But it's true, the weak ant clan is the most numerous ant species in the ant clan, there are more than 1 ant species.

And with a weak voice, it seems that it is not suitable for giving orders.

Therefore, the weak ants were handed over to Chi Tong.

Then Gong Ye is responsible for applying special slime to all the battle ants together with the worker ants. After all, there are also goblin wizards in the Goblin tribe. The special slime has fireproof properties and can defend against the "fireball" magic to a certain extent.

In addition, the special slime can also provide a certain degree of physical resistance and elemental magic resistance.

In this way, it is easier for low-level weak ants to fight against upper-low-level goblins.

As for the latent image...let her be arranged by Mohong.



And at the moment when the ants were waiting for the goblin army, on the other side.

After a while of exploration, Junji, Lvzi and Qianyi found a cave.

The two goblins guarding the entrance of the cave are not goblin warriors, but goblin kings, and they are high-level B-ranks!

In addition, there are many large and small wooden sheds beside the cave.

This is obviously also a goblin tribe.

However, there are a lot of wooden sheds in this place. At a glance, it is roughly estimated that there are more than 300 wooden sheds. In other words, there are at least 3000 goblins here.

"It turned out to be two high-level B-level goblin kings guarding the entrance of the cave..."

Jun Ji's face was serious but also a little excited.

"The master in the cave should be very strong."

"Well, and the abnormal activities of the goblins we encountered at night are probably related to this goblin tribe."

Green also followed suit.

"What do we do next? What does Ji Ji think?"

"What else can I do? Just kill it and go in."

"Go straight in? Do you know what's going on inside the cave? Since two B-rank goblin kings can guard the entrance of the cave, there might be A-rank monsters inside."

Qian Yi couldn't help but said.

"Then what do you say?"


Qian also frowned for a while.

"Oh, don't worry about it so much, kill the two goblin kings first! If the goblin king dies, these goblins will fall into chaos, and as long as you kill enough goblins, the cave The master in the cave will definitely come out to check the situation, so you don’t have to go into the cave, and if you are outside the cave, you can escape more easily if you can’t beat it.”

At this time, Green said out loud.

"How about this method? Not bad?"

Although a little displeased with the smug expression on Midori's face, Junji and Qianyi had to admit that the guy in front of him was quite normal when he was normal.

"Just do it!"

Junji nodded.

As a result, they swept away and turned into a black shadow to shuttle between the goblin huts, while Junji and Midori appeared boldly in the goblin tribe.



Although the goblins didn't find Qianichi, they found Junji and Midori.

The two goblins closest to them charged up with wooden sticks as weapons, screaming strangely.

However, in the next moment, they rushed over before they even had time to react and fell into a pool of blood, the expressions on their faces even maintaining the ferocious look they had before they were alive.

"It's been a long time since I fully exerted my strength."


Jun Ji's eyes flashed with fighting intent.

Chapter 110 Nine Reincarnators!This guy is a reincarnator like mom!

The huge big goblin roared and swung down the thick wooden stick in his hand.

But its movements were much slower in Jun Ji's eyes.

After the blond girl avoided the big goblin's attack sideways, the long sword went up with the stick and passed the big goblin's neck.


Blood splashed out, and the goblin's huge head fell to the ground with a "slap", and its headless body fell to the ground with a bang.

After killing the big goblin, dozens of goblins rushed up the next moment.

The long sword drew a circle.

Accompanied by several short screams, the bodies of these small ordinary goblins were split in two by the long sword and fell to the ground.

Jun Ji's figure didn't stop, she continued to move towards the cave while swiftly and neatly eliminating the goblins blocking the way.

at the same time.

The battle with the green-haired girl next to her was much easier.

Her slender fingertips would constantly seep out green liquid, and the girl's palm would wave forward when the acid liquid was produced.

The goblins touched by the acid stopped their movements for a moment, fell to the ground and struggled in pain, their HP continued to decrease, and returned to zero after a short while.

