With a look of fear on his face, he described what he saw in Naner Village before.

A group of goblins, at least four or five hundred at a glance, attacked Naner Village. Among them were not only ordinary goblins, but he also saw several huge big goblins!

The big goblin who knows how to use weapons and is powerful is the best even among C-rank and D-rank monsters. It is not easy for adventurers of the same level to kill a big goblin.

There are more than 400 villagers in Naner Village. If the three-meter-high earth wall that protects the villagers' houses inside can withstand a few or a dozen ordinary goblins, but facing such a large number of goblins, there are even some goblins among them. The words of these powerful big goblins are like a piece of paper, which can be broken with a poke.

When he saw the goblin army, Aike knew the tragedy that the village was about to face. Even if he was a C-level low-level adventurer, he could be considered a strong man in the [-]th or [-]th ranks in the guild, but it would not be like this The opponents of the large group of goblins rode their horses weakly, and hurried back to the town without daring to neglect.

After listening to Aike's narration, the adventurers all looked ugly.

"I have already sent someone to inform the town lord about the goblin attack on Naner Village. I believe the lord will organize an army to wipe it out, but—"

She paused, her gaze slightly darkened.

"Aike's information is not necessarily accurate, it is impossible for goblins to come out in full force, the specific number of goblins he saw, and even whether there are other goblin species besides ordinary goblins and big goblins, these We don't know yet, and we also have to take into account that these goblins may attack the villages near Naner Village, so—"

"The president is not here, so I will issue an emergency commission!"

Olina's voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Content of the entrustment—go to Naner Village to assist the army in eradicating the goblin group, and find out the situation of the surrounding villages. The entrustment reward is tentative, but don't worry, everyone, the guild and the lord will definitely give you satisfactory rewards!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There are more than 500 adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild, and only about 200 adventurers gathered in the Adventurer's Guild in the morning. Other adventurers seem to be still in the process of fulfilling the commission.

After hearing the emergency commission, most of the adventurers chose to accept the commission.

In order to avoid the trouble of registering missions one after another, they threw their adventurer IDs on the counter case and walked out of the guild quickly.

Among the small number of adventurers, some are newcomer adventurers who have just turned 14 years old and are weak. Even fighting with ordinary goblins may lose their lives. They know that going will cause trouble, so they can only give up.

Other adventurers either dislike trouble or are timid.

Everyone has a personal choice, entrusting tasks is not mandatory, and the risks of the tasks are uncertain, so no one blames them, but it is inevitable to look down upon them when looking at them.

Those who dare not take risks are called adventurers?

After all, the three of Will were young and energetic, so they were the first to throw away their adventurer ID and ran out.

After them, Junhime and Midori also threw their adventurer IDs on the case.

After seeing their IDs, Olina smiled, her serious expression unavoidably relaxed.

"With the two of you joining, this entrustment must be smoother."

"Leave it to us, it's just a group of goblins, it can be solved easily!"

Green's eyes rolled.

Mom said that after integrating into the town, it is best to attract the attention of the town lord. After trying to make friends with the town lord, it is possible to obtain special permission from the guild and the lord to lift the restriction on single-person purchases of magic recovery potions.

If you can show your talents in this incident, the above points can be achieved at one time.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

"Don't underestimate those green skins."

At this time, a man in airtight armor also came over, and after speaking concisely, he threw the adventurer's ID on the case.

"Mr. Goblin Slayer, I will trouble you this time too."


Nodding his head, the strange armored man left the guild on his own.

As if seeing Midori and Junji's doubts, Olina said with a smile.

"Those few years have only accepted missions related to the crusade of goblins, but they are good at killing goblins. This time, having him is much more reassuring."

"That's it."

After a little identification of the armored man who was about to disappear from sight, the level is C-level LV.24, which is about the same level as Martina of Wings of Liberty.

Is it a competitor?

"Ji Ji, shall we hurry up and leave too?"


Lvzi finally let go of Junji's arm, and the two of them rented a horse in the town, and rode on the horse and followed in the direction of Naner Village.

And through Jun Ji's perspective, Lin Yu also learned about the Goblin incident.

Naner Village...the sentry point of the ant nest has not been extended there yet.

And the goblin army didn't seem to come out of the Granville Monster Forest, it should come out of other hills or forests, right?

After all, in addition to Granville Forest, there are also several large and small hills and forests near the town.

However, the village attacked by the goblin army...

