Chapter 372 Frost Tower!

"I hope so. The fireball from the Explosive Flame Tower explodes, and the attack range is fixed at a kilometer. Mr. Hai Bodong, you must pay attention to whether there are other innocent people at the attack point before you make a move!" Said to Hai Bodong in a persuasive tone.

Hearing the words of the little fairy doctor, Hai Bodong felt a little nervous, and quickly assured him: "Don't worry, little doctor fairy, if there are innocent people next to my enemy, then even if I lose, I will not use this Explosive Flame Tower to attack it!"

"Mr. Hai Bodong, you have such a kind heart!" Hearing Hai Bodong's assurance, the little fairy doctor smiled and praised.


Hai Bodong couldn't help but blush when he was told by the little doctor.

"Small, small, small!"

The next moment, he controlled the Explosive Flame Tower with his mind. Under his control, the giant tower with a height of [-] meters began to shrink violently. In just one second, it was reduced to its previous size and returned to Haibodong's palm.

On Haibo's side, holding the Explosive Flame Tower in his hand, he walked towards the jar shop.

Hai Bodong walked into the jar shop, grinned, and said slowly: "Miss Fairy Doctor, please, bring me another orange jar!"

"Okay, Mr. Hai Bodong, wait a moment!"

Hearing Hai Bodong's words, the little doctor quickly teleported to the counter, took out an orange jar from the shelf, put it on the counter, and reminded: "Mr. The quota is 120 million gold coins, after deducting the 100 million gold coins for the orange jar, you only have 20 gold coins left."


Hearing the little doctor's reimbursement, Hai Bodong responded seriously.

Afterwards, he walked directly to the counter, still holding the red explosion tower with his left hand, and quickly raised his right hand, and slammed it on the orange jar on the counter.


With the sound of a crisp jar breaking, the orange jar on the counter suddenly fell apart.

Immediately afterwards, the shattered pieces of the orange jar turned into a cloud of dazzling light, covering everyone's sight, and no one could clearly see what was inside.

"What kind of treasure will be released this time?" Looking at the dazzling glow on the counter, Hai Bodong felt a little hopeful.

Soon, the dazzling glow on the counter dissipated slowly under the watchful eyes of Hai Bodong and Xiao Yixian, revealing the items inside.

All I saw was a small ice-blue tower appeared on the counter. It was about the same size as the tower Hai Bodong was holding. Even the shape and structure were the same. The only difference was the color of the tower. up.

Moreover, Haibodong could also feel a frosty aura from above.

"This is another tower, and it has the same shape and structure as the tower in my hand, but the color is quite different."

Seeing the small ice-blue tower on the counter, Hai Bodong was a little stunned, and quickly compared the blue tower with the fiery red My Explosive Flame Tower in his hand.

On the little fairy doctor's side, when he saw the blue tower, his reaction was similar to that on Haibodong's side.

But at the next moment, the little fairy doctor didn't make any guesses, but cautiously used the ability given by Ye Yun to investigate.

Soon, a piece of information appeared in the eyes of the little fairy doctor.

"Level 5000 Frost Tower, from the [National Lord] type of overhead world, can launch frost bombs to carry out precise strikes on enemies within the range. After the frost bomb bursts, the range of influence reaches 5000 meters. The power of the burst center can freeze a tall man. Level Dou Zun powerhouses, even Dou Zun peak powerhouses cannot ignore this frost power. At this stage, the attack range of the Frost Tower is 5000 kilometers. The remaining durability of the Frost Tower: 100/100, and the remaining charge is 10/ [-], each attack will consume [-]% of the charge, but every [-] minutes, the Frost Tower can automatically restore [-]% of the charge..."

"This is actually another tower in the world of Lords of the People. Moreover, the level of this Frost Tower seems to be one level higher than that of the previous Explosive Flame Tower. The attack power and range are not comparable to the previous Explosive Flame Tower!" After reading this The introduction of the fourth-level Frost Tower, the little fairy doctor was thinking quickly.

"Miss Fairy Doctor, does this pagoda recognize the owner with a drop of blood?" Hai Bodong asked Fairy Doctor confidently.

"That's right, Mr. Hai Bodong, this pagoda is from the same world as your previous Explosive Flame Pagoda!" Hearing Hai Bodong's words, the little fairy doctor nodded and said.

"So it's like this... the icy power emanating from it, will it launch some ice balls to attack?" Hai Bodong speculated.

"Mr. Haibodong, you guessed it right again. This thing is called a four-level frost tower. It comes from the [Lord of the People] kind of overhead world. It can launch frost bombs to strike accurately at the enemies within the range, and the frost bombs will burst. Afterwards, the range of influence reaches 5000 meters, and the power of the explosion center can freeze a high-ranking Dou Zun strongman, even a Dou Zun peak powerhouse cannot ignore this frost power. The remaining durability of the Frost Tower: 5000/5000, 100/100 remaining charge, each attack will consume 10% of the charge, but every [-] minutes, the Frost Tower can automatically recover [-]% The charging power..." The little fairy doctor patiently introduced the four-level Frost Tower to Hai Bodong.

"What, this Frost Tower is actually more powerful than the Explosive Flame Tower!"

Hearing this introduction from the little fairy doctor, Hai Bodong was immediately shocked.

Before, the attack released by the three-level Explosive Flame Tower could threaten the peak Dou Zun, but now, the little doctor told him that the power of the Frost Tower was enough to threaten the Dou Zong peak.

Dou Zong and Dou Zun, the two realms, the difference of one letter is like a cloud and mud, completely different.

