internal strength, he can make his steps rush like shooting stars, as if being carried by someone, and cross the sky.

Such a miraculous lightness skill made Lu Chen couldn't help but take a second look.

In addition to admiring the ecstasy of Qinggong, he had to be amazed by the appearance of this goddess. The cold face revealed a bit of sadness, which made people involuntarily have an urge to protect her.

With this appearance, only those who know her well can understand how deadly she is as beautiful as she is.

The same superb hidden weapon can kill the enemy tens of feet away, so it has the reputation of "traveling thousands of miles without legs, unable to defend with a thousand hands".

"It's such a pity." Lu Chen couldn't help feeling sorry for the ruthless disability, thinking that if he didn't have this disease, he would be a perfect and peerless beauty.

As if feeling that someone was watching him, Wuqing suddenly raised his head to look at Lu Chen, and said coldly: "Since Mr. Lu wants to see it, he must look at it openly, why do you want to peek at me?"

Lu Chen hurriedly turned his head away, and pretended to say: "Miss Sheng misunderstood, I just think you made a good move."

Ruthless is just a nickname. Her real name is Sheng Yayu, so Lu Chen calls her Miss Sheng.

As soon as the words came out, Lu Chen immediately regretted it. He forgot this ruthless mind reading technique.

Sure enough, Lu Chen's sophistry was immediately exposed by the ruthless girl. She said coldly, "Don't Mr. Lu think that I am beautiful but disabled?"

There was a chill in the ruthless tone, and Lu Chen, who was exposed, knew that he was wrong, and suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.

He hurriedly said: "Miss Sheng, let's go back to Xueyue City first, I just forgot some things, so come here as soon as you go."

After finishing speaking, he fled and came to the place where the battle had just been fought in one breath.

Looking at Su Changhe and Su Muyu on the ground, Lu Chen clasped his fists together, and sighed: "It's not good for you two to provoke me, but you are here to provoke me, what an offence, I still want to use your heads One use."

After saying that, with a wave of two fingers, the heads of the famous Second Master of the Underworld rolled to the ground one after another.

At this moment, Chase Lu realized the cruelty of this world more deeply.

The principle that the strong are respected and the fittest survive has not changed since ancient times, and it is infinitely magnified in this world.

If I wasn't strong enough today, then the one lying here at this moment must be me.

Having thought so far, Lu Chen suddenly thought that when he finished hanging up the phone before, the system not only gave the Taixuan Sutra of Dzogchen, but also gave him another set of exercises that he had never heard of before, Wanxiang Guiyuan.

Because this set of exercises is too mysterious and unfamiliar, Chase Lu didn't have time to study it carefully.

The whole martial arts technique is extremely simple, only four short sentences.

Thousands of auras connect to the Brahma Palace,

The dharma is dense and empty.

Zhenwu returns to Zhongnanwo,

Yuanshi Tianzun mastered the teachings.

Taking a closer look now, Lu Chen only feels that the return of all phenomena to the original is a supernatural skill, which is between likeness and unlikeness.

There are thousands of martial arts in the world, and the ways of martial arts are even more endless.

Countless talented and brilliant people in the world have created various martial arts.

Some of these martial arts have the same goal by different routes, similar with minor differences, such as the supernatural power of flicking fingers and Yiyang finger.

Some are completely different like the Five Elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint, such as the Nine Suns Divine Art and the Xuanming Divine Palm.

Because of the complexity and variety of martial arts, most martial arts practitioners can only choose one of them to practice throughout their lives.

Even a peerless genius like Wang Chongyang can't practice after obtaining the Nine Yin Manual, unless he first abolishes the kung fu he has acquired and starts from scratch.

He could only choose to give up in the end.

Like Lu Chen, it is already a miracle to practice nine yin and nine yang together, but after adding the Taixuan Sutra of Dzogchen, what you learn is even more complicated. There are at most five or six kinds of mental methods.

The reason why Wanxiang Guiyuan is said to be a supernatural skill is because it can integrate various martial arts into one furnace, combining many into one.

Regardless of whether it is mutual generation or mutual restraint, it can be completely integrated into one body without worrying about any side effects.

However, this Wanxiang Guiyuan itself has no effect, and its strength depends entirely on the quality of the fusion techniques. If it is strong, it will be strong, and if it is weak, it will be weak.

This can also be said to be its weakness.

However, this weakness can be reduced almost infinitely in Chase Lu.

So far, there are as many as three or five kinds of unique skills in Lu Chen's body, and there will definitely be more in the future.

From this point of view, this Wanxiang Guiyuan is simply an exclusive martial arts tailor-made for him.

When Lu Chen obtained Vientiane Guiyuan before, he hadn't experienced the differences of various martial arts, so he didn't rush to merge them.

Now the time has come, the fusion power of Taixuan Sutra and Tianlong Bayin almost wiped out all the people in Anhe in an instant.

Among them are even Su Changhe and Su Muyu who are at the peak of the Happy Heaven Realm.

This almost destructive power has far surpassed the effect of using the Heavenly Dragon Bayin alone before.

Now, the nine yin and nine yang magical skills in the body are also changing, as if responding to the call of returning to the original.

It's time to integrate all the martial arts in your body into one.

