The next morning.

Lin Yu once again possessed Jun Ji.

After saying hello to the three boys and girls, and having some bread for breakfast, the group of four started to move on.

Finally arrived at Jili's hometown - Xiyi Village before noon.

This was the first time Lin Yu entered this village in broad daylight, and the villagers who passed by saw them as adventurers when they saw their attire.

Along the way, villagers kept saying hello to the four of them.

Filled fresh water by the well in Xiyi Village, and borrowed an iron pot from the villager's house to cook a pot of broth. After frying two or three vegetables, they started to move on after finishing their lunch.

By evening.

"We're almost there, Sister Junji, look, that's our village——Xisi Village."

Will, the leader, pointed to the small village in the distance and said.

After a few "feedings", plus these two days of contact and familiarity, they began to address Lin Yu as sister.

As for Xisi Village, it was the village where they grew up.

The young girls are indeed adventurers of the Town Adventurers Guild, but once they come to the forest to perform missions or practice combat, they will occasionally return to Xisi Village to rest for a while while preparing dry food and fresh water.

If there are some low-level monsters such as goblins hunted, the meat of the monsters will be sold to the villagers in the same village at a cheaper price.


As the sky darkened again, Lin Yu finally followed the three of them to Xisi Village.

This is a larger village than Xiyi Village, with a population of more than 500.

Sure enough, the villagers knew Will, Maier, and Sally, and people often greeted them along the way, but it was probably because Jun Ji looked amazing, and she looked heroic in silver light armor. Stay on her body.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Lin Yu still maintained a cold expression on his face.


Among the villagers I met on the road, Youdao had a particularly disgusting look.


It was a middle-aged man with a scruffy appearance, sitting against a big tree, grinning and looking at the four of them... No, to be precise, he was looking at Lin Yu and Sally next to her.

"That's a lazy ruffian in the village. That guy used to be an adventurer for a while, but because of his bad reputation in the guild, most of the commissioned tasks he did were messy. I heard that some clients complained So after asking him to compensate the client for the loss, the guild kicked him out."

Seeing that Lin Yu seemed to be concerned, Will said aloud after leaving the man's sight.

"Sister Jun Ji, ignore him, that guy is a pervert, I heard that there are female adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild who have been harassed by him, and this guy's eyes look very strange!"

Sally seemed to think of something, and shivered all over.

"If it weren't for Will and Maier, I wouldn't dare to go back to the village alone."

"Okay, just leave him alone. I want to go home now, take a bath and rest. Let's go back quickly."

Mel urged.

Then Lin Yu followed them to their home.

Like Ji Li's house in Xiyi Village, their house is also surrounded by earthen walls, and there is only a single-story house inside.

The house was bigger than Gilly's, with three bedrooms.

At this time, except for Lin Yu, the other three people were already tired and hungry after walking for a day.

After discussing the journey, the four of them decided to take a car to the town.

Regularly, several villagers in the village would use bullock carts to pull a pile of grains to the town for sale. The boys and girls figured it out, and the time happened to be tomorrow, so they discussed with one of the villagers and planned to take a ride.

The villagers are naturally happy, knowing that it costs money to hire adventurers for guard work.


After dinner, Will and Mel each went to their bedrooms, and fell asleep soundly.

With the injuries and the long journey, they did look exhausted.

Sally, though better, was just as yawning and listless.

"Sister Junji, let's go to sleep too."


After following the girl into the other party's bedroom, the girl closed the door, then leaned the staff against the wall beside her, took off her coat, leaving only her underwear and panties on the bed.

"Sister Jun Ji, go to bed early, we have to get up early tomorrow, and Uncle Nix will leave very early tomorrow."

Nix was the villager who was going to drive an ox cart with grain to town.

Although the speed of the ox cart was slow, it was at least faster than the boys and girls walking to the town.

After taking off the light armor on his body, Lin Yu also took off his coat under the girl's gaze.

"Go to sleep."

After getting into bed, Lin Yu closed his eyes, then canceled the control, and returned his body to Jun Ji.

Compared to the young girl Sally, Lin Yu preferred to sleep with her daughter Chitong.

Although Sally's appearance is good, she is much worse than Chitong and Junji, but this is not the main reason, the main reason is...

Sleeping in the same bed with women I've just met for a day or two...that's too much of a challenge for me!

I always feel like I can't sleep.



That night, after Lin Yu canceled the control, Jun Ji didn't get any sleep.

There was a slight sound from outside the house.

Chapter 56 Night raid?

"It's the sloppy man from the day, he climbed over the wall and came in."

A dark figure swept into the bedroom, bringing news.

It was Qian Shi who was left outside to watch the night.

"What are you going to do? According to the time, Mom should be asleep by now."

There were also three sneaking ants who had been hiding in Jun Ji's shadow, and one of them, Qian Yi, asked.

Jun Ji got up from the bed carefully not to make any noise.

"Breaking in at night, this person has bad intentions."

While replying to Qian Yi, the blond girl quickly put on her cloth clothes and walked towards the bedroom door with her sword in hand.

"Since Mom is asleep and I don't understand the human language, then try not to make any noise and get rid of him, otherwise it will be troublesome if the three boys are woken up."

"Are you going to kill him?"

"No...killing him may be troublesome, and Mom and Sister Mohong told us to be careful before."

"Well, you're not as stupid as you look, so what are you going to do?"


Jun Ji ignored Qian Yi, she left the bedroom and closed the door lightly.

Then I saw the bolt at the gate creaking and shaking, and it was the man who was prying it.

He wants to sneak into the house.

Sally and the others don't have any valuables in this house, so it means that this man's purpose is really...

Jun Ji's face darkened, she stepped forward and opened the door.

The sloppy man outside the house was taken aback by the sudden opening of the door, and stopped prying the door, but when he saw that the blond girl who opened the door was the blond girl in the daytime, a disgusted smile appeared on his sloppy face. Two rows of yellow and black teeth were opened.

"Hey, I—"

It's just that before he could say anything, Jun Ji kicked at a speed that the opponent couldn't see clearly.


The man bowed and was kicked away, fell ten meters away, and then hit the dirt wall and fell down.

His eyes widened, and he couldn't hold back "wow" and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Probably stimulated by the pain, the veins on the man's forehead were exposed, his breathing became heavy, and he took out a dagger from his waist with a fierce face.

"Damn stinky, ****!"

While spitting out a series of obscenities, the man rushed over with a dagger in his right hand.

"Can you understand what he said?"

Through the identification, Jun Ji saw information such as the level and skills of the man in front of her.

The man is D-level LV.4. His skills are only "Slash" and "Attack Enhancement", and none of his attributes exceed double digits.

"Probably dirty words."

Qian Yi took over the conversation.

"Can you handle it alone?"

"Hmph, of course."

After communicating with Qianyi for a while, the man also rushed forward.

Jun Ji handed out the sword.

With a sound of "clang", the dagger was easily thrown away.

Then there was another kick, and the man's body was kicked away again.

After kicking the opponent away, Jun Ji closed the door behind her, and then walked to the sloppy man at the wall who was struggling to stand up.

At this moment, the man seemed to finally understand the strength gap between himself and the opponent, and the cruelty in his eyes turned into fear.

"Forgive...forgive me!! I was wrong, please spare my life!"

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