The news that the 13 Snow Dragon Riders and [-] Beiliang Iron Riders ate up the [-] troops for the whole day spread throughout the world in an instant.

Inside the imperial city, two eunuchs, Jinyan and Jinwei, received the news and secretly met together.

Jin Yan said: "I have already sent the news to Zhuoqing. I think he was very lonely guarding the former emperor's Huangling. It may not be long before he will come to the city with the scrolls left behind."

Jinwei nodded: "This is a great opportunity, take advantage of this great opportunity! When the world is in chaos, the imperial court will not notice our actions, so we can take advantage of this time to make trouble! Prove that he is not in the right position, prove that he You forced King Langya to death!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Jin Wei immediately raised his vigilance, raised his hand to signal that he should not be so nervous, and then went to open the door, and the person standing outside the door was none other than the imperial court. General Ye Xiaoying.

Ye Xiaoying walked into the room, looked at Jinyan and then at Jinwei: "You two father-in-laws, didn't I say that you will call me when everything is ready and only owes the east wind? Now the two father-in-laws look very leisurely. , It doesn't seem like you want to do it!"

Jin Yan said: "We have already found Xiao Lingchen and delivered a letter to Eunuch Zhuoqing. As long as they are all in the imperial city, it will be the day when we force Mingde to abdicate. What's more, the world is in chaos and he just died. Son, this also proves from the side that his prince is useless!"

"This is a great opportunity given by God, we must seize it!"

Ye Xiaoying sat down on the 810 because he won.

"You two father-in-laws, of course I know that this is a great opportunity, but I, as a general, feel suffocated in my heart. If the leader of the team this time is not that little boy Chi Wang! If it is this general, I will definitely not lose, even if it is If you can't win, you will never lose so badly!"

Jin Wei said: "General Ye's words are correct, but we feel sorry for them now, who will feel sorry for us? If it is true that the general leads the troops to attack the city by public law, if the general is really defeated, what will happen to us after so many years?" Isn't all the hard work in vain?"

"Xueyue City is just a small character. When we establish a new land, let the emperor order 50 troops to conquer Xueyue City. One spit by one person is enough to form a flood and submerge Xueyue City! "

Ye Xiaoying himself understands that these two father-in-laws have an advantage that he does not have, that is, they are father-in-laws, so they are the closest to the emperor all day long.

If the two of them were blowing more wind into the emperor's ears, then it would not be so difficult for me, a great general, to embark on the road of conquest.

"The two father-in-laws have to make an agreement with this general. Xueyue City will be the first target to be eradicated after we establish a new land! The two father-in-laws must make sure that I am the main general!"



(abde) Jin Wei heard the news of Red King Xiao Yu's defeat, so of course the old emperor could hear it too.

Daxuelong rides Beiliang iron cavalry to destroy Apocalypse, an army of 13! 13 troops, no one came back.

The most important thing is that the Scarlet King was wiped on the neck by Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi with a sword.

Emperor Mingde sat on the throne, trembling in cold sweat.

"It's over, it's over, even an army of 10,000+ can't hold back a small Xueyue City. Could it be that we can't defeat Xueyue City?"

"My son, my son, just like this was killed by Li Hanyi. As long as Li Hanyi is alive, he will definitely be at odds with you, God!"

That old minister who was very good at talking that day, seeing the emperor like this, felt very sad in his heart.

After all, being old and losing a child is one of the few great tragedies in the world. Nowadays, Xueyue City, which everyone thought could be crushed easily, has shown such strong strength. , Lost the imperial etiquette.

"The emperor's condolences, His Majesty the Red King sacrificed his life for the country, and he should return His Royal Highness's body for a proper burial! As for His Majesty's concern, Xueyue City will attack His Majesty Tian Qicheng, don't worry about me at all, there are still hundreds of people left in the Dali Dynasty. Wan Dajun!"

"No matter how many people there are in Xueyue City, facing a million-strong army, it's nothing more than a mantis arm. Moreover, Xueyue City rebelled, and the next one will attack! Many dynasties will definitely not stand on the side of Xueyue City, only the King of Beiliang Xu Xiao and other rebellious officials and thieves will ally with him."

"If other dynasties sit idly by and Xueyue City gradually becomes out of control, then they will be the next to be affected and backlashed!"

Emperor Mingde suppressed the grief in his heart. This old minister is right. The most important thing he should do now is to send envoys to negotiate with other countries, so that all countries can stand by his side, so as to maintain orthodoxy is the truth!

Just then a little eunuch came in to report.

"Report to Your Majesty, General Ye Xiaoying entered King Jingqin and is now waiting outside the palace gate. Without the emperor's order, Ye Xiaoying said that he would never dare to go to court without authorization!"

As soon as Emperor Mingde heard that his great general had returned, he was in a state of bliss, as if he had forgotten the tragedy of his son's murder.