With the movement of Wanxiang Guiyuan's mental method, Lu Chen felt that the true energy in his body was drawn by a warm current, and all of them gathered together, and the three sets of inner strength and mental methods in the Nine Yin Scriptures, Nine Yang Divine Skills and the Taixuan Sutra were integrated. .

Immediately, Lu Chen only felt that the true energy in his body had reached an almost critical bottom, as if he was about to burst out of his body in the next second.

So he hastily restrained his mind and guided the majestic zhenqi to circulate in his body, a new set of zhenqi circulation methods naturally appeared in his heart.

This set of mental methods is simpler, straightforward, and more efficient than any other mental method in this world, and it has reached a state of seeming non-existence.

You don't have to think about it at all, it can flow naturally.

Between heaven and earth, everything can be twisted and used at will. It is really "thousands of auras connected to the Vatican Palace", and the true energy in the body is truly inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

As the zhenqi circulated, the swordsmanship, boxing technique, and light kung fu from the Taixuan Sutra also merged into it one after another, and the Mizong Yinxu Kung Fu and the eight notes of the heavenly dragon also slowly merged with it. Being fully absorbed, the original simple boxing techniques suddenly became very mysterious with every move.

At this time, Lu Chen only felt that the true energy in his body was completely overflowing, and his understanding of the realm of martial arts also reached a new level with the integration of various moves.

In the haze, it was as if a dense heavenly gate had opened in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

All the best principles of martial arts in this world are hidden behind this gate of heaven, just waiting for oneself to set foot in it and roam freely.

"Is this the Immortal Ascension Profound Realm?"

This vision couldn't help making Lu Chen murmur.

The sea of ​​consciousness began to involuntarily approach the gate of heaven.

At this moment, he was only one step away from the legendary Immortal Ascension Profound Realm.


Chapter 39 Breaking through the realm, stepping into the mysterious realm of fugue!

In Xueyue City, Li Hanyi was still waiting for Lu Chen's departure direction, a beautiful red dress fluttered slightly in the wind, how could he be so beautiful.

On the side, Sikong Changfeng sat at the empty banquet and drank alone with a jug of sake.

"Second senior brother, why don't you let me go and see Lu Chen? You don't know the strength of that sword fairy. Now that the people in the dark river have already attacked the heroes from all walks of life, maybe Lu Chen will also be plotted against. You Are you not worried at all?"

Sikong Changfeng was very worried about Lu Chen's safety, and he finally found a satisfactory successor. If this sloppy turned into a handful of loess, it would be a big joke.

Seeing that Li Hanyi didn't speak, he rushed over and said angrily: "Are you really not worried or not, even if you don't really want to marry him, you shouldn't be so ignorant, right? He did it for Xueyue City." Such an adventure..."

Before Sikong Changfeng finished speaking, Li Hanyi gave him a cold look.

Why isn't she worried about Chase Lu?

But once she and Sikong Changfeng lose their temper, Xueyue City is likely to be in danger, and Lu Chen's efforts will be in vain.

Li Hanyi was so "unhuman", Sikong Changfeng had no choice but to sit back sullenly.

In Dengtian Pavilion, almost half of the luxurious banquet has been dispersed. Countless heroes of the rivers and lakes have followed Lu Chen and Zhao Yuzhen to chase out of the city, and then were attacked by the dark river. ran back.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

During the banquet, in a private room where only important people can sit, Zhao Gao clapped his hands and said.

The development of the situation in Xueyue City has far exceeded expectations, and countless forces have surfaced one after another, and have even begun to confront each other head-on.

The more chaotic Xueyue City is, the more beneficial it will be for Zhao Gao.

At present, among the princes of Da Li, except for the sixth prince Xiao Se who has found out the hiding place, the other princes are still in the dark, which means that the fire is not burning big enough.

So Zhao Gao hooked his hands with the little eunuch beside him, and said slowly: "Quickly find out the information about the dark river outside the city, I don't need to say more about what to do next!"

The little eunuch hurriedly bowed his head: "I understand, little one!"

In another private room, Xiong Ba was also restless.

"You said that Xueyue Sword Immortal's fiancé competed with Dao Sword Immortal in the end?"

When Xiongba asked, everyone behind him was silent.

"Martial arts wizards are promoted to ordinary days, and they meet in the snowy moon by fate. You said that the wizard who will dominate the martial arts world in the mouth of the mud bodhisattva is this kid?"

Everyone still couldn't answer.

Xiongba suddenly laughed, "It's just that I have just stepped into the Happy Heaven Realm, but there is only one person in the world who can unify the martial arts world, and that is me, Xiongba. If anyone disobeys, he will be killed!"

During the words, Xiongba's three-point return to vitality shook the windows of the private room with a thud.

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Qin Shuang, all the masters, and the Twelve Demons of Tianchi all knelt on the ground and said in unison: "I am willing to go through fire and water for the lord, and I will die, and unify the martial arts, just around the corner."

On the tall building, Zhang Sanfeng, who was sitting cross-legged on the eaves, suddenly opened his eyes, and murmured: "Here we come, the turning point of luck in this world is finally here."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a colorful cloud covering a mountain peak among the mountains in the distance. Sometimes it was stormy, sometimes lightning and thunder.

Such a vision of heaven and earth immediately attracted the attention of heroes all over the city.

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