As Lu Chen's supreme detoxification ability gradually took effect, the toxins in the eyes have been completely cleaned up, and Bai Wang gradually saw the appearance of the person in front of him clearly.

If he didn't know who the person in front of him was, Xiao Chong might have thought it was a fairy.

Lu Chen just tried it. Fortunately, his eyes were poisoned by others. If it was due to other reasons, he might have to teach him the Sunflower Book.

Bai Wang withdrew his mind and began to look at the room in a blink of an eye. This is his study room. The books he liked to read since he was a child are still on the shelf. After he became blind, he seldom came to the study room, because even if he came to the study room, He couldn't understand anything, so he could only ask his servants to read it to him.

He pushed open the door excitedly, looking at the heavy snow in the sky and the gradually thickening white snow on the ground, he knelt down excitedly, picked up a handful of snow, and then cried.

Chapter 130: The Assembly of the Old Department of King Langya

King Bai covered his face with the handful of snow and felt the snow melt on his face, which was different from when he was blind. This is the benefit of returning his vision.

Excited for a while, after confirming that it was not a dream, he suddenly remembered that Lu Chen was still in the house, so he hurried back to the house, came to Lu Chen and knelt down again.

"Xiao Chong, thank you senior for taking care of me!"

Lu Chen waved his hand.

"You don't need to thank me. Just remember what you promised yourself. There is one more thing. It was rumored in the palace that Xiao Se killed you. What do you think of this matter? Have you investigated it later?"

King Bai nodded: "Senior, I did an investigation. The sixth child was wronged, and the relationship between our brothers has always been good. He would not have such a scheming plan to harm me because of that illusory position."

"I already know who harmed me, but it doesn't matter now, it's just that senior agreed to Lao Liu after all. If Lao Liu suddenly finds out at that time, will he think that my elder brother betrayed him?"

Lu Chen smiled: "I have already told you once, this is not something you have to consider, I hope you don't say it again!"

King Bai hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at Lu Chen again.

"Listen well, Ye Xiaoying, the great general of Tianqi, and Jinyan, the supervisor of 817, Jinwei, the supervisor of swordsmanship, and Dong Zhu, the grand master. They are plotting to force the palace recently, and adopt Xiao Lingchen, the son of King Langya, as the new emperor. Do you have any thoughts on this matter? As long as you know, don’t think about reporting it.”

"If you let me know that you went to inform your father, I will be very disappointed in you. If I am disappointed in you, I may kill you."


Although Bai Wang was extremely powerful in his heart, he was also afraid. With Lu Chen's strength, he didn't dare to think about reporting the news.

There was no movement in the house for a long time, Bai Wang looked up and saw that Lu Chen had disappeared at some point, and even left no footprints on the snow outside, as if he had never been here at all.

Bai Wang stood at the door, looking at the heavy snow falling from the sky, with a complicated expression.


On a snowy night, the former part of King Langya had quietly arrived outside Tianqi City from all over the country.

Ye Xiaoying was very happy when he saw the momentum of the 20 troops.

"More than ten years ago, everyone was part of His Highness Langya King's old department. Everyone knew what kind of person Langya King was! Today, Emperor Mingde is incompetent and allows his sons to divide the country and kill his siblings. !(abde)"

"He still persecuted His Highness! After His Highness died, he was carried out of the ancestral temple, preventing him from being included in the genealogy for the rest of his life, and branding him a traitor!"

"Don't you know! If His Highness is willing, there is no Emperor Mingde today, this villain! A complete villain! He is not worthy of being an emperor at all!"

"I took the risk of being beheaded to contact everyone present. This general is very pleased. I believe His Royal Highness in the sky is also very pleased to see your response! What we have to do now is to force the palace and Emperor Mingde to abdicate, and Who is the new emperor we want to support?"

As soon as General Ye finished speaking, a young man came out of the big tent behind him, followed by two senior supervisors, one was Jinyan and the other was Jinwei. The status in the middle school is very high, but behind this young man is a humble, eunuch-like appearance.

