After waiting for a while, the "bleeding" state of the leopard monster finally disappeared when the health value dropped to more than ten points.

Jun Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

This is already the No. 15 A-rank monster.

Mom should be able to level up with a little bit of experience points, as long as you kill this one, it should be fine, and the magic value will be fully recovered after mom upgrades, that is to say, by then...

Jun Ji's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot.

"Let's go back."

"Eh? But sister Jiji, it's still early."

creak creak...

Jun Yi asked strangely while gnawing on the hoof of the leopard monster.

"It would be nice to have Jun [-] and Jun [-] bring this monster back alive."

Jun [-] and Jun [-] are the lowest ranks in the entire army ant team, so they carry back the bloody monsters first, and then the remaining army ants continue hunting.

"Don't call me Jiji."

Because she was in a good mood, Jun Ji resisted the urge to beat Jun Yi up.

She walked up to the A-rank monster with frightened eyes, picked it up with two jaws and put it on her back.

However, it was just such an action, which probably involved internal injuries, and the monster's HP decreased by two points.

"As long as we kill this monster, Mom should be able to level up."

"Really! That means sister Jiji is going to become a human?"


Jun Yi cheered.

The other army ants are also happy for their big sister.

Afterwards, they "escorted" the A-rank monster all the way back to the foggy castle.


From Jun Shiyi's perspective, Lin Yu found out that Jun Ji had caught an A-level monster again.

The girl was also a little excited.

Finally, another daughter is about to become a human!

What will Jun Ji look like after she transforms~

She went downstairs briskly to welcome her daughter, but there was no ant clan following behind her.

After these three days of eating upgrades, all newly born A-qualified ant clans and B-qualified ant clans, including worker ants Xiaoye and Weak Ants, started hunting.

"Sisters need actual combat, it's not enough to just eat raw meat and mend monsters with residual blood."

What was proposed at the time was the Magic Ant Magic Rainbow.

"However, it will take some time to get used to fighting. During this time, Akahito and Qianichi will protect us, right?"

So even Chitong and some stealth ants followed.

Although if they were just hunting near the castle, there would hardly be any powerful monsters, but just in case, they did need some powerful bodyguards.

The only ones who can judge the strength of the enemy and the enemy and save her daughter at critical moments are Chitong with the "Life Connection" skill, and the stealth ants with the highest agility attributes.

Chi Tong followed Mo Hong, and they seemed to have a good relationship from the very beginning to the present.

But the two of them were the most popular ants in the ant colony. Although Mohong was born not long ago, she seemed to get along well with everyone.

Why do I always feel more popular than my mother!

Then Ziyun and Ziwu, because they are flying ants, as long as they attack weaker and fewer monsters, there will be no danger at all, so they don't need other sneaking ants to watch, and the sneaking ants It's also hard to keep an eye on them.

As for the latent image, she seems to like hunting more than Jun Ji, and rarely stays in the castle, so the level improvement is the fastest among all newborn ants. If it is not because of the bad habit of torturing monsters, her leveling speed should be It will be even faster.

But... I didn't pay much attention to her.

Because she has a very keen sense...and she fights alone, no matter what kind of ant tribe is attached to observe her, she will always find it.

And the way to be discovered is often that the other party disappears suddenly, and then appears directly next to the face.

It's scary, okay?

If it is said that observing other daughters is the daily channel, the farming channel and the fighting channel, when it comes to latent images, it becomes the horror channel.

The rest is Saya and Weak Voice.

In fact, as a worker ant, Xiaoye can't go out to hunt, but because she needs to have the ability to protect herself, and Xiaoye doesn't like to upgrade by eating raw meat, so she goes out to hunt.

When she is not hunting, besides pestering herself to eat cooked food, she is going to the underground ant nest. Because she also has the skill of "magic soil", she is building her own herb garden.

Because she is an ant with A qualification, the effect of watering the magic soil with saliva is higher than that of other worker ants.

Some of the wild vegetables and mushrooms planted by Xiao Ye's saliva have been used for cooking, and the taste is better than those planted by other worker ants.

As for the weak voice, besides Qian Shi who followed her, Midori also went with her. It seems that their relationship is really good.

But also peeping from a distance, Midori's sight makes people feel a little disgusted, but Ruoyin's sight is relatively clean, and once she looks over, she will move her head back in a panic.

Because she is really cute, sometimes I will pretend not to pay attention to her, and then suddenly look at her.

Hey, I'm so bad...

Ah, when I was thinking wildly, Jun Ji came back.


The girl hurried out of the gate of the castle and greeted her.

"Mom, this is a newly caught A-level monster, because there is only a little life left, so please get rid of it as soon as possible."

Jun Ji didn't shake off the monster, but got down on the ground to signal Lin Yu to do it directly.


Without hesitation, the girl raised the long sword she had prepared long ago, and stabbed the monster in the head.

Most of the long sword was lost.

The monster's HP is reset to zero.

The next moment, the long-lost reminder sounded.

Chapter 44 has changed!and!

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.1 is upgraded to LV.2, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Upper limit of health +70, upper limit of mana +15 ② Upper limit of health +80, intelligence +2 ③ Strength +5, resistance to abnormal states +5

/Please choose your gift.

It's been a long time since I heard the voice of Sister Tianzhisheng.

It's so beautiful~

let me see...

Choose the second one.

/boon established.

Speaking of which, although there is no skill gift option this time, the attribute gift has doubled!

If the attribute gift is fixed as the gift of the upper limit of the life value, the upper limit of the life value will be increased by 10 points for each level when there is no class.

For rank D, the upper limit of health is increased by 20 points.

At C rank, the upper limit of HP is increased by 30 points.

The upper limit of HP is 50 points in B rank.

At the A level, it suddenly increased to the upper limit of 100 health points!

No wonder the A rank monsters are so strong.

Ah, now that's not the point.

The girl turned her attention away from the panel and looked at the ants in front of her.

"Congratulations, mom, for upgrading."

Jun Ji's tone was a little trembling, and her eyes were bright.

"Well, come with me."

"Ah, good!"

Jun Ji followed the girl into the castle.

"Mom, where are we going?"

"Go to my bedroom."

"Lying! Bedroom?"

"Well, after transforming into a human, the whole body is naked."

I always feel that the daughters don't mind about the naked body, this is not acceptable!Girls have to be ashamed!

There was just the last set of clothes left. Although I originally planned to keep it for myself to change and wash, there was no way to do it. I couldn't let my daughter be naked.

After all, it will take some time to get used to it after the transformation, before the "transformation" skill can be used normally.

"Well, I...I see."

After the transformation, the whole body is nude, so you have to go to the bedroom?

Originally, it was so...

Mom wants to watch alone...

Jun Ji felt her limbs tremble and her heart beat faster.

Maybe what sister Mohong said was true, and she wasn't hated by her mother?

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