The Warcraft Mountain Range is the largest mountain range in the Jia Ma Empire, almost crossing the entire Jia Ma Empire.

At this moment, on a flat ground outside the Warcraft Mountains, the space suddenly distorted.

A moment later, an ordinary, inconspicuous building suddenly floated out of the space and landed on the flat ground.

At this moment, Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged inside the manor, the runes on his body were shining, the precious light was shining everywhere, his mind was clear, and he was evolving the runes.

He was so immersed in his cultivation that he didn't notice that the location of the store had been refreshed.

Around the Warcraft Mountains, there are small and large towns.

And Qingshan Town is a small town closest to the Warcraft Mountains.

In the small town, the most crowds are naturally those mercenaries who are licking blood on the edge of their swords all day long.

They were in groups, holding each other's arms, talking freely on the street, discussing where the women are the most delicious, where the wine is the strongest, and where the monsters are the most vicious.

"Wow, it turned out to be a little fairy doctor!"

"So beautiful, tsk tsk, that waist is so thin..."

"Idiot, do you want to die? Most of the mercenaries in Qingshan Town have been treated by the little fairy doctor. Be careful not to be heard by others and cut off your tongue!"

At the entrance of Wanyaozhai, two men were talking in a low voice. When one of them said some flirty words, his companion hurriedly grabbed him and cursed in a low voice.

"I'm talking nonsense... Hehe, hehe..." Seemingly aware of the malicious gazes from around him, the man turned slightly pale, and was dragged by his companions to escape from the pharmacy in embarrassment.

Afterwards, the face of a woman surrounded by the crowd gradually revealed.

The woman was wearing a light white dress. Although her appearance was not stunning, she was still a rare beauty. She had a fresh and ethereal aura on her calmly smiling cheeks, which was different from others. The temperament of the woman suddenly increased the charm of the woman by a large margin.

On the woman's willow waist, which is not enough to be grasped, is a green belt, which makes people's eyes shine and is very eye-catching.

Looking at the crowd of men outside, Wanyaozhai had a hint of pride on his face, and laughed in a low voice: "Little Immortal Doctor is a specially appointed doctor of our Wanyaozhai. In the whole Qingshan Town, there are countless people who like her. The first time I went to the Warcraft Mountains to gather medicine, if there were little fairy doctors to go with me, those mercenary groups would keep the price to the lowest, and they often almost fought for the remaining places."

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the door, and a shout of excitement rang out: "Wan Yao Zhai is going to go to the Warcraft Mountains to collect herbs, and there is a little fairy doctor with us."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in Wanyaozhai's costume came out from inside: "The quota is only fifty, and the strength must be higher than that of two-star fighters. Hurry up, everyone!"

The loud shouts made the noisy entrance of Wanyaozhai slightly silent. After a while, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. The mercenaries who thought they had met the conditions immediately rushed to the middle-aged man in Wanyaozhai's costume. go.

It didn't take long for fifty mercenaries to get together, and then the team marched mightily towards the Warcraft Mountains.


In the silent forest, a large group of people walked quietly, their vigilant eyes kept scanning the dark places in the surrounding trees, their palms tightly holding the weapons around their waists, and they were ready to deal with any emergencies at any time.

As an old mercenary who has been in the Warcraft Mountains for many years, although it is the first time to cooperate, they can maintain a basic tacit understanding. When the eyes are intertwined, they can also recognize some signals that represent danger and safety from the other party's eyes.

The Wanyaozhai herb-picking team in the rear, under heavy guards, glanced casually across the team, and finally stayed on the woman in the white dress surrounded by stars as if surrounded by stars.

At this time, the little fairy doctor, a weak beauty, also happened to straighten up slightly, and gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and her panting appearance, combined with her soft and beautiful cheeks, looked quite heart-warming pity.

Seeing the appearance of the little fairy doctor, some mercenaries around immediately had the urge to recite it to the destination, but they also knew that even if they wanted to recite it, the little doctor would just decline with a smile.

