The store manager seemed a little surprised.

"Um, your Excellency is here, does it mean that the commission has been completed?"

"of course."

The blond girl nodded seriously, and she looked around the store.

"Where are the goblin objects?"

"Ah, please come with me."

So I followed the store manager to the back kitchen.

Take out the goblin objects in the different space in one go.

Indescribable objects crashed onto the chopping board and piled up into a hill.

"This, so much?!"

The store manager was not just surprised, but shocked.

When he looked at the blond girl again, he felt an inexplicable chill in his lower body.

"Where did you find so many goblins..."

"Granville Monster Forest, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing, just asking..."

It seems that the nearby villages will be free from goblin harassment for a while... The man thought silently.

"Then the commission has been fulfilled?"

"Well, of course."

The store manager nodded, and then began to count the number of items.

A total of one hundred pieces.

Received ten silver coins as a reward.

Then he left and went to the next restaurant, where he submitted the entrusted item—fresh deer meat.

Get paid as well.

The five entrusted tasks were completed, and the next step was to report to the guild.

After arriving at the Adventurer's Guild, he pushed the door and walked in.

"Ah, it's Miss Jun Ji."

It happened that the three boys and girls were standing at the counter, and Sally came over after seeing Jun Ji.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why did Sister Jun Ji come to the guild?"

"I'll report the results of the entrustment."

The Junji they know is actually not me... but my mother, right?

Being greeted by Sally in the tone of an acquaintance, Jun Ji was in a delicate mood.

"Hey, I always feel that my sister is a little different from before."

Shouldn't the tone and expression be colder?

"Yes, is there?"

"It should be Sally's illusion. After all, I haven't seen Sister Jun Ji for several days."

At this time, the young Maier walked over carelessly.

Will followed beside him.

"We've finished the commissioned report, and it's Sister Jun Ji's turn."

After greeting Jun Ji, Will continued.


Jun Ji nodded and came to the counter.

"Good afternoon, Junji."

The person at the counter is Miss Olina whom I met earlier.

"I heard from Naxia that you have received five D-level collection commissions before?"


Jun Ji nodded.

"My sister's strength is C-level after all."

At this time, the three boys and girls also followed to join in the fun.

"That's right."

Olena smiled slightly.

"So, what is the commission to report this time?"

"Hold on."

Jun Ji took out the five orders from the different space and handed them to Olina.

The lower right corner of the entrustment form has the signature and evaluation of the entrusting party, which means that the entrustment has been successfully completed.

"Ah, are you done with all five?"


Then the entrustment report was carried out, which included the time length, location and process of entrustment execution, as well as the client's evaluation of the entrustment results.

After Jun Ji finished speaking, Olina also finished recording.

"It's amazing."

She couldn't help admiring.

"In just a few days, five collection commissions were completed, including the lucky task of collecting red fruits, and what's more, all five clients were very satisfied with the results of the commission. "

Olina smiled.

"These five D-level commissions can all give perfect evaluations."

The guild has an evaluation level for the completion of the adventurer's commission, from low to high: poor, qualified, good, excellent, perfect.

Among them, poor and perfect are rare evaluations, but one is the earth and the other is the sky.

Once a bad evaluation is obtained, it will be extremely difficult for the adventurer to reach the next adventurer level. On the contrary, if the evaluation is perfect, it will be much easier for the adventurer to reach the next adventurer level.

"too strong!"

"As expected of Sister Junji, she achieved a perfect evaluation with ease!"

The three boys and girls were also excited for Jun Ji.

Then Sally seemed to think of something suddenly, and she moved to the counter and stared at Olina with bright eyes.

"Sister! Sister! We are the recommenders of Sister Jun Ji to join the club!"

"Yeah, you guys did a great job."

"No, I mean that... that..."

The girl winked.

"Okay, I know."

Olina smiled and pinched Sally's nose.

"Give each of you a grade D excellent evaluation."

If an adventurer recommends a newcomer to become an adventurer, if the newcomer performs well, the rating of the recommender will also increase.

This is the benefit of recommenders.

Immediately afterwards, Olina recorded these evaluations in the adventurer certificates of Jun Ji and the three boys and girls.

Return the adventurer ID to Jun Ji.

"Since you have achieved five D-level commissions with perfect evaluation, I think you can already be promoted from E-level adventurer to D-level."

Olina smiled.

Generally speaking, even if a sufficient number and evaluation level of commissions have been achieved, the approval of the guild leader is still required to advance to the next adventurer level.

But the president of the Adventurer's Guild has not been in the guild for a long time, so this job is handed over to Olina.

Chapter 75 Alcoholic

Promoted to a D-rank adventurer.

Mom would be very happy if she found out, right?

"Yeah! Not only has Sister Jun Ji been promoted to D-rank adventurer, but our adventurer team has also been promoted to D-rank!"

"Speaking of which, the two commissions we received this time have also been successfully completed, shall we celebrate?"

"How does sister feel?"

Sally and the other two teenagers watched her expectantly.

Junji has a headache.

She didn't know whether she should agree or not.

But mom said let yourself move freely...


"it is good."

She nodded.


It was dusk now, and the farmers were about to finish their day's work. Most urban residents also temporarily stopped their work and began to prepare dinner.

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