
Seems to make sense.

Since you want to make good friends with the town lord, you can't let the opponent's subordinates lose face in front of the soldiers.


"If the result is that the opponent wins, wouldn't there be no such problem?"

The blond girl subconsciously blurted out.

"Does Jiji think she will lose to the opponent?"

"of course not!"

Answered almost immediately.

After answering, the girl was taken aback.

Isn't this dismantling your own platform...

"No... not necessarily, if I use the C-level attribute, I might lose to the opponent."

she hastily added.

"Hey hey..."

Unexpectedly, the green-haired girl leaned over and stared at her with a smirk on her face.

"What's the matter? Just stay away from me!"

"I really believe in Ji Ji, even at the C-level level, I will definitely be able to defeat her!"

"Nonsense, everything is unknown before the fight."

"It's not nonsense! Mom said that Ji Ji is a genius in fighting, no one can beat you alone!"

"Ah! Did mother really say that!"


"Is it is it..."

Feeling a little blissful, Jun Ji, who was immersed in happiness, didn't notice that Midori was approaching her neck to smell her body, and at the same time, she was quietly touching the softness of her chest.

It's a pity that the blond girl is wearing silver armor, so she can only touch hard things.

Curling her lips boredly, Midori shook Jun Ji, and after realizing that Jun Ji still hadn't woken up, she leaned into her ear and said:

"It's actually fake."

"Huh? What?"

Jun Ji didn't react for a while.

"Mom never said that kind of thing, and Ji Ji has forgotten, you lost to me once before!"

"You bastard!!"


After playing around for a while, Jun Ji and Midori also started to rest with the big team.

At night, after simply eating some dry food.

"Let's go, attack the Goblin tribe!"

Following Lite's order, the army began to move.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Arrows carrying flames rained down on the large and small wooden sheds, followed by many torches roaring and thrown over.

The flames set the sheds ablaze.


"Gaba Gaba!!"


The entire goblin tribe suddenly burst into flames, and the strange screams of panic from the goblins also rang out.

Among them, some goblins can even be seen running around on fire.

"It's now, go!!"

Under Leete's roar, the soldiers and adventurers drew their weapons and charged into the goblin tribe.

The screams of goblins began to sound.

"Lekalis! The big shed in the middle of the goblin tribe should be the place where the goblin king rests!"

"Ah, I know! Leave it to me, haha!"

After the soldiers and adventurers opened the way according to the plan in advance, Lykalis rode his horse to the direction of the shed first, followed by more than 50 knights and a dozen adventurers.

Junhime and Midori are also among these adventurers.

At this time, the largest shed was affected by the fire of another shed next to it, and it also started to catch fire.

With a roar, a strong and tall goblin wearing a golden armor walked out of the big shed, followed by two goblin wizards carrying crude staffs and four holding iron spears and A goblin warrior with an iron sword.

"That's it! Goblin King?! So strong, it looks like at least a C-rank monster!"

"No, the high-level C-level goblin king is not so strong yet, this is probably a B-level monster."

"Just a monster..."

"Wait, look! Behind him, are those Goblin Wizard and Goblin Warrior?"

Just when the adventurers turned their attention to the goblin wizard, the staff in the goblin wizard's hand began to glow.

Afterwards, moisture condensed in front of them, and soon became larger and larger.

The resulting water extinguished the flames of several sheds near them in one fell swoop.


The goblin king let out a yell, and the goblins immediately regained their composure after hearing the sound, and started to fight back.

But in just such a short period of time, two or three hundred goblins had been killed and burned to death.

"Open the way for the Knight Commander!"

"Crush these green skins!"

On the way to where the Goblin King is, big goblins keep appearing and blocking the way.

And Junji and Midori finally saw Lycaris' shot.

At the moment when Big Goblin waved a big wooden stick and smashed it head-on, the man stepped on the back of Big Goblin's hand as if he had expected it, and then jumped up and slashed down with the heavy sword in his hands.

Big Goblin's next move stopped abruptly, and at almost the same moment, its body was split into two and fell to the sides.

With a sound of "bang", the blood exploded at the same time as he fell to the ground, and all kinds of scarlet organs were smeared all over the ground.

Lykaris rushed into the group of goblins in front of him without stopping. While killing the blocking goblins, he kept running towards the place where the goblin king was.

And around him are several C-rank guard knights, including Lite, whose task is to deal with the goblins who blocked Lycaris.

Junji and Midori also dealt with a few big brother Brin who were blocking the way, and even rescued a few knights, but it made Lycaris in front of him take a second look.

Soon, the man finally approached the Goblin King to a distance of tens of meters.

But at this moment, the goblin warriors guarding the goblin king rushed up.

As soon as they fought each other, Lykalis, who had experienced many battles, knew that these four goblin warriors were not at the same level as the big goblin they killed along the way and the rest of the goblin warriors.

Their level and combat level are higher!

I'm afraid it's a high-level C-level monster... Lykaris thought.

Besieged by four C-level high-level goblin warriors, even he couldn't bear it, and suffered some minor injuries after a few fights, but the goblin warriors were not much better, and even their injuries And more.

But wanting to defeat them is not something that can be done in a short time, and even if the best result is achieved, it will end in serious injuries.


Fortunately, at this moment, Li Te brought a few knights to support him.

"Leave these goblins to us, you go and deal with that guy!"

"Okay! Be careful, these goblin warriors are C-level high-level monsters."

After a word of warning, Lykalis sold an opening to get away, and rushed to the Goblin King in front again.

But just after advancing a certain distance, red lights began to flash on the staffs of the two goblin wizards.

The red light then flew out from the staff and landed behind Lykaris.



The roar from behind made Lykalis feel bad.

"Captain Lite!"

"Captain! What are you doing, Captain! Why don't you avoid it!"

The next voice startled him even more.

Looking back, it was Lite's chest that was scratched with a hideous wound the length of a baby's arm!Blood flowed out from the wound in large streams.

Although the knights next to them were impatient, they had no energy left to save Lite, because the four goblin warriors in front of them suddenly gained a lot of strength, and the knights who could only barely entangle each other suddenly lost their strength. Can't beat them.

The reason why Lite was cut was because he saved a knight, and he was slashed obliquely by the goblin warrior holding a long knife inadvertently.


"Lekalis! Pay attention behind you!"

Oops! !

There was a wind behind him, and Lekalis was shocked.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and distraction is a big taboo!Damn, I actually made such a low-level mistake...

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