After Lvzi pushed Jun Ji away, she immediately found the source of the voice, drooling and pounced on her like a hungry wolf.

Probably because the possessed Lin Yu only had voice, she was not as excited as before and fainted because of getting close.

Lvzi's sudden "attack" startled Lin Yu, and she hastily canceled the connection with Jun [-] before being thrown down.

"Mom! Here I come!"

Accompanied by a cry, Midori panted heavily and pressed General Eleven under him.

The six limbs held down the six limbs of the younger sister, and then impatiently bent down, constantly rubbing against the younger sister's body.


"Mom, hehehe..."

The saliva stained Army Eleven was everywhere.

"Ah! You bastard, let go of Mom!"

Jun Ji also reacted at this time, and she became anxious when she saw Midori's behavior.

He kept trying to pull her away.

"No! Mom is mine!"

Naturally, Midori refused, and lay tightly on her "mother" without letting go.

But the next sentence from "mother" made them stop wrestling.

"Well, sister, mom is gone..."

Army Eleven looks a little hopeless.



No wonder mom didn't speak just now.

Midori felt a little disappointed, wiped her drool on her forelegs and stood up.

"It's great, my sister can be possessed by my mother."

Thinking of this, she was so envious.

If I can be possessed by my mother...


No, you can't... just think about it and get excited.

Maybe the moment he is possessed, he will die of excitement...

But...but what kind of state is that?I'm so curious... I really want to know...

ha ha... ha ha...

All kinds of ideas came to mind.


Jun Ji saw Midori lying limp on the ground, her six limbs twisted together, panting heavily.

Jun Ji, who originally wanted to teach her a lesson, seemed disgusted by her appearance, hesitated, put down her raised forelimbs, and then walked in front of Jun Shiyi.

"Are you OK?"


Jun Shiyi showed Jun Ji the saliva stained on his body, and his tone sounded a little aggrieved.

"...Stay away from Miss Midori from now on."

Jun Ji didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only use her forelimbs to carefully choose a place that wasn't stained with disgusting mucus, and then patted her little head lightly.

After comforting Army Eleven, Jun Ji first walked to the corpse of the bull monster, used the skill "Magic Backpack" to put the monster in, and then called the surrounding army ant sisters back to the castle.

At this moment, Midori, who heard Junhime's voice, also quickly recovered.

"Wait for me, Ji...Jun Ji!"

She jumped up from the ground and followed.


After notifying Junji and Luzi, Lin Yu then notified Chitong and Xiaolei.

When it was near dusk, all the ants began to return to the ant nest one after another.

Although it is a family dinner, not all ants can participate. After all, the number of ant colonies is different now.

Lin Yu didn't count carefully, but at least tens of thousands are certain.

Therefore, the number of ants participating in the dinner party is limited.

After thinking about it, she limited the scope to the ant clan with aptitude A and B, and the ant clan with C aptitude and class C.

The ant tribes within this range will rush back to the castle in the fog zone, and the other ant tribes will return to their respective ant nests to enjoy a half-day vacation and the same sumptuous dinner.

But even so, the number of ants who came to the castle to participate in the dinner was also astonishing, there were nearly a thousand of them.

They set off from the first ant nest at the southernmost stone cave, the second ant nest at the goblin pasture and mine in the west, and the third and fifth ant nests in the north, and rushed to the castle in the fog zone The fourth ant nest where it is located.

It is said to be a dinner party, but it is actually very simple.

Just like when we entered the foggy area before, let the worker ants take out the food stored in the ant nest.

Compared with cooked food, if no seasoning is added, ants prefer "juicy" raw food.

"Move the fresh food stored in the anthill and the basement floor of the castle into the first floor hall and main hall of the castle."

Lin Yu gave instructions to the ant clan in the fourth ant nest during the time when his daughters came over.

She was standing on a certain balcony on the third floor of the castle. She used to stand here in a daze when she was free.

Because the number of trees that can produce white fog is small near the castle, Lin Yu can see some ant tribes that have been hunting in the fog area have come back, but they can't see it no matter how far away they are.