Recalling all kinds of goblins I had seen before in my mind.

always feel bad...



About two days later, adventurers finally arrived at Naner Village one after another.

At this time, the army was already fighting the goblins inside and outside the village, and there were constant screams, blood staining the village.

"It's the Lord Lord's army."

"It seems that the battle has just been fought, and we have also passed!"

Adventurers joined the battle one after another.

Goblins have a strong sexual desire, and they usually have breeding behaviors with ordinary goblins, but this does not mean that they will not have breeding behaviors with other creatures.

Although the period of pregnancy is longer than that of the mother goblin, if the mother has a certain chance of giving birth to a new goblin through breeding with females of other races.

It would be fine if the goblins were in the monster forest, because there were other monsters hunting them.

However, once they appear in human villages and towns, it will be different. If they are not eliminated in time, their number will increase over time.

This time, the lord sent a hundred cavalry and more than 300 infantry, almost half of the troops in the town, in order to make a quick victory and reduce the further expansion of the disaster.

The soldiers were naturally higher level than ordinary goblins. As long as they were careful, they could still kill these ordinary goblins one-on-one, or even one-on-many.

But it was a bit difficult to deal with those big goblins.

At a glance, only a tall knight in bright silver armor can hold down a big goblin steadily, and the others need at least two or three people to cooperate to deal with a big goblin.

"Captain Leeteuk, the adventurers are here!"

"very good."

The tall knight named Lite swung his two-handed epee, cut off the right hand of the big brother Brin holding a thick wooden stick in front of him, and slashed upward with the epee.

With a "chi" sound, the head of the eldest brother Brin flew up, and his body fell to the ground with a bang.

The knight laughed a few times, then shouted loudly.

"Kill all these beasts, leave no one behind!!"



The morale of the soldiers was boosted, together with the adventurers who came to support them, they immediately defeated the goblins.

Junhime and Midori are among this group of adventurers.

They rushed to the front first.

Compared with Lite, he jumped in front of those big goblins more cleanly, took away a huge head with a wave of the long sword in his hand, and beheaded the approaching ones after landing. goblins.

They didn't stop, killing goblins all the way and rushing towards the two nearest big goblins.

When they killed the second big goblin, the adventurer named Goblin Slayer was fighting the first big goblin.

Relying on his understanding of the big goblin, he skillfully dodged the big goblin's attack, and at the same time he held the sword to cause damage to the big guy in front of him. Although the damage was not enough to completely knock down the big goblin, but from the big goblin's tragic The howl sounded like it did cause effective damage.

The efficiency is higher than that of the knight named Lite, but it is nothing compared to the two figures of gold and green in front of him.

"Gaba!! Gaba!!"

The goblin was finally scared of being killed, and ran to the south screaming strangely.

The adventurers chased after them one after another, but Leeteuk stopped them.

"It's important for the villagers, don't chase after them! What's more, these beasts can't do anything else, but their ability to escape is first-rate——"

Before he could finish speaking, Midori chased after him at a speed that surprised Lite, and beheaded a big goblin who was lagging behind in twos and twos.

The remaining two big goblins and the other ordinary goblins ran far away. It would be too troublesome to catch up and kill them one by one, so Lvzi pouted and walked back.

Lite took a few extra glances at Junji and Midori.

"The soldiers check the casualties of their own side and the villagers. As for the adventurers, I will trouble you to go to the nearby villages to check the situation."

After a pause, he looked at Jun Ji and Midori.

"Two, can I trouble you to go to the southern forest to investigate the tribe where the goblin is?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Investigate the Goblin tribe?"

"Yes, if you can have such a large number of big goblins, it must be a tribe, and it should not be small."

Lite looked stern, even a little ugly.

Before he came, he did not expect that there would be so many big goblins. Two escaped, two he killed, one was killed by the soldiers, and one was killed by an adventurer in full armor. , and the five animals killed by the two incredible girls in front of them...

A total of eleven big goblins.

How big is the goblin tribe with such a large number of big goblins?He couldn't imagine it at all.

And it is almost certain that there will be alienated species of goblins such as goblin kings.

In the past 30 years of his life, he has only heard of a large-scale goblin attack on the village, but even after the entire goblin tribe was wiped out that time, he found only a dozen big goblins.

Judging from the direction from which the goblins fled, the goblin tribe should be in the southern forest area bordering the Granville Monster Forest, but how could there be such a large number of goblins there?

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