Behind the two eunuchs was an old eunuch who was holding a dragon seal scroll in his hand, a scroll that hadn't damaged the dragon paint and hadn't been opened.

There are a few sharp-eyed people in King Langya's old department who have already recognized who this young man is.

Ye Xiaoying looked at the young man, and then at the 20 army.

"Everyone! This is the blood of King Langya! My son, Xiao Lingchen!"

Then Ye Xiaoying knelt down towards Xiao Lingchen and shouted.

"The final general, Ye Xiaoying, kowtowed to His Royal Highness Langya King!"

The generals also understood in their hearts that the infallibility that General Ye said was here. Indeed, when the first emperor died, the throne was originally passed to King Langya. King Langya destroyed the scroll and voluntarily gave up the throne to Mingde God, this is the victim.

Now that the blood of King Langya is still there, according to the hereditary rules, Xiao Lingchen should also sit on the throne.

The 20 troops knelt down, but they didn't shout out. The shouts of the 20 troops would startle Emperor Mingde in Tianqi City.

The entire army of 20 knelt down, everyone felt sad, but thankful that the blood of King Langya was still alive!They were very happy that the innocence that belonged to King Langya and the throne that belonged to King Langya were finally coming back.

Xiao Lingchen was also shocked when he saw that so many old troops of King Langya had come, which was roughly the same as the number of soldiers and horses controlled by his father back then. They had not forgotten his father's favor for so many years.

"When I fled overseas to save my life, I never thought that one day I would be able to come back, nor did I expect that one day my father's old minions would gather together to discuss my father's innocence."

"Most of the generals are about the same age as my father, I would like to thank you uncles in advance!"

After Xiao Lingchen finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the army.

Ye Xiaoying, Jinyan, and Jinwei were relieved to see such a respectful and virtuous corporal who was the son of Prince Langya.

Ye Xiaoying quickly got up and helped Xiao Lingchen up.

"My lord, give the order. Once the lord gives an order, we will start to act!"

Xiao Lingchen looked at Ye Xiaoying.

"Will many people die?"

Ye Xiaoying knew what Xiao Lingchen was asking, so he shook his head.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, our people have already been placed by the city gate, and all those who are on duty tonight are our people, but we will not do anything tonight, and the ministers will go to the court tomorrow morning, and we will do it quietly. It's too late for them to react."

Xiao Lingchen nodded upon hearing this.

"That's good, try not to kill too many people, don't commit too many crimes!"

Ye Xiaoying cupped his hands and said.

"The last will obey!"


It snowed all night, and the snow gradually stopped until the east was exposed.

Early morning is the beginning of the sun's rising, and it is also the darkest time in the night, and it is also the time when people are most tired and sleepy.

Under the city wall, two lightly armed Apocalypse soldiers and the old men of King Langya appeared with crossbows, and what were tied to their crossbows were not arrows but steel hooks.

After taking the position, the people below took out the fire folder and shook it. The people above received the signal. If you are interested, you can find that the soldiers guarding the city tonight are divided into two groups. A dial is not.

The man who saw the fire fold had this white cloth on his arm. He nodded to the people around him, and the soldiers around him who were tied with white cloth started to move.

In the early hours of the night, the blood gradually permeated. Some soldiers had their throats cut while they were asleep, and some soldiers were still sticking to their posts while half asleep and half awake, but were stabbed from the back with a knife.

Today is bound to be an unusual day.

Chapter 130 Five

Ye Xiaoying's arrangement of people and plans can be said to be very detailed, but people are not as good as heaven.

A soldier guarding the city who had gone to urinate wandered back, humming an explicit and flirtatious ditty he heard from the kiln, with a smile on his face, thinking in his heart how much money he still had to redeem Xiao Cui'er.

He had just climbed the steps, but he suddenly found a pile of corpses lying on the ground, the closest to him was his fellow countryman, that fellow liked Xiao Cui as much as he did, and now he was dead, and he would never die.

