"The Church of the Holy Spirit is not short of money." The Demon Emperor said coldly.

Xia Yi nodded, and said with a smile: "There should be a lot of perverts in the Holy Spirit Cult, right? You can record these perverted deeds in the form of newspapers, novels, comics, or even animations, and then change the main character into Sea God, and spread them out wantonly." Publicity among ordinary people is enough.”

"Hehe, I thought it was a good way, such a simple planting of blame, you think everyone in Douluo Dalu is a fool, right?" The Demon Emperor sneered disdainfully, glanced at Gu Yue and Di Tian, ​​and said lightly. Said: "I thought how powerful your Star Dou Forest is, that's it?"

"Can you let others finish talking before expressing their opinions?" Gu Yue gave the Demon Emperor a cold look, she already had a certain understanding of Xia Yi, and she didn't believe that Xia Yi's plan would be such a plan full of loopholes.

"Okay, you guys continue." The Demon Emperor sneered.

Xia Yi took a deep breath, and said: "Of course I know that framing and blaming will not shake the Sea God's status in the hearts of ordinary people, and I also know that even if we portray Sea God as a murderous demon, no one will believe it, but as long as we can Even if the people know that we are talking nonsense, they will keep the things we wrote and watch them every day. As long as they read more times, the image of Sea God in their hearts will gradually change. This is It's a cyclical process."

"What you said is simple. You still read something every day when you know it's fake. Also, even if you read it every day, you know it's fake. It's not so easy to change the deep-rooted image." Demon Emperor Still said with a sneer of disdain.

"I've said it all, can you listen to it before expressing your opinion?" Gu Yue snorted again.

"You..." The Demon Emperor was about to get angry, but after thinking about it for a while, he endured it and said, "Go on."

"The pervert I'm talking about may be different from the pervert you understand." Xia Yi chuckled and said, "I'm talking about those women who like to torture women, or those women who like to raise their faces. You write down their deeds, and the protagonist will change." If you want to become Sea God or someone related to him, write the details in more detail, so that no one will read it. If you really can’t, then you can write a complete novel. You don’t need to describe Sea God as evil, but write it fairly. Just intersperse Just a few details, so that ordinary people may accept it more easily. After they slowly accept it, you can add a little more taste, come to the legend of Tangmen heroes, Shrek chaos, etc. This kind of thing, no matter how the federal government bans it , people will read it, plus your manga, anime, etc., let alone ordinary people, even if Shrek Academy students read too much, they will think about it when they see the Poseidon statue. After a long time, you say that they will think Is the god of the sea an awe-inspiring belief, or just wishful thinking."

Gu Yue, Di Tian, ​​Bi Ji, and Zi Ji were all dumbfounded.

At first glance, he was shocked.

Although Xia Yi wasn't very specific, they could already imagine the consequences.

Ziji, who was in charge of driving, almost drove the car under the highway without paying attention.

The Demon Emperor was silent for a while, as if she was thinking about the feasibility of this plan. After a while, she slowly uttered a sentence, "You deserve to be struck by lightning."

"Just say it's okay." Xia Yi laughed.

"Hey, there's no problem at all." The Demon Emperor showed a smile, if she wasn't in front of Xia Yi, Gu Yue and Di Tian, ​​these fierce beasts in the Star Dou Forest, she would have laughed out loud.

Xia Yi's words swept away the haze that had been buried in her heart for many years.

For the first time in 2 years, she looks as refreshed as she does today.

Even if she couldn't destroy Seagod Tang San's power of faith, she would still do it.

Even if he can't beat him in the future, Tang San will be disgusted to death.

"I've told you how to do it. As for how far you can do it, that's up to your Holy Spirit to teach." Xia Yi shrugged.

"Help me find a way to get some money. I want to gather the power of the entire Holy Spirit Cult to do this, so that in the future, the common people of the Federation will open the soul guide communication every day, and the soul guide computer can see pop-up advertisements, even every day. You can receive related book posters and so on." The Demon Emperor said with a smile on his face, and she planned to make a big one.

"You will still be short of money. There are plenty of banks in Tiandou City." Xia Yi was speechless. An organization like the Holy Spirit Cult would still have no money, which was something she never expected.

"We are not ready for many things now, so we can't be too arrogant. Besides, if we are too exposed, it will be easy for the federal government to follow suit." The Demon Emperor said.