In the past few months, not only the number and level of the ant clan have increased, but even each ant nest has changed a lot.

First up is the Castle in the Fog.

Although the castle is still old and incomplete from a closer look, the interior has been cleaned very clean by worker ants and goblins.

All rubbish such as stones and broken wood has been removed, as well as the dust in the corners, including the ceiling and walls.

The overgrown atrium on the first floor of the castle was also cleaned up and a lot of weeds were removed. However, goblin grass was found during the weed removal process, so Lin Yu planned to use part of the atrium space for to grow goblin grass, other herbs and edible wild vegetables.

First let the worker ants spit to cultivate the magic soil, and then transplant these plants onto the magic soil.

In addition, more than a dozen fruit tree saplings have also been planted.

There are many large and small rooms in the castle.

Their walls, ceilings and even floors are damaged to varying degrees, because the ants do not need to live in the castle, and the main work of the worker ants still has to be on the expansion of the ant nest network, so the repair work in these places is temporarily suspended. shelved.

Lin Yu's bedroom on the third floor of the castle has also been cleaned up. There is a wooden bed in the bedroom, and the wooden bed is piled with a thick layer of hay. Chair.

Although there is furniture, but because the space is too large, the whole bedroom still looks a bit empty.

As for the basement level of the castle.

Of the two huge warehouses, in addition to the weapons and armor obtained from defeating the undead, the first one also contained some rare monster materials.

The second warehouse is for the fresh monster corpses of the day, mainly for the newly born ant clan with a weaker level.

And those two rows of prison cells were also used. Every day, some mid-level and high-level monsters with their limbs bitten off were thrown into them. These monsters were brought back by the ant clan who went out to hunt for Lin Yu to give Lin Yu the final blow.

In addition, because the castle is too large, in order to keep the entire castle clean and tidy, there are goblins and worker ants to do daily cleaning work every day.





PS: This chapter was sanctioned... I obviously didn't engage in hs!unacceptable! ! !

Chapter 3 About Terrans

As for outside the castle.

A new goblin ranch was built on the side of the castle, but the scale was only maintained at 300 people, not as big as the second ant nest.

A huge network of ant nests has been laid out on the ground of the castle, and the network almost extends to nearly half the size of the fog area, but the periphery of this network is a small ant nest, which will serve as monitoring the fog area and provide nearby A sentinel for the ants to rest.

Not only the fourth ant nest, but the other four ant nests also spread out the network.

These five ant nests are already connected to each other. It can be said that the large forest where these five ant nests are located has become the territory of the ant tribe. You may not notice small movements, but you will definitely not be able to escape the ant colony if you make big movements. Sight.

The resources in this area are also controlled by the ant colony.

Mainly all kinds of medicinal herbs and trees.

In addition to the detoxifying Ganldor herb, there are also smoked herbs that have a hemostatic effect, and phantom flowers that have a psychedelic effect.

The number of illusion flowers is small, and its psychedelic effect is not obvious. It takes a lot of illusion flowers to make the goblin fall into a psychedelic state, so Lin Yu only planted a few.

These three kinds of medicinal herbs are mainly cultivated. Although there are many other different plants in the forest, only the names of these plants can be identified through "identification".

As for the trees, in addition to several red fruit trees, apple trees were also found.

It is a real apple tree, and I don't know why it appeared in this forest. There are only two apple trees, and the fruit they bear is small and sour, which is not very delicious.

But after being cultivated on the magic soil, the apples became bigger and sweeter.

There are also several other types of trees.

One is a fruit tree from another world like the red fruit, called Lan'er fruit. The fruit it produces is light blue in color and has a very light fragrance. It also tastes very light, with only a hint of sourness.

After eating the fruit, no special effects were found, and only the name could be identified through identification. Because the taste was not good, Lin Yu did not cultivate this fruit tree much.

This is especially true for the other types of fruit trees, the fruits are even more unpalatable than the Laner fruit, and there is also no identification description or actual effect.

Lin Yu mainly cultivates red fruit trees and apple trees.

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