When everyone's eyes were on the little fairy doctor, a rather handsome young man walked out from the side guards with a smile on his face, lowered his head and said something to the panting little fairy doctor.

The two chatted for a while, the little fairy doctor smiled and shook his head, then continued to walk forward.

Being rejected by the little fairy doctor, the young man showed no anger on his face, just smiled and waved his palm.He shouted loudly: "People of the wolf head, pay attention to me, now we are about to enter the Warcraft Mountains, don't capsize the boat in the gutter!"

"Yes, Young Head!"

Hearing the young man's shout, dozens of big men around immediately responded in unison, and the neat tone attracted everyone's attention, even the little fairy doctor who was walking forward.Also glanced back.

Satisfied with this reaction, the young man smiled slightly, and walked two quick steps again, walking side by side with the little fairy doctor, protecting him very earnestly.

"Damn it, isn't it because his father is the head of the Langtou mercenary group? Doesn't he think he can win the little fairy doctor's heart just by doing this?" Seeing the young man who can chat with the little fairy doctor up close, A mercenary man in the crowd suddenly cursed in a low voice, with a rather sour tone in his tone.

On the young man's body, on a badge hanging on his chest, a one-eyed wolf's head is engraved in the badge.

The thirty mercenaries beside him had the same badges on their chests as the young man.

These people are members of the Langtou mercenary group, one of the three major mercenary groups in Qingshan Town.

Seeing how much these wolf-headed mercenary members supported the herb-collecting team, it was obvious that they were also hired by Wanyaozhai as guards.

Moreover, it seems that Wanyaozhai's trust in the Langtou mercenary group is much stronger than the previous stragglers, otherwise, they would not have been allowed to serve as personal guards.

Outside the Warcraft Mountain Range, everything was relatively calm, but shortly after the team entered the Warcraft Mountain Range, a small-scale Warcraft attack was brutally displayed in front of everyone.

The attackers were three first-order monsters, named Red Ice Snake. This kind of monster is quite common in the outskirts of the monster mountain range. Its attribute is ice, and the ice is pregnant with cold poison. The cold poison freezes the blood in the body until death.

The three-headed first-rank monster, the Red Ice Snake, fell and hung on the tree trunk. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the people below, it easily injected the cold poison into the three mercenaries like lightning. Suddenly, the faces of the three were as pale as The ice-sculpted man's hands and feet softened from the cold.

After being attacked, everyone shot out in anger. In a short time, the three-headed first-order monsters were beaten to death without accident, but after the three-headed first-order monsters were beheaded, they did not find any traces from their bodies. Traces of the magic core.

As for this, the mercenaries only sighed slightly regretfully. It is not uncommon for them to return home with heavy casualties after killing monsters in the wild, so they didn't have much to say about it. Much disappointment.

After the Red Ice Snake was dealt with, the three mercenaries who had been poisoned by the cold were quickly sent to the herbal gathering team at the rear, and the little fairy doctor personally took action to expel the cold poison from their bodies.

And after being attacked by the Red Ice Snake, the mercenary team who had suffered a loss became even more cautious. However, in the densely populated mountains of magical beasts, it is obviously not a good idea to completely avoid the magical beasts. possible things.

The team walked less than 500 meters away, and everyone was attacked by three waves of monsters. Fortunately, there were so many mercenaries, and at the cost of minor injuries to more than a dozen mercenaries, the three waves of monsters were attacked. They all fought back.

"Everyone, we are approaching the herbal collection area, please take a rest, everyone is tired after walking for so long." After walking a certain distance again, the soft and crisp voice of the woman suddenly sounded in the quiet line.

There was a slight pause in the forward steps, and the whole team stopped by coincidence. They turned their heads, looked at the woman in the white skirt with no impurities in her smile, and nodded her head very honestly.

After a quick discussion, more than a dozen mercenaries scattered around to guard, and the others sat in place, recovering the energy consumed by the rush.

