After finishing speaking, she took a step forward, and the surrounding tunnel began to shake violently. The bleating sheep shrank its pupils and sent Kolia flying with its head.



Half of the baa-baa sheep's body actually started to fester, and then it turned into a lump of black charcoal and fell to the ground.

"Baa baa sheep, are you alright!"

"Hahaha, it will be fine, I just robbed some of the water."

The Eye of Reality smiled a few times, and then moved forward again. Kelia quickly used the traction technique to pull the bleating sheep to her side, and then looked at the gas mask in front of her with a serious face.

"Calm down, Kelia, there should be an enchantment around her, as long as she gets close to that enchantment, she will be enchanted!"

The bleating sheep said so, and then its body began to change, and finally turned into a smaller sheep.

Wow, the surrounding tunnels became fragile due to lack of water, and then a large piece of stone fell down.

"It's really unlucky. I only have such a little body, and it was broken by me."

"Then at this time, I'm going to use the power in my body."

She handed the bleating sheep to Ariel not far away.

Baa Baa Sheep took a deep look at Kolia: "Then I wish you to become an evil god as soon as possible!"


Kolia smiled: "I will find myself!"

After all, the temperature on her body began to rise rapidly, and a raging flame began to burn around her.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Kolia's voice began to distort gradually, becoming unreal.

And the sage of the True Eye would definitely not allow Kolia to complete the transformation, and rushed up directly, pointing at the scepter in his hand.


There was a violent explosion, and the Eye of Reality was blown away.

"Cough, cough, trouble, it's actually the power of the evil god again."

And she has seen the power of this evil god before, it is the power that the guy named Silver Moon Witch displayed on the island before.

Flame, or rather, pure high temperature, the fire elemental began to frenzy.

The surrounding space is gradually distorted and deformed in this flame.

is a troublesome character.

But for me, I can still deal with this kind of single element thing.

The magic power in her body began to rotate, and then, a huge eye rose above her head.

The eye of truth.

Everything around began to become blurred and complicated, what they were made of, the real eye could see clearly.

The flame giant appeared directly, burning the surrounding tunnels into magma.

Her body had already swelled to a height of more than 30 meters, and the entire passage was completely melted, and the flame giant was exposed above the ground.

Bai Ye who was rushing over couldn't help frowning, isn't that the flame giant?Why does it appear here: "Over there!"

Chapter 280, Dehydration

A huge flame giant roared in the desert.

On the magic carpet, Bai Ye could see from far away that the flame giant was a size bigger than the one he transformed into.

Chris on the side couldn't help feeling: "Oh, isn't this my old friend? But the consciousness in it doesn't seem to belong to him."

"So your old friend is actually the evil flame god?"

Chris nodded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Then have you ever seen a girl with green hair, very cute, who looks like the kind that people want to bully."

Chrissy looked at Bai Ye with a strange face: "So Master Bai Ye's hobby is like this?"

She glanced at Shana who was on the side.

So it turns out, Master Bai Ye doesn't like Lolita, she actually likes girls.

The reason why I also contact Loli is just because Loli will grow into a girl after a while.

She has fully understood.

"Are you thinking of something strange? I just wanted to say, since you met your friend, why didn't you tell me specifically?"

Chris spread her hands: "You didn't ask, and you sealed us back then, you don't think we would talk about each other in front of you, do you?"

What I said seems to make sense.

Wait, wait, that's not the point, the point is, is that lava giant below, actually, Kolia?

"Come on, let's go down."

Kolia may be in danger, even if she is not in danger, she is in a very bad state now.


Suddenly, there was a sound of the ground collapsing, and the huge flame giant fell to the ground without paying attention.

A black figure was suspended in the air.

"Is it just a monster composed of pure fire elements? Such a monster is the best to deal with."

The sage slowly raised his hand, and then snapped his fingers.

There was a crisp crackling sound, and one arm of the flame giant disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

Bai Ye in the distance frowned slightly. This sage seemed to be stronger than the one he met last time.

She took out her avatar: "Hey, wake up, there's work to do!"

"Ah, what's the matter, I'm having a good chat with the magic mirror."

The avatar made a Hatch.

Bai Ye was speechless: "Can you chat with the magic mirror? What are you talking about?"

"The main thing is to look at the color maps. Miss Magic Mirror has been collecting color maps during this time."

The abominable magic mirror, when she was asked to work, she looked like she was going to die, but it turned out that collecting color pictures was a lot of fun.

But now is not the time to teach her a lesson, there are other things to do now.

"I'll attract that sage's attention later, and you take Chris to find her body. Shana, Maomao, it's dangerous here later, you step aside first."

"Ah, oh oh oh."

Shana was very obedient, nodded, and then took the cat that Bai Ye handed over.

Ever since, the five people were directly divided into teams.

"I really don't need to attract the enemy's attention this time?"

"No need, it's too dangerous, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it!"

The battle over there was almost one-sided. The sage was a special attack against Shana. Whether it was an attack or Shana's body, as long as they were two meters away from the sage, they would be directly reduced to nothingness.

Kolia looked at the man in black in front of her, her mind was beginning to lose consciousness, she had consumed too much magic power, and she no longer had any extra magic power to suppress her inner restlessness.

If this continues, she will be controlled by the power of the evil god and lose herself.

Must fight fast!

She roared, and the surrounding desert, which was already very hot, began to heat up rapidly, and the surrounding sand and rocks had gradually melted into magma.

Groups of magma rose up and smashed towards the sage.

This is a bit of a hassle.

The sage frowned slightly.

The ingredients in the magma are not single. Although the power of the opponent's attack will be greatly reduced after the fire element is decomposed, it is not something that he can resist.

The huge lava, because of the loss of the flame element, directly turned into a group of stones.

The scepter in the sage's hand turned slightly, and a large stream of water shot out from the side, directly wrapping the sage in the middle.

Heh heh heh, this is obtained by his own method, the power of the evil god, and it happens to be the evil sea god who is opposite to the evil fire god.

The water flowed rapidly, directly deflecting those stones away.

Just when she was proud, a shadow suddenly flashed behind her.

A white, beautiful shadow.



Before the sage could react, his whole body flew out, was directly hit and flew to the ground, and barely stopped after staggering a few times.

"Who, who?"

"Don't bully little Kolia."

Bai Ye's flying technique was activated, and he appeared in front of the sage again, and then he punched again.

"Ola Ora Ora!"

The most primitive and violent blow, coupled with magic absorption, this set of combined punches, as long as Bai Ye gets close, no one can withstand it.

She didn't intend to keep her hand, the only way to beat this guy was to lose his ability to resist, otherwise she didn't know what strange abilities this guy could use.

These sages are simply more annoying than the witch, and their power is even weirder than the witch.

The sage also noticed something was wrong, because every time Bai Ye punched, he would absorb magic power from her body, and the magic power he used to defend would be multiplied several times.

Just at that time, her magic power has lost one-fifth.

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