"That's it, I understand." Xia Yi shook her head helplessly, and said, "If you want to make money, there must be risks. I can't let you get a lot of money legally in a short period of time."

"I didn't say it's legal, it's less risky, just don't go head-to-head with organizations like the federal government, Shrek Academy, and Tang Sect." The Demon Emperor said in a deep voice.

"It's much easier to do this way." Xia Yi thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "The last time I went to Tiandou City, I saw a row of cemeteries. , in the imperial tombs of the Tiandou Empire, any one of the burial objects inside is enough for you to use for a long time."

"It is indeed a way. Not only can there be a steady stream of money, but it can also provoke wars in the three continents." The demon emperor's beautiful eyes lit up again, and she could imagine that if the Baihu lineage in the Star Luo Empire found that her ancestral grave was completely How much vibration would it cause if it was dug.

Not only the White Tiger lineage, but almost all the nobles in the Star Luo Empire had their ancestors in the Douluo Continent. If their ancestral graves were all dug up, the entire empire would be shaken.

Both the Holy Spirit Cult and the Star Dou Forest are happy to see this happen.

The more the Demon Emperor looked at Xia Yi, the more he felt pleasing to the eye, and a rare bright smile appeared on her face. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she said with a bright smile: "Why don't you join our Holy Spirit Church? Have you ever gone to see you, oh, it’s Lena, she still wants to control you with resentment, as compensation, as long as you join the Holy Spirit Cult, how about I let her recognize you as the master for you to use?”

From the moment he saw Di Tian, ​​the Demon Emperor knew that Lina's control over Xia Yi had failed.

With Ditian's ability, it is not a simple matter to clean up some resentful spirits.

"Can we talk about it in another place?" Xia Yi glanced at Gu Yue and Di Tian beside him.

"I'm serious." The Demon Emperor said very speechlessly.

"I'm not joking." Xia Yi also said.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later." The Demon Emperor shook her head, she was just trying to test Xia Yi's attitude.

At the same time, they were also testing Gu Yue and Di Tian.

If she really wanted to win Xia Yi over, she couldn't do it in front of Gu Yue.

She didn't expect Xia Yi to agree so readily, and Di Tian and Gu Yue didn't stop her, which made her a little guilty.

Xia Yi also has his own plans, even if he wants to join the Holy Spirit Cult, he will not join in this way.

The Demon Emperor is already on guard against him, and now that he joins the Holy Spirit Cult, the Demon Emperor will only be on guard against him everywhere.

Can't do anything at all.

Instead of this, simply let the Demon Emperor himself go back on his word.

When the Holy Spirit Cult needs him, he will come forward to help the Holy Spirit Cult.

Chapter 77 The Lonely Hero

Shrek City, the gate of Shrek Academy!

A middle-aged man came to the gatekeeper student of Shrek Academy, handed a business card to the gatekeeper student respectfully, and said, "Master Soul Master, hello, I am the manager of Dream-seeking Media Company. My name is Hu Yun. This is my business card. Our company is planning to do some animations about Sea God and Lingbing Douluo and their partners, to promote the glorious deeds of Sea God and Lingbing Douluo. In order to create a historical character image, I want to come Shrek Academy took a few statues of Sea God and seniors as a reference, I wonder if it is possible?"

In Shrek School, almost everything is done by students.

Goalkeeping is one of the easiest jobs of all to earn contribution points.

Attributes do not require any technical skills to complete the work.

"Dream-chasing Media, animation company, do you have an access order?" The student guarding the gate frowned slightly. Except for the teachers and students of the Shrek Academy, anyone who wants to enter Shrek Academy must have an access order.

"Master Soul Master, how can a small person like me have the ability to get an entry order? Don't worry, I just went in to take pictures of the statues of the sea gods, and I will leave immediately after taking pictures. I will never stay for more than a minute. I don't know. Can you be more accommodating, if you are not at ease, you can go in with me." Hu Yun said, and quietly stuffed two memory cards into the hands of two students guarding the gate.

"I need to report. Only the school leader agrees to take you in." Although he received the benefits, the student guarding the gate still dare not let Hu Yun in easily.

"Okay, then please trouble Master Soul Master." Hu Yun said hastily.

A gatekeeper nodded, walked aside and took out the soul guide communication.

After 1 minute, he came back and said: "My name is Wu Chaoping, the academy has agreed to your request for the sake of promoting the spirit of Shrek, but I have to make two things clear to you in advance. , you are not allowed to leave one meter from me, and second, you only have three or ten minutes."

