"Thanks to the teacher's teaching."

Nina smiled happily, and her mother praised herself.

"Soon, those twelve sluts will be back, Nina, you have to avenge me, I've already prepared a magic circle, at that time, you just need to activate the magic circle, when you are 16 years old."

She sat up suddenly, then grabbed Nina's arm and shook it vigorously.

Nina was obviously frightened: "But, mother, I, I'm just an ordinary mage. I'm not yet 16 years old, and I'm not sure if I can become a witch."

There was a vicious light in the woman's eyes, and she kept using her fingers hard, making Nina painful.

"It's okay, it's okay, my daughter, just promise me."

"Mother, I..."

She was very scared. In her mother's eyes, there was only one emotion, that was desire, the desire for hatred.

However, this is what my mother asked of herself: "I, I promise!"


My mother laughed wildly, and then, that night, my mother committed suicide.

She died on the bed, and, using magic, passed on all her witch powers to herself, and she, who was only four months old, became a witch ahead of schedule.

With her mother's strength and hatred, she spent the most difficult four months of her life.

Ah, as long as those twelve witches are killed, the mother will be happy, right?Maybe she will be resurrected.

At the moment when the twelve witches came here, the magic formation covering the entire capital was sent out, using all the materials in the entire capital to enhance their strength to the extreme.

Whoo, whoo!

Nina, who was walking just now, suddenly sat on the ground, and the memories made her have a splitting headache.

She didn't want to think about it anymore, she didn't want to think about that past again.

She has seen, seen a little bit of the past of the white night.

That was the first ability he plundered, the memory retrieval of the witches of the past.

Can see some memory.

Bai Ye's spiritual defense is very solid, she can only see some fragments.

"My queen, look, my newly picked strawberries, the strawberries in the farm are growing very well!"

Bai Ye picked up the strawberry, glanced at it, and threw it directly on the ground.

what the hell.

It turned out to be the same.

"These strawberries are poisonous, throw them away!"

Bai Ye turned and left. Originally, Nina planned not to watch, but when Bai Ye turned around, she showed a happy expression.

"Really, really, why does my daughter look so stupid? Who poisoned the strawberry? Do you want to harm my daughter?"

On her face, there was an expression that Nina had never seen before.

Then, there were a few more pictures.

"Queen, let me rub your back!"

"Cough, no need!"

"Mother, can you stay?"

"Little Baixue is not good!"

One after another, there are other girls. This woman named Bai Ye is very gentle to everyone, especially her own daughter.

That was what she never had, and what she longed for.

She wanted, wanted a mother like this.

Nina, who was still in the state of little Nina, walked up unconsciously, and at this moment, her bag was snatched away.

Then came the encounter between himself and Bai Ye.

A feeling of jealousy began to spread.

I want such a mother.

She looked at the backs of Bai Ye and Mao Mao, and wanted to run over.

However, a wave of magic power came from afar.

Then, a mature (harmonious) woman in a black dress flew over from a distance.

Nina quickly dodged behind a rock.

"Ah, it's Miss Bai Ye, why are you here?"

The person who came was Grand Duke Cross. After she felt the fluctuation of magic power in the direction of the capital, she rushed over, but unexpectedly, she met Bai Ye.

A windfall, which is simply too good to be true.

Chapter 210 eight, goodbye Grand Duke

Grand Duke Cross flew down quickly when he saw Bai Ye walking in the wilderness like a spring outing.

"Miss Bai Ye, why are you here?"

There was surprise on her face, because when someone attacked the mansion, she felt Bai Ye disappeared.

Although there were a few captives left behind, under torture, it became clear who was attacking him.

But when she went to look for Bai Ye, she couldn't find her anywhere.

She was about to give up at first, but after more than a week, that is, today, the capital suddenly exploded, and the magical light and smoke soaring into the sky could be seen clearly even from the mansion dozens of miles away.

In order to confirm what was going on, she rushed over without stopping, and just happened to meet Bai Ye.

"Ah, because of some accident, I accidentally entered the capital, and then, something happened."

Bai Ye said it very calmly, but what he actually experienced was too complicated.

It's not too good to go into details now, let's go back and talk about it.

There is another point that Bai Ye is more concerned about, that is, the scene of Sleeping Beauty is still not completed.

I took you to fight, the stage was blown up, this scene has not been completed yet, and there is not even a hint of failure.

Bai Ye has nothing to do now.

If possible, she would like to travel back to the original world again, and study the background and easter eggs of this game carefully.

"It's fine, then, what's going on in the capital?"

"Cough, to be precise, I should have blown it up, but this is for emergency avoidance, you understand?"

Grand Duke Cross tilted his head, his pretty face was full of doubts, what is emergency avoidance?

"That is, you should know the story of the princess and the thirteen witches, right? The bad witch was resurrected, and I wanted to prevent her from killing others, so..."

"So the king's capital was blown up?"

Grand Duke Cross frowned. As expected of the Silver Moon Witch, did she solve it in this way?It's outrageous.

"It's better not to talk about this matter."

Seeing Bai Ye's expression, she waved her hand and explained: "After all, the capital and the crown inside are everyone's expectation. If you blow it up like this, they use this reason to attack me, so please go back. After that, don't talk about it."

Bai Ye nodded: "I can understand."

"Then let's go back first, and leave the crime scene first."

That's weird.

Bai Ye always felt that this statement was weird.

But now that there are so many people, it is not comfortable to fly back, so he took out a carriage directly from his chest.

Pumpkin carriage.

"Then let's go back first!"

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Ye handed over the reins of the pumpkin carriage to Grand Duke Cross.

"You do it, I can't find my way now."

Bai Ye was really scared, and he got lost directly from the vicinity of the teleportation array to the capital.

Grand Duke Cross took the reins of the pumpkin carriage and found that the carriage was quite easy to handle.

"Miss Bai Ye, this carriage is not bad, can you give it to me?"

Bai Ye originally wanted to refuse, but Cross said: "Just kidding, actually, I want to give Miss Bai Ye a gift."

"Give me a gift?"

Bai Ye suddenly felt a little embarrassed, after all, he was still thinking about how to reject him just now.

"Yes, it's a treasure I've been collecting for a long time, but it's useless to put it here anyway, so I might as well give it to you."

She took out a small blue bead from her bosom.

"Stepping on the water bead, holding this bead, you can move freely in the ocean, and you can also control the power of the water."

She handed the small bead the size of a pigeon egg to Bai Ye: "However, this is not for free, Miss Bai Ye."

"Well, what do you need then?"

Bai Ye knew that there is no free lunch in the world.

Grand Duke Cross seemed a little embarrassed: "Let's talk about this matter until the evening. Speaking of which, this cat is..."

"Oh, this is a cat!"

"Hello meow!"

Can talk?

Grand Duke Cross was surprised. It's not that he has never seen a talking cat, but it is relatively rare.

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