"Well, if you say so, then it is..."

Tie Yi casually agreed.

So after the army ants, iron armor ants and acid liquid ants also joined the team, the ant colony started to march again.

"How did they fare along the way?"

"The legs have been bitten off, and I can't run even if I want to. I just scream from time to time, and it feels a bit noisy."

"It can't be helped. Mom has something to ask them. No matter how noisy it is, as long as the villagers don't find out."

"Yeah, and just in case, Kouji and I are traveling at night, so we won't be discovered, ah! Speaking of which, did any interesting things happen in the castle during this time?"

"There are many interesting things..."

"Hey! What? Tell me!"

"Sister Midori and Sister Xiaolei can become human races, and Sister Chitong is pregnant and gave birth..."




While digging and chatting with other ants, Sylvester and Martina managed to recover from the shock.

Weak ants, army ants, acid ants, iron armor ants, and the unknown yellow ants. Why do ant monsters of different ant species mix together?

And it also includes acid liquid ants and iron armor ants, which have always acted alone...

So many monsters are definitely not something that woman can tame by herself!

Since it wasn't domesticated by that woman, why did it develop into the current situation after the night attack on that woman failed?Why the hell?

And then again, where are they taking themselves?

The extreme anxiety and fear seemed to hold Sylvester and Martina's hearts tightly with a big hand.

As the ants continue to move forward, they will encounter other ants passing by along the way.

Every time we meet other ant tribes, the team will stop for a while, and the leading ant tribes will talk to those passing ant tribes...

It's almost like a greeting between acquaintances...

These ants seem to have no less intelligence than the human race.

This kind of thing... I have never heard of it.

Sylvester and Martina looked at each other, and after thinking that the group of ants surrounding them is a race that is no less intelligent than the human race, both of them couldn't help but feel a little chill in their hearts.

Could it be...it wasn't that woman or anyone else who kidnapped them to the forest, but the ant tribe itself?No, it should be said... the queen of the ant clan?

Some time passed.

Through the faint mist, what appeared in front of Sylvester and Martina... was a huge castle that looked a bit old.

The two were stunned for a moment.


Why is there a castle in this kind of place?

When they were stunned, the ant tribe did not stop.

Soon they approached the castle.

After getting closer, the two people's attention was attracted by other things, and their eyes moved away from the huge castle.

The first is the number of ants...

There was still some distance from the castle, and the number of ants in front of them suddenly increased a lot, and they could be seen in any direction at a glance.

In addition to an avenue that seems to have been deliberately left in the middle, there are still some holes on the ground in front of the castle, through which ants are constantly coming and going.

Why are there so many ant monsters... and those holes.

Is there an ant nest underneath?

Along the way, I also saw a few ant nests.

Damn it, is it possible that the Granville Monster Forest has been taken over by this group of ants?

However, what makes Sylvester even more unbelievable is that there is a fence made of tree branches in front of the castle...

Well, is that... ranch?

The two who were surprised countless times along the way were still shocked by the unexpected situation.

The pasture was divided into several parts, and each area was raised with different monsters, including goblins, Granville wolves, yellow-haired pigs, etc. In addition, there was even a long-haired pig who seemed to be underage. Toothed brown bear.

Ant tribes kept coming in and out of the fence, throwing some "feed" such as forage and wild vegetables into the pasture, and those monsters leaned over and began to eat the feed as if they were really domesticated.

The monster Sylvester who came in and out of the enclosure knew Martina. It was an ant tribe called worker ants.

And there are a lot of weak ants and army ants around the perimeter of the fence.

Are they... guarding these monsters?

The ant tribe is actually raising monsters, and even built a decent ranch...

The two with disbelieving faces were finally brought to the gate of the castle.

At this moment, the two finally turned their eyes away from the pasture and looked at the gate of the castle in front of them.

On both sides of the gate are two iron ants and acid ants.

Are they... doormen?

In other words, this castle was indeed occupied by this group of ants...

Now, after seeing the ranch, they are finally convinced that these ants have wisdom no less than that of humans, so they are not so surprised after confirming that the castle in front of them is occupied by ants.

Moreover, since these ants are intelligent monsters, some things can be explained.

For example, why this group of ants just kidnapped them instead of killing them directly.

Sylvester's eyes sank slightly.

The leader of this group of ants, or the queen, should be trying to get something from us.

And since the other party has wisdom, as long as... if he responds to the other party's expectations, he might not be killed.

With such a glimmer of hope, the two were led into the castle.


After entering the castle, the other ants in the entire team dispersed, leaving only the two Digger Ants carrying the two of them, Digger Digger and Iron Acid, a total of six ants.

Six Ants then brought the two humans to the basement floor of the castle.

Because the ant tribe would send the bloody monsters they hunted here every day, the two rows of cells on the basement floor and the ground outside the cells were covered with blood.

There were fresh bloodstains and dried bloodstains, and even with regular cleaning, there was still a strong smell of blood lingering here for a long time.

Although the blood-stained ground made them uncomfortable, it was bearable.

However, the monsters locked in the two rows of cells frightened the two of them.

There are quite a few monsters that they can't recognize, but the ones that they can recognize are all powerful monsters above B rank!Released alone can easily wipe out several villages, and even threaten the safety of towns.

At this moment, these monsters were cut off their limbs just like them, lying dying in the prison cell.

The digger ant threw the two of them, who were trembling with fear, into an empty cell among the two rows of cells, and then left.

There are other ants on duty in the cell to guard these monsters.

And even if there are no ants guarding it, it's okay, after all, even if they leave the prison cell, these monsters can't escape the area where the castle is located.

Chapter 93 Is this girl an ant queen?

Those two guys have been taken to the castle.

As a reward for successfully completing the "escort" mission, Lin Yu reached out and touched the heads of Quyi and Quer.

The bodies of the two yellow ants whose heads were touched trembled slightly with excitement.

"Take me there."

"Okay, Mom!"

Just as he was about to start with Du Yi Di Di Er, the young girl also followed.

For the past two days, Chitong stayed in the castle because she had to wait for the ant eggs she had laid to hatch.

After arriving at the basement level.

The white-haired girl and the black-haired young girl walked in the corridor between the two rows of cells.

blah blah blah...

Under the weak humming of the blood-remnant monsters, their footsteps became clearer.

"Martina, something is coming."

"I heard."

The two people in the cell were a little nervous, and they knew that the owner of the footsteps was probably the leader of the ant clan—the queen ant, who was also the chief culprit who lured them from the town to the forest.

Swallowing their saliva, although they were terrified in their hearts, their eyes were still staring at the iron fence of the cell without blinking.

When the footsteps stopped and two girls, one big and one small, appeared in front of them, they stared at each other and opened their mouths wide.

Ignoring the young girl next to them, their eyes stayed on the girl with white hair and red eyes who was wearing a white dress and had a cold face.

Well... beautiful girl!

How beautiful it is... words cannot describe it at all.

Such thoughts popped up in unison in my heart.

Even if they were in a dangerous place, their first reaction was not to think about why there were humans in the castle.

At this moment, both of them were attracted by the appearance of the white-haired girl in the lead, and even forgot about other things, they just stared at each other with straight eyes, even the female Martina was no exception.


This was the first time that Lin Yu appeared in front of the human race in the form of his own body.

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