"Enough, enough, thank you Lord Soul Master." Hu Yun thanked again, and entered Shrek Academy under the leadership of Wu Chaoping.

Soon Wu Chaoping brought Hu Yun to the statues of the original Shrek Seven Monsters and the Golden Iron Triangle.

Wu Chaoping said: "Here are the statues of the ancestor of the Sea God, his partners and teachers. As for the statue of the God of Emotions, it is in Lingbing Square. Hurry up."

"Thank you, Lord Soul Master, I will pay attention to the time." Hu Yun first bowed to the statues, and then took out the soul guide camera to take pictures and videos of several statues in all directions, and even measured them size.

The statues of Shrek Academy are all reproduced according to the one-to-one ratio of Seagod and others, so the importance of size is self-evident.

Seeing that time was running out, Hu Yun asked Wu Chaoping to take him to take pictures of the statue of the God of Emotions.

After taking all the photos, he left Shrek Academy under Wu Chaoping's leadership.

Before leaving, Hu Yun enthusiastically said to Wu Chaoping: "After our company's animation is finished, we must let the soul masters of Shrek Academy watch it first. We will release it when you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, we will release it." Change until you are satisfied."

"Thank you very much." Wu Chaoping said quickly.

After Hu Yun left, a figure slowly appeared beside Wu Chaoping.

"Dean, why are you here?" Wu Chaoping was startled, and hurriedly saluted.

The person who came was Yinyue Douluo Cai Yueer, the director of the Outer Academy.

He never thought that such a small matter would alarm the Super Douluo, the head of the outer court.

"I don't know what's going on, but my eyelids are twitching suddenly." Cai Yue'er said in a deep voice.

When one's cultivation has reached a certain level, one will have some weak reactions to many things.

Looking at the back of Hu Yun leaving, Cai Yueer always felt that something was wrong, as if she had made a big mistake.

But just now she has been secretly monitoring Hu Yun, Hu Yun is indeed just an ordinary person, he has shown great respect for Shrek Academy from beginning to end, she has not found anything suspicious at all.

Even just now, she asked the officials of the federal government to check Hu Yun and the dream media company he said, and they are all true.

No problem at all.

"You continue to guard the gate of the academy. I always feel that something is wrong with this matter. I must report it to the Sea God Pavilion." Cai Yueer said, her body had disappeared in front of Wu Chaoping.

Originally, such a trivial matter was not worth disturbing the Sea God Pavilion.

But her eyelids jumped more and more violently, and her heart became more and more flustered.

She always felt that something big was about to happen.


Xia Yi looked up and saw all the cars stuck in the road and unable to move.

Her and Gu Yue's car was stuck on the highway not far from Shrek City, and they didn't move forward for half an hour.

"Why is there such a traffic jam? Could it be that there was a car accident." Xia Yi asked puzzled.

"It's not a good thing you did." Gu Yue gave Xia Yi a hard look.

"What's none of my business?" Xia Yi looked innocent.

He still doesn't know what happened?

"Look for yourself?" Gu Yue forwarded to Xia Yi a picture just sent by the Wan Yao King on the soul guide communication.

The picture is a poster with a photo of Tang San, the god of the sea, on it. His long blue hair hangs down his back and hangs down to his feet. There are circles of blue vines coiling around his body. It is obviously his Blue Silver Grass spirit. The corner of his mouth There is also a faint smile.

The photo can be described as wonderful and beautiful, it is the photo of the Sea God statue in Shrek City that has been processed into a real person.

The title of the poster is four big characters - Lonely Hero.

"So ruthless?" Xia Yi swallowed, Tang San's appearance on the poster completely restored Tang San's real appearance, but the clothes were all disposed of, and nothing was said, which made Xia Yi really feel that the devil's ruthless , Tang San, who was naked on the poster, actually only had a penis on his lower body.

"Lonely Hero!" Xia Yi's eyelids twitched wildly, the title was indeed thoughtful.

"Look, this is the back of the poster." Gu Yue sent another photo to Xia Yi, which was full of text, and the content was exactly what Xia Yi and the Demon Emperor had said before.

But the heroine is not Sea God's wife Xiao Wu, but the Blue Silver Emperor.

And the details are well described.

In addition to this, there is a chain of URLs.

The most important thing is that in the end the author dared to leave his name——Inch Shadow.

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