"Mr. Hai Bodong, if you don't believe it, you can try its power first!" Seeing Hai Bodong's reaction, the little doctor said with a smile. I am curious about the frost attack that spreads 5000 meters, because, according to this introduction, it is estimated that some smaller lakes will immediately turn into ice lakes after being bombed by this frost bomb. The most important thing is that this kind of tower, it The recharging recovery does not require any energy, you just need to wait quietly for the time to pass.

At this moment, Hai Bodong and the little doctor almost wanted to go together.

When the little fairy doctor's voice had just finished speaking, Hai Bodong directly nodded in agreement.

The next moment, Hai Bodong began to slit his fingertips to recognize the master with a drop of blood as before.

Chapter 373 Twin Towers Haibo East!

As Hai Bodong's blood dripped onto the small blue tower, the blood was instantly absorbed by the small blue tower.

It was at this time that Hai Bodong discovered that there were some very special connections between himself and the little blue tower.

The next moment, Hai Bodong raised his right hand lightly, and he held the blue Frost Tower in his palm. This time, Hai Bodong's hands each held a small tower.

If these two towers become larger and stand on the ground, how much weight they will weigh is beyond imagination, and their power is too terrifying.

Hai Bodong, after letting the Frost Tower bleed to recognize its owner, planned to go outside the jar shop to test the power of the frost bomb fired by the Frost Tower.

However, just after turning around and walking a few steps, Hai Bodong discovered that a lot of people came outside.

"How can I forget these people!"

After noticing that these people were coming, Hai Bodong stopped thinking about testing the power of the Frost Tower.

At this time, outside the jar shop, dozens of ordinary residents had already appeared here.

Because this is a city on the edge of the desert, these ordinary residents are wearing shorts and shorts, and many of the men are shirtless.

"Hey, I saw a tall tower here before, why can't I see it here?"

"I just said it might be an illusion, maybe it's a mirage!"

"There seems to be a shop there, I don't remember ever going there before?"

"Yes, there was only one shop selling maps before, and it was opened by an old man who was dying. Why is there another shop now?"

Those who were attracted by Hai Bodong's summoning of the Explosive Flame Tower, three of them noticed Ye Yun's jar shop, and they also quickly discovered the three young masters kneeling next to Ye Yun's jar shop.

"There, there seem to be three people kneeling?"

A bald man pointed in the direction of the three people and exclaimed.

"Really, hurry up and see what's going on?"

Seeing the direction that the bald head was pointing at, several people immediately rushed towards the three kneeling figures.

"Here, those three young masters are actually kneeling!"

After approaching, some of these people saw the identities of the three youths in fine clothes with sharp eyes, and exclaimed.

"Who made these three young masters kneel here?" The bald head said with some doubts.

When he wanted to get close to those three people, he found that he was blocked by an invisible barrier in front of him, and inside the barrier, among the three kneeling people, only one of them was still a little conscious, calling for help to these people loudly, However, the sound was completely blocked by the invisible barrier.

The only person who is still awake is the one who was tested by Yaoye before through the resurrection armor. Because of the resurrection armor, after he was killed and revived, he returned to the full state, so he lasted longer than the other two .


"It's like there's an invisible wall standing in front of me?"

After trying several times and being unable to get in, these people turned their attention to Ye Yun's jar shop.

"The heavens jar store?"

Seven or eight people walked into the jar shop slowly with curiosity.

And some other people left quickly, intending to tell the rich and powerful in Mocheng about the news of these three people kneeling.

As soon as these seven or eight people entered the jar shop, someone recognized Hai Bodong.

"Isn't this the boss who sells maps? Why did he come here?"

"There's another girl inside. This girl is really pretty. Is she the owner of this new shop?"

On Haibodong's side, before he knew that these people were about to come in, he put away the Explosive Flame Tower and Frost Tower that he held in his hands.

"Little girl, what do you sell in this shop?"

The bald man who walked in asked the little fairy doctor.

"The pot seller!"

The little doctor pointed to the shelf behind him and introduced: "The jar on the bottom layer is worth 50 gold coins, the red jar on the middle layer is worth 100 gold coins, and the orange jar on the top layer is worth [-] million gold coins!"

"One million gold coins is a broken pot, why are you robbing it here?"

"The little girl is not very old, but she likes to have such daydreams and do such profiteering things!"

Hearing the little doctor's quotation for these jars, the few people who just came in showed disdain and ridicule.

"Shut up, talk nonsense again, the old man will throw you out!"

Hearing that these people were disrespectful to the little fairy doctor, Hai Bodong's anger rose immediately, and an aura belonging to a strong Douzong radiated from him.

Under the coercion of Hai Bodong, the Dou Zong powerhouse, these people were instantly frightened and took a few steps back.

They did not expect that this ordinary looking old man was actually such a formidable powerhouse.

"Senior, rest your anger! Senior, rest your anger!"

"Girl, please forgive what we said just now!"

After hearing Hai Bodong's words, everyone hurriedly apologized to the little fairy doctor.

"Shut up, stop arguing!" Hai Bodong said impatiently again: "The price is clearly marked, if you can't afford it, get out, don't delay the old man from opening the jar!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Senior, let's go!"

Among these people, some of them can do well in daily life, but it is almost impossible for them to spend [-] gold coins to open the jar at once, so under Hai Bodong's scolding, they quickly Escaped the jar shop.

However, at this time, there were more people coming outside the jar shop than before, and they became very curious after they understood what happened inside just now.

"Old Hei, tell me, in this jar shop, the cheapest jars cost 100 gold coins, and the most expensive jars cost [-] million gold coins. How is this possible?"

"The old man who sold the map before is still a very powerful man? How is this possible?"

After hearing the bald head's words, the people outside obviously didn't believe it.

So, there were more than a dozen people walking slowly towards the jar shop.

In the jar shop, after Hai Bodong chased away the few people who were rude to the little doctor, he directly took out a lot of items from the storage ring and put them on the counter.

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