
Name: Lin Yu

Race: Ant Queen

Qualification: S+

class: none

Level: LV.1

Health: 10/10

Mana: 12/12

Skills: "Unique Skill - Ant Queen", "Egg Laying"

Attribute: Strength 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0



This is... what?

Qualification?Race?grade?There are also life points, mana points, and skill attributes?


Hello, anyone?Is there someone, the system?manager?

No one responded, Lin Yu curled his lips.

She turned her attention to the window in front of her again.

Race is Queen Ant... Queen Ant himself?No, is the queen ant a race? Shouldn't the race be ants?

Qualification S+...Qualification generally refers to growth?

What is the next class?

The level is LV.1, well, a little unhappy.

HP and mana... Although there is no reference, it should be very low from the numerical point of view.

In terms of skills, the unique skill Ant Queen?Unique skills... why is there such a thing?Unique words, do you mean unique skills?Ah, by the way, could it be said that the previous dream was real, and this unique skill is a "gift"?

Come on, what a joke!

My wish at the time was to have a group of invincible and loyal subordinates!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's ant-like face froze.

She looked at the second skill "spawn"

Invincible Loyalty...

Ah, I see.

Lin Yu suddenly realized.

That's right, if it is a child born by oneself, wouldn't it be invincible and loyal to oneself.

Pooh!Who is going to have a baby!

And what I want is invincibility + loyalty!

There are also attributes.

Power is easy to understand, but why is it 0!Does it mean that the strength is too small to even reach 1!Woohoo, I'm too weak.

What do you mean by agile? Does it mean agile?And also 0...

The intelligence is 1, but the intelligence here should not refer to the intelligence, but the intelligence in the game?It may be an attribute that increases the power of magic. After all, there are such things as magic value, so there must be magic.

Physical resistance should refer to the degree of resistance to beating?

Elemental magic resistance should refer to the degree of resistance to magic?

Abnormal status resistance...how resistant to abnormal status?

Really, who can understand just a status panel, the manual!Please give me the instructions!


Although it's a pity that there is no system, but if you look at the window in front of you, this world is really not the original world... And there is the dream I dreamed before...

Chapter 2 "Spawning"

Since there were no manuals for the items on the panel, Lin Yu couldn't be sure what they meant.

And the current situation is: she transformed from a powerless house girl into an ant and came to this place. This is a circular cave made of sand in all directions, except for her and a pile of broken eggshells in the cave. In addition to the corpse of a mother ant who had just died and suspected of having given birth to herself, there is also a tall circular passage that the mother ant can barely pass through, and with her current night vision ability, she still can't see the appearance of the passage clearly. .

what can we do about it?

First of all, you have to understand your own situation... At present, I have indeed become an ant, no, I have become an ant queen.


Suddenly I lost my energy.

But if this world is a magical world, then maybe I still have the possibility to transform into a human!Moreover, if the current situation is regarded as an immersive VR somatosensory game... woohoo! !Momentarily motivated!

Speaking of which, this panel also feels like a game.

If you want to survive in this world, you must first improve your level, and there is intelligence... I still don't know anything about this world.

But intelligence is not the point for now.

Leveling up should be placed before intelligence. If you look at it according to the game, the means of leveling up should be to defeat the enemy.

Lin Yu looked around the cave, and finally stopped his gaze on the dark passage.

Look away.

Forget it, forget it... If you encounter an enemy you can't beat, you will be finished right away!Me, I am not afraid!

But in this case, there is only one choice left...

She reopened the panel and looked at the two skills she possessed - "Unique Skill - Ant Queen", "Egg Laying"

How to use skills?

Lin Yu thought for a while, and said in his heart, "Activate the unique skill—the queen ant?"

Nothing has changed.

Isn't that how it's used?Or is this skill a passive skill?After all, it doesn't look like an active skill from the name.

She tried to activate the skill in her heart again - laying eggs.

This time it worked!

Lin Yu found that his abdomen began to bulge slowly.

Feel up.

I didn't expect it to be possible... By the way, can queen ants lay eggs without fertilization?It really is a different world.

Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

But the feeling that her abdomen was slowly being filled by something still made her expression a little subtle.

Thinking about it, she was a young girl who just turned 14 yesterday, why is she going to be a "mother" today?

Having said that, even in the original world, she never thought about getting married and having children in the future.

It wasn't because she wasn't old enough that she didn't think about it, but probably because she had been exposed to too many GL games and novels, and she preferred beautiful women to handsome men.

But after all, she is a house girl who doesn't talk much. Even if she is said to be a school belle, she doesn't have a few beautiful female friends, or rather, she often makes people jealous.

After thinking wildly for a while, Lin Yu felt that his abdomen had grown to a limit.

Something is coming out!

It felt like it was coming out, but it didn't.

Instead, around the abdomen, a white translucent magic circle suddenly unfolded. The magic patterns on it are so complicated that it makes one's head hurt just looking at it.

The magic circle only exists for one breath and then disappears.

Then Lin Yu found ten white, rough eggs that were about half the size of an ant's head appeared out of nowhere under his abdomen.

That's it?

It's just that before she could observe her child carefully, her abdomen suddenly tightened, and then a strong sense of hunger came from the abdomen.

Hunger almost wiped out all thoughts, filling Lin Yu's ant head all of a sudden.

so hungry so hungry so hungry...

So hungry, so hungry, so hungry! ! !

will die!If you don't eat, you will starve to death!

The already red eyes suddenly became as deep as the color of blood.

If Lin Yu opened her status panel at this time, she would see that she had already deducted one point from her ten health points.

However, at this moment, only the idea of ​​looking for food is left in her mind, and she has no time to think about it.

The scarlet eyes first set on the ten eggs.

The sharp mouthparts were drooling, and Lin Yu's mouthparts slowly approached the egg she laid, which looked very much like the dead mother's corpse next to her.

And just when the saliva dripped on an ant egg.


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