Sure enough, a small opening about two centimeters long was cut on the top of the index finger of his left hand, and blood was gurgling out.

"Ah, mom is hurt! I, I didn't mean it, what, what should I do..."

"Why panic, it's just a little blood."

"It's not a little bit! I shouldn't have agreed to fight Mom."

Jun Ji seemed to have thought of something, she quickly put Lin Yu down first, and then took out the smoked herb used to stop the bleeding from the different dimension.

He chewed the hemorrhoid in his mouth, then took it out, and carefully applied it to the white-haired girl's index finger.


"Does it hurt?"

The blond girl frowned tightly and looked at Lin Yu with teary eyes, looking extremely distressed.

It seemed that it was her who was hurt, not Lin Yu.

Lin Yu felt that her reaction was a little cute, but he didn't feel the pain for a while, so he stretched out his uninjured right hand and stroked the girl's blonde hair.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."



Chapter 47 Candidates for contact with the Terran

Anyway, the test is over.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, the person who possesses "sword talent" and "swordsmanship master" is stronger than Junhime.

But in actual combat, Jun Ji is better.

The skill "Aptitude for Combat" not only allows Jun Ji to gain experience in battle, but also seems to give Jun Ji some talents in using weapons, but the level of this part of talent is not as good as the real talent skills.

"The bleeding has stopped, Mom."

While holding the white-haired girl's arm, Jun Ji gently blew a cool breeze on the girl's injured finger, and finally smiled when she found that the bleeding had stopped.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Really, am I the mother or you are the mother!

Lin Yu's face was slightly hot, and she withdrew her hand.

"Take whatever weapon you want, and get ready to go."

The white-haired girl walked aside while talking, picked up the jacket and pants that had been taken off on the pile of weapons, and began to put them on.

"A weapon..."

Jun Ji also put on her clothes. While putting on her clothes, she looked hesitantly at the weapon she had tried before.

After both of them got dressed, Jun Ji seemed to be still struggling.

"Have you decided yet?"

"Well... because I like every weapon."

"Then take them all."

"is it okay?"

"This is your home, you are my daughter, you can take whatever you want."

Lin Yu said coldly while touching his finger that was no longer painful.


The blond girl was happy, and uncharacteristically walked quickly to the weapon pile like a little girl shopping and started to choose.

In the end, a sledgehammer, a long spear, a long knife, a long sword, a bow and arrow, an iron rod, a long axe, a two-handed epee... all kinds of weapons were chosen, and they were thrown into a different space with satisfaction.

After that, Jun Ji followed Lin Yu back to the upper level of the castle.

She didn't seem to be planning to go hunting today, and walked side by side with Lin Yu along the way, keeping her eyes on Lin Yu.


Mom not only didn't hate herself, she even...maybe even liked herself.

And those things that just happened, I feel that the relationship with my mother has become closer...

Just like dreaming.

No, even my own dreams have never been so wonderful!

Everything that happened today made the girl a little unbelievable until now.

"I'm going to cook for lunch, what do you want to eat?"


Jun Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

"Mom wants to make food for... for me?"


After answering, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, so Lin Yu hurriedly added.

"Just a sudden craving for cooked food. What do you want?"

"As long as it is something made by my mother, I can do it!"


This answer is the most annoying!

Forget it, in this case, just make something to eat.

After cooking some vegetable soup and roasting some meat, Lin Yu, Jun Ji, and a few daughters who came over smelling the smell had lunch together.

"What is Mom going to do with the remaining mana?"

Jun Ji asked while holding a bowl and sipping vegetable soup.


How should it be used?

It took half of the mana to give Jun Ji the skill "Transfiguration", so there is still half of the mana left.

After much deliberation, there are only two options.

One is spawning.

The second is to continue to use this part of the magic value to bestow skills on the daughter.

If I lay eggs... it takes two days to conceive now. If my stomach is swollen for two days, it will be very uncomfortable...

And since Chitong and Junji have obtained the "transfiguration", maybe they can start to try to contact the human race?

But in order to prevent them from being recognized as ant tribe, they must be given the skill "Camouflage".

Because I don't know if there are magic items with "identification" skills or similar effects in the territory of the human race. If the "identification" skill is used to discover the identity of the ant tribe, things may become troublesome.

So "camouflage" skills are essential.

But because I only have half of the mana at the moment, the "Camouflage" skill can only be given to one of the two ants.

In other words...the next contact with the human race can only be handed over to one of the two ants.

What, I can also transform into people, and I also have the ability to "disguise"?

That's right.

But I won't go!

Oh, I have good reasons.

First, I am the queen ant, and I can also be said to be the general of the ant colony, an important person!How can important people be easily put into front-line activities!

Second, I am a support staff. Although it is true that I know a little bit of swordsmanship, but in terms of actual combat ability, I am confident that I cannot beat any B-rank daughter!

And my main job is... still doing that kind of thing...

Third, I look beautiful!

Not smug, but the truth!hum...

If such a cute white-haired girl goes to the human territory, it will probably cause a big commotion!And maybe there will be some plots like in ordinary novels, being blocked by some gangsters and the like to find fault.

It always feels like this kind of thing is not uncommon.

So I won't go to the human territory for the time being!


But between Chitong and Junji, who should be allowed to contact the human race?

It seems...Jun Ji is better.

Because Akahito looks like a young girl... and when fighting in the posture of a human race, she can only attack with her fists. If she goes alone to contact the human race... I feel very uneasy.

It's not that I don't worry about Chitong, but that I don't worry about her appearance as a young girl.

It would be fine if she didn't encounter a situation where she needed to fight, but if she encountered... punching the villain with her young girl's posture or something... it's too suspicious!

In comparison, Jun Ji looks about 16 years old.

I learned from Ji Li before that in this world, 14 years old is considered an adult, the kind that can be married.

And the minimum age for adventurers is generally 14 years old.

In addition, Jun Ji will also use a variety of human weapons. At the age of 16, it is much more reasonable to fight with human weapons.

What's more, Jun Ji's current strength may be stronger than Chi Tong's, let alone fighting in a human posture.

Well, decided.

Just give Jun Ji the "camouflage" skill, and then let her make contact with the human race!

As for how to contact the human race next...

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