"why are you laughing!"

"What are those in the carriage, crops like rice and beans? Heck - how much can this be sold for? Compared with our master's goods, they are nothing at all."

"Cars can't compare to us, cargo can't compare to us, even people... Hey, it's an eyesore to stand in front of us."

Compare everything, are you a primary school student...

Lin Yu looked at the bald head in front of him speechlessly.

"But our master is generous."

The brawny man took out a small silver coin from his pocket, flicked his thumb, and the small silver coin flew out. Coincidentally, it "slapped" on the face of Maier who was standing at the front.

"Hahaha, this is compensation for you guys, take it and get out of here."

"Too deceiving!"

The young man who was slapped in the face was immediately angry, grabbed the small silver coin that was smashed in the face and threw it on the ground, and then rushed forward with his sword in hand.

"Don't be impulsive, Mel!"

Another young man hurriedly stopped him, and also glared at the strong man.

"It's you who should get out, this is our seat."

"Hey, want to fight? Fight with the adventurers we hired, do you have the strength?"

The bald man approached the two teenagers with a contemptuous smile, and he reached out to pat Maier's face.

"Young people, don't be too arrogant!"


The boy finally couldn't hold back, he raised his foot and kicked the strong man in front of him.

The foot that I didn't want to kick out was grabbed by the bald and generous palm.

Then the boy was kicked severely in the abdomen by the strong man, and then he was thrown flying out, falling several meters away.

"Is this an adventurer? It's so weak that it makes people laugh, hahahaha..."


Sally ran over quickly.

Will couldn't bear it anymore, he clenched the buckler and dagger tightly and charged forward.

The strong man who was attacked did not fight this time, but turned and ran away.

"Help! Your Excellency, adventurers!"

"Ah, there's really no way, even if you're already at the gate of the town, you can still run into trouble."

The leading adventurer with a more handsome face jumped off his horse and swung his long sword while standing in front of the bald man.

The incident happened suddenly, and Will quickly raised his dagger to block it.

However, the opponent's strength was obviously much stronger than that of the boy, but a seemingly easy blow caused the boy's hand holding the dagger to shatter, and his blocking posture was precarious.

Seeing that the young man was able to block his blow, the handsome man raised his eyebrows, and then kicked Will into the air.

The boy flew up in a parabola, and then fell to the ground in front of Lin Yu.

He struggled to get up, and then couldn't help vomiting blood, as if he had suffered some internal injuries.

"Hehe, but I didn't expect to find gold in the sand."

The handsome man ignored the trembling young man. He shifted his gaze to the slightly tall blond girl with a handsome face and a silver light armor covered with notches standing behind the young man.

"Wow~ This is such a beautiful person, even I have never seen a more beautiful existence than you in my adventurer journey all these years."

He ignored Will who was glaring at him, and walked over slowly.

"Beautiful lady, no, should I say a beautiful female warrior? I have seen all the female adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild, but I don't seem to have seen you?"

"I'm not an adventurer yet."

"Oh? Judging from your tone, it seems that you plan to join the town guild?"


"That's really great! If you don't mind, would you like to join us? Although our team is only four people, we have some reputation in the Adventurer's Guild anyway."

The man smiled confidently, as if he had a winning chance.

"What reputation? Sylvester, a philanderer?"

The boy on the side wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"Stinky boy."

The smile on the man's face faded, and he appeared in front of the boy in a flash.

"I don't know how to live or die, this is outside the town, even if I kill you—"

The corner of the man's mouth grinned, and he chopped down with his sword.


To his surprise, a sword protruding from the side easily blocked his full-strength slash.

"Isn't it illegal to kill someone outside of town?"

The voice came from the side, with a cold tone.

Chapter 59 One vs Four

Lin Yu exerted a slight force, and with the strength of Jun Ji's body, he separated the long sword of this handsome man named Sylvester.

The man staggered back a few steps and looked at Lin Yu in surprise.

"It's so powerful, your level doesn't seem to be low?"

"Level C."

"C-level?! Hahahaha, that's really great, so I don't have to bother trying to convince those three guys."

Sylvester pointed to the other three adventurer team members who were watching the show on horseback behind them.

"Beautiful Miss Warrior, you are fully qualified to join us."

"I have no plans to join the adventurer team yet, and besides, you haven't answered my question yet."

The blond girl moved and attacked Sylvester with a long sword in her hand.

There was a clang.

When the two swords were handed over, the handsome man felt a slight numbness in his palms, and suddenly the long sword almost fell out of his hand.

"What do you want to do?! Do you want to stand up for those three rookies?"

"You may think so."

In fact, that's just one of the reasons, mainly because I want to compete with human adventurers.

Because this guy's level is C-rank LV.11, and he also has the skill "Sword Talent".

I want to test the difference between myself and the opponent with "sword talent" and "sword master" under the same power.

In addition, what this guy just said is also a bit concerning.

"you have not answer my question yet."

The blond girl parried the opponent's long sword, and the long sword stabbed or stabbed, or chopped or slashed, and the man could barely cope with the continuous attacks.

"As long as it is not in the town, the guild and the town will ignore the disputes between adventurers, even if people are dead. At most, the guild's evaluation of adventurers will drop."

The man took the time to answer.

He realized that he still underestimated Lin Yu, and began to put away his frivolous attitude, and dealt with the girl's attack seriously.

However, his swordsmanship is obviously not as good as that of the girl. If it weren't for the armor on his body, he would already be scarred.

But instead, his armor was broken.

"I admit that you are very strong. It is unbelievable that such an adventurer is a newcomer."

"I was an adventurer in other towns before."

"I see, but are you really going to fight us because of those three rookies?"


After all, I quite like those three boys and girls.

And you are also a rookie.

"Yes, that would be such a pity."

Silvestre retreated after making an opening.

While he was retreating, several iron arrows flew towards him.

"Sister Junji! Be careful!"

Sally's shout suddenly came from behind, but even if she didn't remind Lin Yu, she wouldn't be hit.

The blond girl waved her sword a few times in front of her.

The crisp sound of gold and stone handing over came continuously, and the iron arrows were accurately cut off without exception and fell to the ground.

The arrow was shot by another male adventurer behind Sylvester.

He is the archer in the team, and another male adventurer is holding a staff, which should be a mage.

As for the scarred woman, because she didn't have any weapons on her body, she couldn't tell what her occupation was.

"It was wonderful."

After retreating, Sylvester realized that the armor on his body was already in tatters, his face sank at first, but then he squinted his eyes and smiled again.

"Keep attacking, be careful not to kill her."

It was said that the archer seemed to have activated some kind of skill, and there were faint fluorescent lights on his eyes and bow.

The arrows began to shoot at a faster speed, with higher accuracy and much stronger power than before.

With the strength attribute of C-level, he can only be exhausted, and he has no means of long-range attack, so if he does not expose the strength of C-level and above, he will only be beaten for a while?

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