"Okay, okay, my great general is back, my great general is back, if there is nothing important about the great general coming from afar! Let the general go back to rest first, and actively prepare for the battle in the next few days, in case the rebels in Xueyue City take the lead. Let the Beiliang Army's [-] troops come to attack my imperial city."

"It's the servant who obeys the order, and the servant will go and explain to the general!"

The little eunuch took the order and went down.

Emperor Mingde leaned on the dragon chair weakly, but couldn't help but think of the fact that his son was killed, so he decided to do something, which could be regarded as comforting his son's spirit in heaven.

"Come on, send envoys to Xueyue City to return my son's body. My son will be buried with the power of a prince. His posthumous title is King Zhongyong!"


Different from the gloomy scene in Tianqi City where everyone is in danger, Xueyue City is celebrating at this time. The city gate that has been closed for many days is finally opened, and the people in the city can finally go out of the city and go home. The people outside the city can finally enter the city and go home.

And the merchants in Xueyue City can also start to move goods, reopen shops, continue to earn money, and continue to live their own good lives.

Sikong Changfeng felt that this was a good opportunity to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Not only did he think so, but Li Chungang, Wuqing, Nangong servant and Xu Yanbing, and even Li Hanyi thought it was a good time to take advantage of the victory and take down Tianqi City in one go.

But when they found Lu Chen, Lu Chen would say no matter who came.

"Don't be impatient!"

Although everyone doesn't understand what Lu Chen is, it means that someone with a straightforward personality like Sikong Changfeng still asks why directly?Apart from these four words, Lu Chen didn't say a word.

But Sikong Changfeng had no choice but to use his trump card to find Xiao Se. After all, if there is no accident, Xiao Se will be the emperor after Tianqi City, commanding billions of people in Dali, not to mention that this kid's hidden vein is good by Lu Chen , Let her come to Lu Chen, maybe Lu Chen will agree, and it would be even better if he said some more detailed ideas.

Xiao Se also had the same intention. After listening to his master's order, he stepped on the road and came to the courtyard where Lu Chen was. When he entered the courtyard, he found that Lu Chen was writing and drawing on the stone table at the moment. I am drawing some kind of extremely natural and extremely agile spell.

"Mr. Lu, I have also heard about the battles in the past few days. I think this is indeed a good time for a large-scale attack. I know the soldiers of the enemy very well. Unless Ye Xiaoying came in person, the rest of the people Don't worry!"

After hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and looked up at Xiao Se.

"Are you in a hurry to become emperor? Let me tell you, not only you, but also Sikong Changfeng and the others had better not let me run around, otherwise, I can hang you up and beat you. ".

Chapter 120 Five Royal Rumors and Heaven's War

Lu Chen had the strength to hang up and beat more than [-]% of the people in the world, Xiao Se didn't doubt Lu Chen's words at all.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Se and knew that Xiao Se's vision was limited to this. What he saw was a good opportunity, a good opportunity that he thought could force Emperor Ming De to abdicate.

But what can be done if Emperor Mingde is forced to abdicate?If he is forced to abdicate, will Xiao Se be able to ascend the throne?Absolutely not.

Rebellion wants to win the throne, this kind of thing needs to pay attention to the integrity of the name, now Xueyue City is in the world of Dali, it can be said that the name is not right, not only in the world of Dali, but also in all countries.

If Xiao Se ascended to the throne at this time, he would only be greeted with more violent shocks, and his throne would not be secure, and the ministers below would not accept you as an emperor, what are you doing as an emperor?

"Listen well, right now we really have the advantage. Going to Apocalypse City and forcing your father to abdicate is not difficult."

Xiao Se asked excitedly: "Since it's not difficult, why not do it?"

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Se and said, "Forcing your father to abdicate is actually easier than you imagined. Not only that, it is also very easy for me to kill him, but the red king Xiao Yu is dead, and there is another white king. I heard that although he is blind, he is very capable, and there are not a few ministers who support him in the court."

"Although I don't know how you think about the level of ability between you and the White King, but the rebellion is about a righteous name, otherwise how would you sit on the throne? Of course these are not the most important reasons, the most important reasons, I His vision has never been limited to the throne of Tianqi City, and helping you to become the throne of Tianqi City is just a matter of helping you."

After hearing this, Xiao Se's eyes widened and he wished himself the throne, but he was just helping out -?

"Although Mr. Lu's cultivation base is extremely high, there is hardly anyone in the world who can match Mr. Lu, but how can such a thing be said so easily?"

"What seems extremely difficult in your eyes is as simple as eating and drinking in my eyes! At the beginning, when I promised to help you ascend the throne, I actually wanted to give Xueyue City a guarantee, but as time passed, The change also started to change with my own cultivation base, I don't think it doesn't matter if I want this guarantee or not!" Lu Chen said.

