She told the weak ants to walk quickly towards the entrance of the cave.

After all, no one knows when the bear will come back from hunting.

After leaving the cave, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The blue sky, the bright sun, and the endless green forest below.

The air is also extremely fresh.

During the days in the ant nest, Lin Yu asked a weak ant to keep recording the time, and every time a day passed, it would carve a trace on the ground near the wall of the cave.

There are already nine notches, which means today is the tenth day.

Ten days of underground life...

Enduring the dark environment for ten days, enduring the foul smell for ten days...

Lin Yu couldn't help feeling a sense of happiness welling up in his heart, and couldn't help but feel moved.

However, if you use the body of a weak ant to feel it, you still can't feel it yourself. For example, it feels like you are separated by a layer of gauze.

I can feel the sunlight, smell the fresh air, and even feel the breeze, but it is only separated by a layer of "gauze" that makes these feelings greatly reduced.

Feeling moved but also a little disappointed.

But for now, it's best to put those things aside.

She began to observe the surrounding environment.

The outside environment is not necessarily safer than the inside of the cave, so it is better not to move the ant nest without knowing the surrounding environment.

There are no creatures around for the time being, and the cave should be on a small hill.

Footprints were found on the hill. The size of the footprints can be said to be slightly larger than that of a weak ant. It should be the footprints of the bear.

Well, the direction the footprints are going in can only be given up.

But which direction to go first?


Or... this way?

No, you can't waste time on hesitation, just choose a direction, the target is an edible creature!

Well, it's okay if there are fruits!Sweet and sour fruit with no rancid or bloody smell!


Ant colony marches as quietly as possible...

a few minutes later...

Live creatures found!

By the way, what is this?

Although the main body is not there, there is no way to identify it, but judging from the appearance of the other party, it really is that one, right?


The creatures in front of me are like lumps of yellowish slime piled up together, and the slime...or the slime's body can be seen faintly, with some leaves, dead branches and soil in it, and two other Irregular elliptical spheres the size of date pits should be the organs of slimes.

The slime didn't seem to notice the ant colony, it stayed where it was, with layers of delicate bubbles floating out of the leaves, dead branches and soil in its body.

The other party seemed to be digesting the food in his body.

Leaves, dead branches, and soil... Unfortunately, if it is a delicious fruit, it can be taken from its mouth.

By the way, can slime be eaten?

But whether you can eat it or not, you must not let it go!It stands to reason that you should be able to gain experience by killing it, and you may also be able to gain experience by eating it.

No reason not to try it!

Well, it's up to you, let's go!

Lin Yu casually gave an order to attack the slime to one of the expedition team ants except the captain.

The team ants rushed up!

Jumped on the slime, and bit it off!

Well, I ate a mouthful of slime.

It seems that there is no experience point increase.

And the slime hasn't fallen yet.

Sure enough, the weak point is the same organ as the two glass beads?

Order the team ants to bite the two glass beads.

Although the slime struggled during the process, it was useless at all.

Not only does it look sluggish, but it also has no decent means of attack.

Accompanied by the sound of glass beads breaking, the slime stopped struggling, and the lumps of mucus that had bulged suddenly collapsed, and then turned into liquid and scattered.

Lin Yu saw that the team ants did gain experience, but the experience was pitifully low, and the progress bar only increased by 1%.

In other words, you need to kill 100 slimes to upgrade a team ant from LV.4 to LV.5.

Slightly disappointed.

But looking at it from another angle, weak ants are stronger than slimes!Obviously a weak word was added in front of the name.

Hmm, but maybe the level of the slime I killed was low?

If you want to judge the strength of a species, it will be fairer under the same level of conditions, right?

Forget it, don't worry about it, the first battle is a complete victory!It's a good omen, congratulations!

Chapter 11 Fresh Meat!

After killing the slime, the ants continue to move forward.

More than 20 minutes passed.

There was a rustling sound in the grass.

Lin Yu ordered Captain Ant to gently push aside the grass.


Ah, it's a yellow-haired pig!

It's meat!Edible meat!fresh meat!

Not good, my saliva is about to flow down.

Well, calm down, be calm at this time.

Although it is said to be a piglet, its size is about the size of two or three weak ants put together.

The ant colony separated and slowly surrounded the piglet in the grass. Because it was covered by tall grass and the movement was small enough, the piglet didn't notice anything wrong for a while.

By the time it sensed something was wrong and stopped eating tender grass, it was already too late.

The circle in front is six weak ants including the leader ant, and behind them is a larger encirclement formed by the other fifteen weak ants.

Hoo hoo, you've been surrounded!But even if you surrender, I won't let you go!

Lin Yu asked a team ant in the front circle to attack first.

Just like attacking slime before, the whole body jumped up and jumped at the piggy.

That's right, she is the warrior who took the first blood of slime before!Hmm, it looks like he wants to adopt a familiar fighting style.

Well, she actually acted on my orders.


I saw that little yellow-haired pig sprinting to the side, and dodged the attack of the team ants in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, it is not as easy to deal with as slime, and it is much more agile than slime.

But where are you going to escape? Can you escape?very blue~

The subconscious action of the yellow-haired piglet after dodging the pounce was to run away, but it looked left and right, and found that there were weak ant queens around, so it didn't know what to do.

In the first circle, except for the captain ant, the other five weak ants were all dispatched this time.

They pounced from different directions. At first, the piggy could avoid the pounces of the two weak ants in front, but it was not enough to deal with the attacks of the three behind.

However, its strength is also great, and the three weak ants that were pressing it under the desperate struggle were thrown away one after another.

Well, it seems that five is still not enough.

Now it's your turn to make a move!

The captain ant received the mother's order, and when the last weak ant was thrown away and the little pig was exhausted, he made a surprise attack!


The two giant jaws of the captain ant pierced deeply into the piggy's side, and then with a bite, a huge gash was directly drawn on the piggy's body.

"Aw!! Aww! Aww!"

The little pig screamed in pain, the sound was piercing, and Lin Yu was startled.

"Hurry up! Get rid of it quickly!"

The other five weak ants also swarmed up...

After a few breaths, the piglet stopped screaming, blood flowed from under it, and the smell of blood also dissipated.

The experience was obtained by one of the five weak ants except the leader ant. It seemed that only the weak ants who killed the target life could gain experience points, and the weak ants who assisted in killing could not gain experience.

After a brief glance, he found that the progress bar of the weak ant's experience value increased suddenly, from 0% to 94%.

Although I am happy that I have gained a lot of experience, the current situation is also a bit bad. The screams just now may attract other creatures.

The smell of blood might also attract other predators.

Go back for now?


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