Then the pack of wolves that were about to move suddenly dispersed, walked around the long-toothed brown bear, and stared at it covetously.

And after this roar, all the Granville wolves seemed to have become stronger and thicker all of a sudden, and their eyes were also different.

Through the skill "Appraisal", Lin Yu discovered that the attribute panels of the other ten Granville wolves except the head wolf had changed.


name: none

Race: Granville wolf

Qualification: D

class: none

Level: LV.10

HP: 130(+10)/130(+10)

Magic value: 20(+5)/20(+5)

Skill: "Bite"

Attribute: Strength 1 (+1)

Dexterity 1 (+1)

Intelligence 1 (+1)

Physical resistance 0 (+1)

Elemental magic resistance 0 (+1)

Abnormal status resistance 0 (+1)


All attributes have been increased?

Really fake, this is cheating!

If I can also have this skill, the strength of the weak ants is not...

Skill "Command", I remember you!


With the blessing of the skill "Command", the current strength of these ten Granville wolves is only slightly lower than that of the head wolf.

Lin Yu reckoned that only two Granville wolves could defeat the head wolf.

However, the "Command" skill is an active skill that consumes mana, and Lin Yu guessed that the mana should be consumed continuously during the period of maintaining the effect of the skill.

After all, the current mana status of the alpha wolf is: 44/45

If you only need 1 mana point to get such a big increase, then it's really cheating!

Ah, mana decreased.

Just as Lin Yu was complaining in her heart, she saw that the wolf's magic value had decreased by 1 point.

really!And the consumption rate is a bit fast. If this consumption rate goes on, I am afraid that the mana value of the wolf will be completely consumed within a few minutes.

Since Lin Yu can understand it, the alpha wolf is also aware of it.

But it still ordered the wolves to just surround the tusked brown bear and let the tusked brown bear attack first.

Because of the improvement of attributes, the pack of wolves can barely dodge the attack of the long-toothed brown bear.

After the long-toothed brown bear attacked a few times, its movements became a little sluggish.


The first wolf howled suddenly, and all the wolves stopped circling the bear, and they started a fierce attack.

Three or four wolves attack at a time.

Attack round after round, endless cycle.

They stare at the tusked brown bear's less-furred underbelly and attack the front door, where the defenses are weaker.

However, no matter how weak the defense is, they can't easily bite it open. Only when they use the skill "Bite" can they bite the brown bear.

And each "bite" will consume 5 points of their mana.

In other words, each wolf can only make 5 effective attacks on the tusked brown bear.

The battle between the two sides was much more tragic than last time.

Every Granville wolf rushed up to bite the long-toothed brown bear fearlessly, and almost every attack could bring up some blood and even flesh.

The long-toothed brown bear is also full of viciousness because of its injuries. If the wolves still took the dodging action before, it would have nothing to do with them. Although the wolves' fearless attack caused it damage, it also This gave it the opportunity to approach the wolves and fight back.

But the close-range attack of the long-toothed brown bear was impossible for the wolves to completely avoid.

Every time a Granville wolf is hit by a bear's paw, it will be unable to stand up for a while. Those in better condition will only lose some life points, while those in poor condition will be directly disabled or lose half of their life points, or even fall to the ground. Sorry.

The Granville wolves who fell to the ground have almost used up all their magic points, and they have exhausted their strength.

At this time, the alpha wolf will cancel the "command" effect of these fallen Granville wolves to reduce the consumption of magic points.

The number of wolves capable of fighting continues to dwindle.

There were more and more wounds on the long-toothed brown bear, and a big gash was even torn open in its abdomen. The position of the gang door was also horrible, and blood continued to flow out of it.

... hurts to watch...

Lin Yu was somewhat shocked by the battle between the two sides.

Although I want to say that you did a good job, but you guys are too insidious, you can even talk about that place...

She had never seen such a bloody and tragic battle.

This also strengthened her principle of "never fighting the enemy close to me".

Chapter 20 Garbage Game!Vulgar!nausea!

At the end of the battle, 9 Granville wolves had fallen in the cave, all of them dying.

The last of the Granville wolves but the alpha made a final charge.

It firmly bit the big gash in the belly of the long-toothed brown bear.


The severe pain caused by the tearing of the flesh and blood at the wound made the brown bear howl in pain, and the next moment it threw itself up desperately to try to throw the wolf off, and in the process of shaking, the wound expanded.

Under the pain again, the long-toothed brown bear flung ferociously, and the Granville wolf was finally thrown flying and hit the stone wall, then slipped to the ground, unable to move at last, and could only lie on the ground panting.

At present, only the wolf and the seriously injured and bleeding long-toothed brown bear are left on the field.

Through the "appraisal", Lin Yu saw that the mana and health of both parties had reached a very low level.



After roaring each other, they fought together.

In the end, the alpha wolf sold an opening, and finally found a chance to ruthlessly pounce on the belly of the long-toothed brown bear.

It activated the skill "Bite" with the last remaining mana, and buried almost its entire head into the huge hole in the brown bear's abdomen.

The long-toothed brown bear wailed, then its figure swayed twice, and then fell down with a bang.

Its huge body pressed the exhausted alpha wolf down.

Lin Yu could hear the painful muffled screams of the pinned wolf.

The scene suddenly became deserted.



plop plop...

Plop plop plop...

what sound?like engine noise?

Ah ha ha ha ha, it's my heartbeat.

Because I was too excited and too nervous, I couldn't control it at all!

Right now, it's a situation where both sides lose. Isn't that what the snipe and the clam are fighting for the fisherman's gain?Wait, it should be said...wolves and bears are fighting for the meat of ants!

Well, in fact, it is not too early to be complacent.

You must really give them the last blow!

The last blow had to be given to the two weak ants with qualification D, because the other weak ants without qualifications could no longer be upgraded, so it would be a waste to give them the last blow.

Hmm, and in the long run, maybe I should do it too?

After all, if you can obtain the skill gift through upgrading, you will have the opportunity to copy the skill to the weak ants through the endowment effect of "Unique Skill--Queen Ant".

The difficulty of acquiring skills is much more difficult than attributes such as health, mana, strength, agility, etc.!

Moreover, the power of the skill will also grow after the upgrade. The effect of the wolf's skill "Bite" is obviously stronger than when he was fighting the brown bear before.

In other words, after you upgrade yourself, the effect of that skill will also be enhanced!There will definitely be more powerful ant species appearing at that time!

Huh, how did it appear?I don't know!

Anyway, this time I'm going to make a move.

"Well, without further ado, let's go!"

She greeted the two weak ants with D qualification, but looked back at the other weak ants every step of the way.

"Otherwise, let's all come together. If there are only three people, it's not enough... After all, we have to move some food into the ant nest."

"I'm not afraid, it's true!"

So together with the white queen ant, a total of 21 ant monsters crawled out from the entrance of the ant nest.

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