When Xiao Se heard Lu Chen's words, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he wanted to go back on his word?

Lu Chen continued to speak.

"But don't worry, I am a majestic Xueyue Qinxian, and it doesn't matter if I can't speak! If you want to sit on the throne and sit safely, just wait quietly until the opportunity comes."

Xiao Se lowered his head: "But if you don't seize this opportunity now, when will the next opportunity be?"

Lu Chen stared at Xiao Se, stared at Xiao Se for a long time, stared at Xiao Se so hard that he couldn't lift his head, and then said.

"No matter how stupid and incompetent your father is, he is your father after all. Is it unfilial for you to beat your father with your son? Secondly, Xueyue City, as a power in the rivers and lakes, will attack an imperial dynasty. Will other countries allow it? Won't they interfere?"

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Se suddenly realized that he was right, he was a son, and a son rebelled against his father, it was a big disobedience!The name is not right, the words are not right, not to mention that all countries will rush to maintain orthodoxy, because maintaining orthodoxy is to protect themselves, and they will never allow the forces of the rivers and lakes to overthrow a dynasty.

Lu Chen continued.

"Royal secrets! The throne was not passed to your father, but to your uncle, King Langya!"

"King Langya is quite talented and has a good personality. Almost half of the ministers in the court feel sorry for King Langya. That is, King Langya was executed for rebellion that year. In fact, it was your father who forced him to He's on a dead end, because he's not secure on your father's throne, and he can't bear to be told that he got his throne because of your uncle's charity."

"You think now is a good opportunity, and some people in Tianqi City think that now is a great opportunity, such as the ministers who are still loyal to King Langya."

"King Langya is dead, but the son of King Langya is still alive. Those ministers will not let go of this opportunity. They will definitely find King Langya's son. Maybe they have already found him. In a few days, Tianqi City will be full of trouble. Stormy wind and rain, at this time you will appear on the stage again, and enter the capital in the name of King Qin."

"In this way, it is justifiable. You have the blood of the former emperor, and your father was forced to abdicate and commit suicide by those ministers. That's all right!"

0 ·For flowers

After Xiao Se heard this, he understood Lu Chen's plan, and couldn't help being horrified.

How did Chase Lu know this?

Even if Xiao Se was the prince, he had only heard some gossip about these things, and it was terrifying that Lu Chen could tell the truth completely.

Even if he is beaten to death in the future, he must not become Lu Chen's enemy!

"As for what I said about my busy schedule, I also have my enemies. Your enemies are in Tianqi City, and my enemies..."

Lu Chen said, pointing to the top of his head.

"It's God?"

Xiao Se was able to answer so accurately, which surprised Lu Chen.

"I thought you were talking about an immortal, but I didn't expect you to guess quite accurately. Yes, my enemy is the sky above our heads!"

........ 0

Yu Tiandou is not within the scope of Xiao Se's consideration, nor does he have the ability to think about it, he only cares about things related to himself, such as the throne, such as the son of King Langya.

"I will definitely help Mr. Lu with everything he wants to do. As long as it is within my ability, there will be no problem. However, Xiao Lingchen, the son of King Langya, is he still alive?"

Lu Chen smiled: "Of course he is still alive, not only alive, but also living well. When the Langya Palace incident happened, he fled to the sea. If he really sat on the throne, we can make another fake scroll at that time." , I know that your Tianqi City’s rules for selecting princes to succeed are one scroll in the hands of Qin Tianjian and one scroll in the hands of the five chief inspectors.”

"I'm sure they must have one of the scrolls left over from that year. It's hard to say which one it is, but it must be true."

"Of course, the truth can be said to be false, and the false can be said to be true. Sometimes this thing is the key, and sometimes it is an embellishment. When we wipe out the gang of generals and courtiers under Xiao Lingchen, is it true? False, it’s up to us to decide.”

"But I want you to promise that if someone tells you about Haotian in the future, you must tell me the truth. If I go to war with the sky in the future, you will also stand by my side, otherwise I will definitely not continue to support you. Yours! Do you understand?" Zhang.

Chapter 120 The Sixth Shocking Formation Completes!hang up again

After Lu Chen finished speaking these words calmly, he waited for Xiao Se's answer, and Xiao Se didn't have the ability to say no, but he didn't believe in Haotian or immortals, and only himself and Lu Chen believed in him.

Xiao Se lifted his robe and knelt on the ground to assure Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu, please rest assured. Without Mr. Lu, my hidden veins will not be repaired in this life. If there is no Mr. Lu, the throne is something I have never even dared to think about. I will definitely stand by Mr. Lu's side, no matter what Is he heaven or earth, a god or a goblin!"

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

"Okay, since you have this idea, I am very relieved. I still have things to do. If you are free, go down and rest first. I will let you know when the opportunity comes."

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