After resting for a period of time, the little doctor and the herb-collecting team began to collect herbs.

On the other hand, Mu Li followed the little fairy doctor with a shameless face, saying that he would protect the little fairy doctor closely and prevent him from being harmed.

The little fairy doctor frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, did not refuse, and began to collect herbs in a flat area not far away.

The ground here is full of flowers and plants, and there are many valuable medicinal herbs in it.

Every once in a while, the medicinal team will come here to collect medicinal herbs.

While collecting herbs, the little fairy doctor looked around from time to time, looking at Mu Li who was following behind him, a strange look flashed in his eyes.


Suddenly, the little fairy doctor looked in one direction, and let out a little sigh.

"what happened?"

Hearing this, Mu Li immediately raised his head and followed the little doctor's line of sight, and then his face also revealed a look of surprise.

"Why is there a building here?" Mu Li asked in surprise.

I saw not far away, an ordinary building sitting on a flat ground, which looked a little weird.

It is really audacious for someone to build a building in the Warcraft Mountains.

Isn't this person afraid of being attacked by monsters?

Both of them are very curious about the owner of this building.

After hesitating for a moment, the little doctor Xianlian walked lightly and slowly approached the building.

"Little Immortal Doctor, be careful, let me go and see who dares to build a residence in the Warcraft Mountains." Mu Li walked quickly in front of the Immortal Doctor, and soon came to this building in front of things.

"The heavens jar store?"

When Mu Li looked up, he saw the six big characters engraved on the building.

"It's actually a store?" There was a hint of suspicion on Mu Li's face.

The little fairy doctor also came to the front of the building, and after seeing the six big characters on it, a trace of astonishment appeared on her pretty face.

"What kind of idiot actually dares to open a store in the Warcraft Mountains?" After being surprised, Mu Li showed a sarcasm.

This guy is brave enough!

Although there are often mercenaries here, maybe it can really do a lot of mercenary business.

But don't forget, this is also the world of Warcraft.

If you are not careful, you will be attacked by monsters, and you will die without knowing how!

In the past, it was not without daring businessmen who attempted to establish a commercial base in the Warcraft Mountains to serve the mercenaries who entered the Warcraft Mountains.

But after experiencing a large number of monster attacks, no one dared to move this mind since then.

"Little doctor, since we have met, why not go in and have a look, what kind of things are sold in this store, just to replenish some daily necessities." Mu Li was a little curious, which guy was so courageous, and then Go straight to the store door.

"This guy, with the door closed in broad daylight, what kind of business can you do like this?" Looking at the closed door, Mu Li was taken aback for a moment.

You know, although there are many dangers in the Warcraft Mountains, it is still much safer than at night. This guy closes the door during the day, is he going to open the door at night?

Simply inexplicable!

These thoughts flashed through his mind. Mu Li had already arrived at the door of the store, and then he stretched out his big hand and knocked on the door roughly.

Bang bang bang!

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

Behind him, the little fairy doctor frowned when she saw Mu Li's outrageous behavior, but she didn't say much.

In the manor, Ye Yun was immersed in understanding the mysteries of runes, when a sudden knock on the door woke him up immediately.

"Well, could it be that the location of the store has been refreshed?"

Hearing the rapid knock on the door outside, Ye Yun quickly reacted.

Then, with a thought, he went directly to the inside of the store, and with a wave of his hand, the door opened automatically.

It seems that this new place is good, and there are customers knocking on the door.

Although his practice was interrupted, Ye Yun didn't get angry in his heart, instead he showed a smile.

As a businessman, having customers come to your door is naturally a first-class event, and it is a great thing.


As the door slowly opened, Ye Yun immediately saw Mu Li standing at the door, and the little fairy doctor behind him.

Looking at the beautiful face of the little fairy doctor, a little surprise flashed in Ye Yun's eyes, but it disappeared soon.

During this time, he has seen too many beauties.

Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, Sister Yao Ye, Ya Fei, Xiao Xun'er... Which one of these is not a first-class beauty.

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