Perhaps it was because the little prince touched some sensitive place, the tail twitched directly, throwing the weak little prince aside.


The little prince staggered, and Bai Ye hugged her subconsciously.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

Several guards also rushed over.

"Be careful, the tail of the Naga clan has a lot of muscle memory..."

Bai Ye hugged the little prince, and was stunned for a moment. The little prince also quickly broke free from Bai Ye's embrace, and looked at Emon with a displeased face: "Are you being too rude to me? I'm a prince anyway."

"So what, humans are humans after all."

"Then why are you so respectful to Sister Bai Ye?"

"Because Lord Baiye is a distinguished guest of the Whale Sea Tribe and a benefactor of the Whale Sea Tribe. He is one of his own. He is definitely different from a human like you."

He wagged his tail triumphantly.

It was only then that Bai Ye realized that just now, her mind was thinking rapidly.

Did I bump into something soft just now?

Why is the son's chest so exaggerated?

"Ahem, it's nothing, I just did some things that ordinary people would do. By the way, how far is it?"

She looked at the little prince and found that the little prince was indeed quite handsome.

Terrible, can't we have some straight people?Now there are lilies all around him, which makes Bai Ye very worried.

Such a multiple choice question is really too difficult.

"Ah, let me see, here, there should be dozens of nautical miles away from the island, it is quite far from the coastline, and it needs to pass through a barren sea.

This section is very dangerous, because almost no one has explored it, and the surrounding area is also ravaged by sea beasts. "

"Hmph, human beings are really too weak. They only know how to live on land. These sea beasts are just prey for the Naga of our Whale Sea Tribe."

The little prince gritted his teeth, pointed at a knight beside him and said, "Go, give them the whole job!"

"Understood, Your Highness."

After all, he took off his clothes and jumped into the sea.

Not long after, he directly fished out a sea beast several meters long.

"This kind of thing is no different from fish to us human beings."

She patted the sea beast triumphantly, as if it was hunted by herself.

Amon looked disdainful, and then jumped into the sea himself. Not long after, he also carried a several-meter-long sea beast and threw it directly onto the boat.

"It's just a trifle."

"It seems that your Naga clan also has a few strong people."

"Haha, better than you humans."

Maomao walked over with graceful steps, looked at the two people who jumped into the sea again, and looked at the huge fish-shaped sea beast on the splint: "Master Bai Ye, I'm hungry, I want to eat grilled fish."

"All right, all right, I'll bake it for you right now."

Bai Ye walked up to a fish, cut open the fish with the ice blade formed by ice magic, cut the meat into pieces, and called everyone to come and get it.

The old mage over there also raised a ball of fire tacitly. Although the flame was scorching hot, it didn't burn the splint. It was obvious that the old mage had very precise control over the magic power.

Everyone was grilling fish, and after a while, they found that their boat was already full.

"You two, although I don't want to disturb your elegant mood, the problem now is that our boat can't hold it anymore."

Bai Ye yelled, and the two gasped for breath, and stopped jumping down again.

"Hmph, if it's not in the water, I'll just use 5.00% of my strength, these sea beasts, how can you have your share."

"Land creatures are land creatures, and they will never conquer the ocean. In other words, if this ship is full, don't there still be places for the next two ships?"

"Back? Behind what?"

The knight turned his head in doubt, and muttered: "Shouldn't we just drive a boat out this time?"

Looking around, I found that there were really two big ships behind, but the flag on the ship was two sharp knives intertwined together, the skull flag.


The knight was shocked, and then he reacted: "Everyone is ready to meet the enemy and protect His Royal Highness!"

Bai Ye swallowed the fish meat into his stomach two or three times, and also stood at the stern of the boat and looked over.

Really pirates.

And the scale of this pirate ship is huge.

"Few Naga lads, go into the water first and wait for instructions!"

Sure enough, it was impossible not to run into a little trouble.

Chapter 280 IX, the situation is wrong, withdraw first

In the endless sea, only one fleet dares to sail in this sea area.

That is the fleet of One Piece Odom.

Any other ships that dare to approach here will be regarded as a provocation.

A woman with long hair as bright red as a rose and wearing a captain's attire said so.

She looked at the ship with the royal logo of the Blue Kingdom floating not far away, with an arrogant smile on the corner of her mouth: "Little ones, grab them all!"

Even if it was the royal ship of the Blue Kingdom, the navy of the Blue Kingdom had to carry it away in despair when they saw their own ship.

This is her status as the One Piece.

The pirates let out a howl of ghosts and wolves, and then, the sails were full, and they surrounded the ship at full speed.

This ship is loaded with the blessing of the overlord of the sea, and its speed can reach a terrifying level.

As the two ships approached, she could already see the expressions of the crew members on board.

Fear, surprise.

"Hey, that little girl with white hair over there looks good, I'll leave it to you, share the rest with you!"

There was another burst of laughter from the boat, and there was also a burst of cheers from the eldest sister, long live the head.

"Everyone get ready to pick up the strings."

The opponent's ship is not equipped with artillery, so even the steps of confrontation and bombardment are saved. This is just right, and a brand new ship can be obtained.

The two ships gradually approached.

A knight stepped up and said, "This is the royal ship of the Blue Kingdom. No one has to leave as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."


Odom laughed loudly, and then, she threw out the claws one by one behind her, fixing the two ships.

The pirates slowly climbed onto the boat where Bai Ye and the others were boarding through their claws.

The other pirate ship took the opportunity to go around to the other side, and suddenly, two bread sandwiches formed.

"Hahahaha, don't you have the courage to resist? That's fine, we only seek money and don't kill people. Of course, that little girl with white hair looks good, so I'll take it away too."

With long fiery red hair like flames, Odom jumped up with a scimitar in one hand and a boat in the other.

Several knights drew out their long swords and stood ready.

Bai Ye helplessly covered his face, it seemed that he had to change his image next time, otherwise he would always be haunted by some old perverts.

Ouch?There are quite a lot of fish.

Odom looked at many dead sea beasts placed under his feet.

Looked a few times, and then looked again.

Isn't this a devil fish?A very powerful sea beast, one can cut a hard wooden boat with its body, and the one next to it is a thunder eel.

Looking forward, I found that this terrifying sea beast was getting bigger and bigger. Counting carefully, there were eight or nine of them.

She looked at the mages and knights beside her.


It doesn't seem quite right.

"Brothers, withdraw!"

The pirates who had just surrounded them looked confused, and then saw their boss turn around and jump off the ship, and started running towards the pirate ship along his own rope.

"Want to run?"

Bai Ye rushed forward with a brisk stride, and before everyone could react, he gave Odom a slap in the face.


The sound was so crisp that everyone present was stunned.

Odom was also stunned, he was beaten, and he was slapped directly, in front of so many of his men?

And at this moment, Hela waved directly.

The ocean began to grow manic.

These guys are really tired of robbing in front of the sea witch.


A big hand made of sea water rose, and directly slapped the smaller boat to the side and flew it away.

Afterwards, more big hands appeared, grabbing the ship one by one and pressing it directly into the sea.

The pirates who had just boarded the boat were all stunned.

what's going on?

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