The tone is cold, the expression is cold... I seem to be a difficult person to get along with, so before the reincarnation, except for the person who confessed, almost no one would talk to me.

But apart from being indifferent, I don't seem to have much contact with Jun Ji...

Even the number of times he talked to Midori seems to be more than Junji.

Me, I don't want to either!

She works outside most of the time and rarely comes home... Isn't it normal for her feelings to fade?In other words, the feelings are already very weak!

But even though I rarely get in touch with her, it doesn't mean I don't like her.

Who doesn't like a powerful ant daughter? In terms of combat level alone, Junji is better than Chitong.

And compared to Chitong and Midori, Junji is a more obedient daughter.

Junji should also like me, right?

Although I haven't checked the psychological activities of my daughters since Chitong was born, they must like me.

It’s okay not to like it, you must like your mother!

And although I rarely contact her, I have been observing her.

Except for Midori, I have been paying attention to daughters with A qualifications and most of B qualifications.


Time goes back to the present.

Jun Ji, who was promoted to A rank, also seemed very happy, and then continued hunting.

Originally, I wanted to tell her to come back and take a rest, and by the way, as a compliment, cook some delicious food for her.

Because she hasn't tasted my cooking yet.

But she seems to like fighting more, and she also enjoys fighting, so I won't call her back.

It feels like having a daughter who likes to learn, and my mother is very pleased.

After watching several battles between Junji and her army ant sisters for a while, a shadow moved quickly to the balcony.

The shadow turned into a gray stalker ant.

It's Qian San.

"Mom, two eggs are about to hatch."

Hatched?So fast!

It seems like only three or four hours have passed, right?Ah, it should be that the eggs of A-qualified worker ants and weak ants are about to hatch.

Lin Yu quickly returned to the bedroom.

Among the five ant eggs placed on the ground, a white ant egg and a gray ant egg had cracked on the surface, and the two eggs were trembling slightly.

I don't know if it was because of Lin Yu's arrival, the trembling movements of the two eggs accelerated.

clack... clack...

Eggshell fragments began to fall continuously.

In the end they broke out of their shells almost at the same time.

After coming out of the eggshell, they looked around, and in unison, they set their sights on the girl with white hair and red pupils in front of her.



Why is it a question... because of the way I am now?

"Well, it's me."

After answering, the worker ants approached just like the previous newly born ants.

But the weak ant took two steps back and hid behind the eggshell?

Eh, why?Are you afraid of me?


The voice of the worker ants drew Lin Yu's attention back.

The body size of worker ants and weak ants is the smallest among all ant species.

Because they had just been born, and Lin Yu's body had also grown bigger and taller after changing from a white ant's posture to a human's posture, so the two of them seemed smaller.


They are only bigger than the palm of one's own hand.

If it's just these two little guys, if you get close to seems okay, I don't feel nervous at all.

And they're so small, they're pretty cute.

But if I were talking about it before my reincarnation, I would definitely not find insects like ants cute.

Ah, the little worker ants are here.

"Mom is so beautiful."

This kid speaks so well!

Lin Yu bent down and stretched out his hand to touch her, but unexpectedly, the little worker ant jumped onto her palm.

Although startled, but not afraid.

After all, I have been with my daughters for three years, and I have long adapted to the appearance of the ant tribe, and if I add their voices, I even think they are cute.

Of course, other insects such as spiders are another matter.

Lin Yu touched the little worker ant with his other hand, and the worker ant's little head was attached to her little hand.

"Mommy mommy..."

She looks very useful.

If it is not called mother, it is the same as a pet.

"Are you hungry?"


"Well, wait a minute."

Mom is in a good mood, I'll give you something to eat.

Finally, a slap-sized piece of raw meat was taken out from the different space, which was the meat of a rank A monster - a cow and a horse.

Pass the piece of meat to the worker ants.



To Lin Yu's surprise, the other party turned away the ant's head.

Didn't you say you were hungry?

"what happened?"

"Mom, I won't eat this."

Eh? ?

Picky eaters?

But this is already the highest grade of meat my mother can produce.

"why do not you eat?"


The little worker ant raised his head and looked at Lin Yu, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Mom, this is raw meat."

What happened to the raw meat?Ah, do you mean...

"You don't like raw meat?"

"Well, because the smell of blood is so must be disgusting to eat."

Well, there is one thing to say, indeed.

No, why don't you like eating raw meat!Obviously other ants like to eat it.

But in that case, she likes to eat cooked food as much as herself?It has the same human taste as myself!I always feel that I have found the same kind, and I am a little moved.

If you don’t like it, forget it—it’s no wonder, good children can’t be picky eaters!

Only by eating raw meat can you grow quickly!

Good children should learn from their mothers!Obviously I like to eat cooked food, but I have still insisted on eating raw meat for the past three years.

And just when Lin Yu was about to ask the little worker ants to eat this piece of A-level monster meat.

Such a voice came from the side.

Follow the sound.

It was the little weak ant that was eating its own eggshell.

Probably aware of her gaze, she turned her head to look, and then met Lin Yu's gaze.

The next moment, the little weak ant quickly hid behind the eggshell.

"I...I'm hungry too..."

While hiding behind the eggshell and looking at Lin Yu, she explained weakly, her voice as thin as a mosquito.

Shy?And the voice is weak.

Lin Yu looked at the weak ant who seemed to be afraid of himself and shrank behind the eggshell, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Think of the name!Just call her...weak voice.

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