The peeing soldier ran down in a hurry, found the position of the alarm bell and shook the alarm bell vigorously, and the alarm bell immediately rang loudly.

"Clang clang clang!"

The originally tired and sleepy atmosphere was instantly awakened by the ringing of the bell. The soldiers who were still sleeping and changing guards hurriedly got up, picked up their weapons and rushed outside. They couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was their own. one person.

Now that it was impossible to act secretly, the lightly armed soldiers under the city wall shot steel hooks onto the city wall one after another, and then climbed up the city wall along the steel cable hanging from the steel hook.

"Hurry up and open the gate of the city, let the army come in!"

The people on the city wall rushed down to the bottom of the city wall, and the defenders under the city wall finally saw the enemy. All of a sudden, the ground was filled with blood and blood.

After all, the garrison army under the city was too numerous, and the people on the city wall fought with their lives, and finally managed to find a way out of the city wall. At the same time, the 20 troops of King Langya, led by Ye Xiaoying, had already arrived. Outside the gate of Tianqi City, hearing the shouts of killing inside, Ye Xiaoying knew that he still couldn't open the gate quietly.

But seeing that there is no gunpowder inside the city wall, it is estimated that the people in the city don't know that something happened to the city gate.

"Hurry up and open the city gate, the army must enter the city before the first hour of Mao!"


The old troops of King Langya in the city rushed to the gate of the city, desperately pushing the huge door bolt down from the gate.

The guarding soldiers behind them looked like wolves and tigers. They turned their backs to these soldiers, and each of them suffered a lot of injuries. Some lost a lot of blood and fell beside them. persist in.

"For King Langya!"

A few soldiers roared and finally pushed the door bolt down, but the guarding soldiers behind them had already killed them, and after killing them one by one, they raised the door bolt and tried to lock the door again.

And at this moment, a huge force came from outside the door!A giant man was making a sound like a cow, with white mist coming out of his nose.


A giant man stood outside the door and pushed it hard. His strength was terrifying. Not to mention that there were more than a dozen people wrestling with him behind the door. It was only said that ordinary people could push this heavy city gate open. You don't need to be angry, it's already quite scary.

When the two sides stood for a long time, the door had been pushed open with a gap big enough to allow a person to pass through. A master flashed out from behind the giant man, stepped on the shoulder of the giant man and flashed into the city gate. In this neither wide nor narrow city gate, the strength of the army cannot be displayed, this is the place where martial arts masters are best at fighting.

Practicing martial arts has reached the realm of Lu Chen, and he has broken through three thousand armors with a single sword. Some people have not reached this realm of coming and going with a wave, but the subtleties are also deadly.

What soldiers need in battle on the battlefield is aura, and what they need is blood. There is not so much time for you to think about which way to cut. Swinging a knife and swinging a sword is the fundamental skill to save life on the battlefield. In between, the deadly moves are aimed at weak enemies, throats, hearts...

A master killed dozens or even hundreds of soldiers in the city gate, and gave the big man a chance to breathe. The big man adjusted, roared again, and finally pushed the heavy city gate open.

Ye Xiaoying pulled out the saber from his waist.

"rush ahead!"


20 troops poured into Tianqi City like a tide...


In the inn, Xiao Se opened his eyes, and vaguely heard the shouts of killing coming from a distance, he hurriedly got up and put on his clothes, opened the window, and looked towards the gate of the city, but he didn't see the wolf smoke.

In the vagueness, there was no sound of shouting and killing.

"Ye Xiaoying has brought the old army of the Wolf Fang King into the city, why don't you go and have a look?"

Lu Chen's voice suddenly appeared behind him, startling Xiao Se. When he turned his head, he saw Lu Chen coming into the house at some point, without even opening the door.

"Mr. Lu, you're scaring me to death! Why do you guys seem to be elusive!"

0 ·For flowers

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