Big goblins and goblin warriors are better, their health and abnormal state resistance are much higher than ordinary goblins.

But even so, they couldn't bear the pain caused by the strong corrosiveness of the acid. Once they were attacked by the acid, they couldn't move for a while under the intense pain.

At this time, the toxic acid will corrode into their skin, and then penetrate into their body to cause even greater damage!

Unless the acid-stained flesh is cut off immediately, their HP will drop faster and faster as time goes on, until the effect of the acid disappears.

However, there were a lot of goblins. When the goblins in front fell down, the goblins behind would rush up again with a strange scream of "gaba".

But once they rushed to within three meters of Midori, their bodies froze again.

This is the effect of the skill "Poison Gas" plus the skill "Paralysis Addition". Goblins will smell the poisonous gas around Midori's body when they get close. Limbs and limbs ran about, and by the time they resumed their actions, most of these goblins had lost their health.


Seeing the two "human races" killing each other in the goblin tribe, the two goblin kings at the entrance of the cave were shocked and angry.

They said something to each other, and then one goblin king ran into the cave, and the other goblin king rushed out holding a thick long sword.

Are you going to report to the cave?If he let it enter the cave to report, the owner of the cave should come out.

Do you want to stop it?

No... No, if nothing else happens, these two goblin kings should be the leaders of this goblin tribe. As long as they are killed, the goblin tribe should fall into chaos.

At that time, the owner of the cave will naturally come out when he hears the sound.

"Don't let it get away, Qianyi!"

"I know!"

It seems that this guy is thinking of going with himself.

After glancing at Jun Ji, Qian Yi suddenly accelerated.

A black shadow swept into the cave, and the next moment it appeared in the goblin king who had just walked into the cave not far away.

The shadow twisted abruptly, and finally turned into a young woman with long gray hair.


The goblin king was taken aback, he roared into the cave, then raised his sword and rushed towards Qianyi.

The long sword swung down, but Qian Yi, who had been on guard for a long time, turned into a shadow and dodged. After dodging, her figure flashed and disappeared from the Goblin King's sight.

After the figure disappeared, the Goblin King stopped suddenly, and his eyes showed confusion, as if he forgot what to do for a while and froze in place.

"Stealth": Obscure the presence of skill users, obtain the effects of "Silent" and "Odorless", and slightly increase the movement speed.

After activating this skill, once out of the target's sight, the target's brain will be blank because of his disappearance, and a short-term flaw will appear!

Just as the goblin stopped moving, Qianyi reappeared behind the goblin king.

Holding a sharp dagger in her hand, she pierced the goblin king's heart from the back.

Not only Goblin, she has observed most of the monsters in the Granville Monster Forest, and knows where their hearts are.

The dagger in her hand was the weapon she selected from the material warehouse on the basement level of the castle.

The reason for choosing a dagger is because it is more flexible than weapons such as long swords.

After being stabbed in the heart, the Goblin king suddenly woke up from a state of confusion. Although most of his health was lost, he did not die.

He roared, turned around and swung his long sword to chop.

It was also easily avoided by Qian Yi.

Although they are both Tier B, one is at the full level of Tier B, and the other is still a few levels away from reaching the full level.And whether it is combat experience or the strength of the skills held, there is a big gap.

For a while, Qian turned into a shadow to avoid, and sometimes changed back to a human posture to attack.

Her figure flashed and moved, and every time the dagger passed over the Goblin King's body, it would turn bright red.

The Goblin King slashed his long sword wildly in a panic.

In the end, not only did it fail to attack Qian Yi, but it was covered in scars. In the end, its life value returned to zero, and it crashed to the ground.

And after he fell to the ground, he looked out of the cave again from the current submergence in the shadow.

Junji also looked at her side, while Midori stood beside Junji and waved to her. Next to them was the corpse of another goblin king.

"The goblins are all in chaos!"

Midori called to her.


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