
They didn't come here to save us, they must have come to avenge that dead bear.

But it is true that we saved the ant colony...Although they ate our prey before, this group of loyal guys deserves respect!


I'll give you a blast!

Let's start with the general first.

She looked at the alpha wolf under the body of the long-toothed brown bear.

Only a wounded wolf's buttocks were exposed from the suppressed wolf head.

The white ant queen's complexion suddenly fell.

I will not fall into the same trap a second time!

"You, and you, you two go and pull! Pull it out! Huh, don't mention the word "pull" to me!"

There was a crisp sound of "bang".

Lin Yu raised his forelimb and knocked on the heads of two weak ants.

The two weak ants with qualification D followed the order and walked up to the wolf's butt, and dragged the wolf out after a lot of effort.

Because of being buried in the long-toothed brown bear's wound, the wolf's head was covered in blood at this time.

Through the skill "identification", Lin Yu saw its current state: weak, seriously injured, bleeding, and disabled.

There are still 13 points of health, but it is still decreasing due to the bleeding state.

Its legs had been crushed by the long-toothed brown bear, and it was deformed out of shape.

But even in such a miserable state, the wolf's eyes still carried a murderous gleam.

After being dragged out, it first looked around at the other Granville wolves, and finally turned its gaze back, staring at the white ant in front of it.

Its intelligence is obviously not low, and it knows that the wolves are about to be killed by the ants in front of it.

After staring at it for a while, it struggled to get up, but because its forelimbs were so deformed, it could only stand in a half-kneeling posture in the end.

Blood flowed from the deformed forelimbs and dripped all over the floor.


"Aw!!" "Aw!!"...

After the head wolf howled, the other Granville wolves who were not unconscious also howled.

Then Lin Yu saw it raised its head high, its eyes were still fierce, but with a little arrogance.


Is it really just a wolf?

Going to die proudly and calmly... I have only seen this kind of plot in novels or comics.

Lin Yu looked at the other party quietly, remembering the miserable but arrogant attitude of the wolf at the moment, then stuck out his two jaws and bit off the other party's head.

The health value of the alpha wolf returns to zero, and the status changes to death.

The moment it died, the remaining Granville wolves who were still awake struggled to get up one by one, raising their heads—


Chapter 22 Beautiful girls don't speak dirty words

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.3 is upgraded to LV.4, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of three gifts: ① Maximum HP +10, Maximum Magic +5 ② HP +10, Intelligence +1 ③ Maximum Magic +5, Intelligence +1

When the alpha wolf died, Lin Yu, who was already on the verge of experience points, rose to another level.

But it may be because the level of the wolf is the same as her current level, killing the wolf does not bring much experience.

Since the first wolf can only provide this bit of experience, killing the remaining Granville wolves will definitely bring him less experience.

"There are five of you two, and kill the remaining Granville wolves."

Because the other unqualified weak ants had no room to upgrade, she gave the two weak ants with D qualification a kill command.

One Granville wolf after another was killed with its head held high.

In the end, except for the ant colony, there were no other creatures in the entire cave, and it was filled with a strong stench.

At this time, Lin Yu finally relaxed and checked his status panel.

In fact, it can't be checked at all.

Because of too many upgrades, the prompt panel for gift selection keeps popping up.

/Please choose your gift.

/Please choose your gift.

/Please choose your gift.


So annoying!I told you not to be bothered all the time, okay?

Anyway, let's go through one by one from the very beginning...

Huh?There are skills in the first gift, great!

let me see...

/ "Cleaning": To make individuals, objects or environments clean, to remove stains and eliminate odors.

oh oh! !It's a life skill!

Huh, wait...remove stains, remove odors...


Wow, why didn't I see it in the first place!

/Please choose your gift.

You are still annoying me at this time!

Well, I choose the skill "cleaning".

It is useless to regret the past, I will look forward!

Now the remaining odor on the body can be completely removed.

And this is a skill, a skill that can be bestowed on weak ants!With this skill, everyone will be a good boy who loves cleanliness.

Do you suddenly feel like a mother?

However, considering the issue of personal survival, it may be more cost-effective to choose attribute enhancement... Surely some people will think so?This kind of sarcastic remarks can only be said by people who have no personal experience of being sprayed by that kind of thing. It stinks, okay?If you want to ask how bad it is...very very very smelly!


Smelly like poop?Wow, withdraw, withdraw, beautiful girls don't say ○○, ○○ and ○○, as well as ○○○ and ○○○○!

Eh, I acquired the "cleaning" skill while talking to myself.

without further ado...

After spending 5 mana points, the "cleaning" skill was successfully launched.

Lin Yu found that his body was white and clean again.

She sniffed her two forelegs.

No smell.

Relieved, she continued to look at the next gift.

For the choice of attributes in the gift, she set a priority for herself in her heart.

From low to high, they are: strength--agility--health--abnormal state resistance/elemental magic resistance/physical resistance--magic value--intelligence--skills

Because he didn't intend to fight personally, let alone fight in close quarters, he put his strength and agility at the end.

And if you don't fight, the possibility of being injured or even killed is much reduced, so put the life value and other resistances in the next position.

Then the priority is higher than the above two is mana value and intelligence, both of which can affect the effect of the skill "spawning" if there is no accident, one affects the quantity, and the other may affect both the quantity and the quality. So put intelligence before mana.

The last priority is the skill, which has a higher priority than all of the above, for two reasons:

One is through the "Unique Skill - Ant Queen", the acquired skills can be given to the ant colony, so as to enhance the strength of the ant colony.

The second is that it is very difficult to acquire skills. As long as it is not a skill that is really unusable, it must not be let go.

According to this order of priority, the option "maximum magic value +5" is selected for the latter two gifts

And then there's... eh? ? ?

Are the three gift options all skills?

Is it pure luck?

It turns out that I used to be the Emperor of Europe in the card game!

Well, I lied, although I am naturally fair and beautiful, I am African.

It is definitely impossible for pure luck to have three skill options in a row, so... is it because you have been promoted to D rank that you have such a privilege?

Well, the more I think about it, the more likely it is.

She then looked at the skill options:

① Acquire the skill "Attack Enhancement" ② Acquire the skill "Command" ③ Acquire the skill "Sword Talent"

"Attack Strengthening": The strength of the skill holder is increased to 1.2 times, and it takes effect passively.

"Command": When the skill is activated, the surrounding target is designated, and all attributes of the target are temporarily increased to a certain extent. The skill effect is affected by the target class, not affected by the attribute "intelligence" and other factors.

"Sword Ability": Possesses the ability to skillfully use swordsmanship.


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