The shadow attacking them kept flickering among the goblins, so fast that Junji and Qianyi couldn't see each other's appearance clearly, only knowing that it was some kind of monster with yellow hair all over.

Not goblins.

what is it

Junji and Qianyi didn't let down their vigilance, and they made Qianji and Qianyi three or six ants temporarily turn into shadows and hide in their shadows.

However, the monsters that suddenly appeared had no intention of attacking them.

They saw that shadow continue to pass by the goblin wizard and goblin warrior, bringing up streaks of blood.

Although it seemed impossible to kill the goblin wizard and goblin warrior at once with the power of that monster, its speed was so fast that the goblins couldn't even see each other's appearance and were attacked one after another. He could only succumb to the ground and die.

In just a few breaths, most of the goblin wizards and goblin warriors were killed or injured, and most of the survivors fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Chapter 120 "Unique Skill - Inugami"

"Gah!!! Inugami! Damn beast!"

When Luo Yong heard that familiar roar, he felt bad, and when he turned his head, he saw that damn dog was killing his goblins.

He also lost the intention of slowly teasing and torturing his opponent, and ran to the green-haired girl in two or three steps.


Luo Yong shook his fist violently.


The green-haired girl's head exploded like a fragile watermelon, and the red and white ones stuck to the tree trunk behind her.

It looked like he couldn't die anymore.

Luo Yong glanced at it, ignored it, and ran back. His heart was already filled with anger, and he just wanted to kill the monster in front of the cave.

And almost at the moment when he turned around, a faint light appeared on the body of the green-haired girl who should have died. At the same time as the light appeared, the head that had been smashed into a paste by the fist was reshaped and returned to its original position. .

Within a few breaths, the dead girl was resurrected again!

The big hole in the chest that had been pierced was repaired instantly, and the two arms that had been cut off also grew back.

The pain caused by serious injuries and disabilities disappeared, and except for the magic value, the state was fully restored!

After feeling the resurrection effect brought by the "immortality" skill for the first time, Midori was stunned for a moment, and then cast her gaze forward.

Glancing at the goblin queen who was running back to the cave quickly, his gaze happened to meet Junji Heqian in the distance.

The green-haired girl nodded to them, then nodded in a certain direction behind her, and ran in the pointed direction in a flash.

Jun Ji and Qian met for a while.

"Lvzi is fine, let's escape too."

"Well, that bastard's target seems to be that yellow-haired monster, take this opportunity—"

The two looked at each other, and no longer hesitated to break out.

At this time, the group of goblins fell into chaos due to the sudden appearance of monsters and massacres. Junji and Qianyi successfully broke out of the encirclement of goblins.

After leaving the encirclement, they did not stop, and fled without slowing down.

During the period, he took a moment to glance behind him.

The reincarnation named Rayong did not chase after him, but rushed into the group of goblins, killing the...

I see!

It was a huge yellow-haired wolf.

Because of Luo Yong's approach, the yellow-haired wolf finally stopped. It leaned slightly, bared its teeth, and let out a hostile grunt.

"It! It's also a reincarnation!"

Qian Yi suddenly cried out in surprise.


Jun Ji was also shocked, and quickly launched an "appraisal" on her.


In the skill column, a skill named "Unique Skill-Inugami" was found.

In addition, they found that the level of the yellow-haired wolf is higher than that of Rayong, it is LV.2 of A-level.

Its agility attribute is a bit higher than that of the Goblin King, but its other attributes are much lower than that of the Goblin King, and it is only a little higher than Jun Ji and Qian Yiyi.

After getting close to him, Luo Yong cursed and rushed towards the yellow-haired wolf.

The two sides fought together.

The speed of the yellow-haired wolf is faster than that of Rayong, and it can be seen that it has more combat experience than Rayong. It kept dodging Rayong's long sword while moving around, leaving scars on Rayong's body.

However, because of Luo Yong's high physical resistance, the giant yellow-haired wolf did little damage to him.

It seems that Luo Yong's panel attributes have improved a lot compared to before, and the giant wolf's eyes showed surprise in a human way.

After more than ten rounds of fighting, the giant yellow-haired wolf had no intention of continuing to fight. It retreated and jumped away, and started chasing the goblin wizards and goblin warriors who were seriously injured and still alive.



Accompanied by short screams, these goblins died one by one under the bite and claws of the giant wolf.

"Look, the attributes on the panel of the reincarnator! Seems to be decreasing?"

Because he had escaped far enough, Qian Yi was relieved and continued to observe the attribute panels of Rayong and Julang.

"Really decreased, but...why?"

The hearts of the two ants moved at the same time, as if they had thought of something, they looked at the giant wolf.

Whenever the giant wolf kills a goblin, Rayong's panel attributes will decrease a little.

Sometimes it is the upper limit of HP, sometimes it is the upper limit of mana, and sometimes it is attributes such as strength and agility.

It is not so obvious when killing ordinary goblins, but when killing goblin wizards and goblin warriors, the value of attribute drop is much more obvious!

"Killing the goblin will make this reincarnation weaker!"

"Well, it's probably the effect of "Unique Skill - Goblin King". "

Qian nodded, his eyes moved slightly.

"Mom's unique skill has the ability to give her own skills to us, and the unique skill of this reincarnator is the reverse... The quantity and quality of his goblins will give him an increase in attributes .”

"In this case, as long as we kill all the goblins under him, can we defeat him?"

Jun Ji stopped in her tracks all of a sudden, her gaze became sharp.

The tragedy of Midori's arms being cut off is still vivid in my memory.

Although...although I don't like that guy very much, Midori is still her mother's daughter, so she must give that bastard a good look!

But Qian Yi stopped her.

"It's not yet time, the goblins here are only a small part of his subordinates, our goal should be the dozen or so goblin tribes we saw on the road before, they are also subordinates of this reincarnated man .”

"Those? This time should be almost at the Granville Monster Forest, right? Mom and sisters will start to deal with them."

"Well, so it's probably nothing to us."

Dive a little.

They continued to focus on the battle between Luo Yong and the yellow-haired giant wolf.


"Damn! Damn yellow-haired bastard!!"

Seeing that so many of his subordinates who had finally been trained to a high level of B level died so many, Luo Yong's eyes were red.

Then he seemed to activate some kind of skill, and his green skin began to turn red, and bursts of heat escaped from his skin. Matching his ferocious face, he didn't look like a goblin, but more like he came from A demon crawling out of hell.

"It should be the effect of that skill—"Rage". "

"After activating the skill, the attribute has increased a lot. Compared with the original attribute, it has not decreased but increased. That giant wolf is dangerous."

Just as Qian Yi thought.

The berserk Luo Yong's strength and agility increased a lot, and he suddenly appeared in front of the giant wolf that was killing goblins.

Bang like a punch.


With a scream of the giant wolf, its huge body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and finally fell to the ground, crushing a few unlucky goblins into meat paste.

"Let's go, if that giant wolf is killed, that guy's target will become us."

Qian's expression changed, she grabbed Jun Ji's arm and ran towards the direction Midori had pointed to.

"Meet her first."






PS: Things are not going well recently... Wait for the status to adjust before resuming the double update.

Chapter 120 Three Giant Wolf

Behind him came the howling of goblins and the howling of giant wolves.

Qian Yi took Jun Ji's hand and shuttled through the forest step by step. After a while, the goblins and giant wolves gradually disappeared from sight.

The original roars and howls eventually turned into angry roars.

The giant wolf seems to have escaped?

"I can go by myself."

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