It really is the same old...

Lin Yu looked at the other two while stroking the girl's long green hair.

"You guys come too."

The two women looked at each other and moved over obediently.

Lin Yu also patted their heads.

It's nothing when I touch Jun Ji, but when I touch Qian Yi, I can feel her body trembling slightly.

Really sensitive...

"You've worked hard this time."

"It's not hard! If you can help mom and fight for mom, it won't be hard at all!"

After all, it had been a long time since she had seen Lin Yu, and Jun Ji couldn't resist grabbing the white-haired girl's hand for a while, rubbing it on her cheek, staring at the white-haired girl with watery eyes, The fiery gaze made the white-haired girl a little uncomfortable.

Qian glanced at her, and learned how to put the girl's hand on his cheek and rub it gently, as if he was worried that a little force would damage this soft and delicate hand like white jade.


so soft...

And it's warm and feels great...

Although it's a bit embarrassing to be stared at and make such an intimate behavior, but there is no way, this soft touch is simply irresistible!

When the daughters were still in the ant-tribe posture, they were not so easy to touch, they were hard.

So, let's touch it for a while...

However, after touching it for a while, just when Lin Yu felt the same, and was about to call the three of them back to the castle——


A wolf howled suddenly.

Although the sound was in the distance, it seemed to appear in the ears in just an instant.

The familiar voice made the two girls, whose expressions had softened due to the white-haired girl's touch, come back to their senses. The next moment, they turned around to protect Lin Yu behind them. Facing the direction the voice came from, they entered the Fighting state!

"It's that giant wolf!"

"Mom and Midori are hiding behind us."


Giant wolf?Is it the other reincarnation?

Lin Yu couldn't help being a little nervous, she shook Lvzi, and found that Lvzi couldn't be woken up, so she could only hug her and look towards the source of the voice.

A shadow is moving rapidly among the trees in the distance.

"Sure enough it is! How did it find out that we are here?"

"'s been following us all along."

Qian Yi said suddenly.

"It's just kept at a very long distance, so we didn't notice it."

The giant wolf's sense of smell is much stronger than that of ordinary wolf monsters, so it can track itself from a distance, but it fails to find out...

Bringing the threat to the castle.

Qianyi can't help but blame himself.

Because the giant wolf was extremely fast, neither of them dared to take half a step away from Lin Yu.

And Lin Yu didn't do nothing at the moment, she recalled Chitong who was hunting outside, and also recalled the high-ranking ant clan who were active inside and outside the castle.

In addition, there are dozens of stealth ants hiding around her and in her own shadow.

There is only one person on the other side, or one.

And besides speed, its other attributes are not as good as that of Rayong in its heyday.

Junji and Qianichi who have powerful skills such as "giant" may be able to deal with it.

But... After all, is this guy really here to attack us?

Lin Yu saw from a distance that the giant wolf ignored the ants that were moving around the castle, and went straight towards the castle... No, it was coming towards him?

When the distance got closer, Jun Ji became more nervous like Qian.

Lin Yu was finally sure.

That giant wolf was really coming towards him!Are you staring at yourself?

But...why don't I feel scared at all?

And... always feels a little familiar.

Although he felt a little strange, Lin Yu still made a sound to ask Jun Ji, who was bending her bow and nodding her arrow, to accept her bow and arrow.


"Didn't it save you before? And it didn't hurt you."

"But... it's a reincarnation."

Ah, yes!

I haven't activated the "Camouflage" skill now, and since the giant wolf is a reincarnator, it must also have the "Appraisal" skill.

It may have identified itself.

In other words, this guy is aware that he is a reincarnated person.

So it has a reason to attack me as a reincarnator, why?In order to become a god...


"Don't attack it yet."

Since others didn't do it, it's not easy for us to do it either.

And considering the speed at which the giant wolf can barely see its figure, it is also very difficult to shoot it, right?

Ah, by the way, I will also identify it.


name: none

Race: wind wolf

Qualification: S+

Class: A

Level: LV.2

Health: 2400/2400

Mana: 450/450

Skills: "Unique Skill-Inugami", "Appraisal", "Bite", "Fengxing", "Quickness", "Overspeed", "Full Concentration", "Shock", "Strength", "Attack Enhancement" , "Attack Enhancement", "Speed ​​Enhancement", "Speed ​​Enhancement", "Speed ​​Specialization", "Defense Enhancement", "Defense Enhancement", "Magic Backpack", "Longsightedness", "Smell Enhancement", " ability to fight

Attribute: Strength 24 (+14)

Dexterity 72 (+86)

Intelligence 11

Physical resistance 12 (+7)

Elemental Magic Resistance 10

Ailment Resistance 8


Agility is so high!

And it also has skills such as "quickness" and "overspeed" that can make the speed faster again, no wonder it runs so fast, are you a reporter!

Chapter 130 Yellow Hair

The giant wolf was so fast at the beginning that Lin Yu couldn't even see its appearance clearly.

When it got close to a distance of about [-] meters, the giant wolf suddenly slowed down, and because of this, Lin Yu finally saw the opponent's appearance clearly.

It was a huge yellow-haired wolf with a pair of orange-yellow animal pupils. It looked handsome and had sharp eyes. It made people feel majestic when they looked at it——

However, this attitude lasted only for a moment.

Almost as soon as Lin Yu looked over, the giant wolf changed from its previous handsome and majestic appearance.


From the mouth of the giant wolf spit out a puppy-like bark!

and!this voice!

Lin Yu's eyes widened after hearing the voice, and the figure of the giant wolf running towards him suddenly overlapped with a puppy with the same yellow hair in his memory.

Eh?isn't it?

The white-haired girl wiped her eyes, and when she looked over again——

I saw that giant wolf's originally sharp gaze softened, and the slightly squinted eyes contained ecstasy and excitement that could not be concealed. It wagged its tail wildly, stretched out its long tongue, and trotted over panting. .

That looks very much like the little yellow dog that ran over when she came home when she heard the noise in her previous life.

Ahhhhh! !Can't go wrong!

She is yellow haired!

The white-haired girl's indifferent expression finally changed, and she couldn't help showing joy on her face.

"Yellow hair? Is that you!"

Lin Yu took off the Lvzi hanging from his body, and handed it to a sneaking ant behind him.

She couldn't hold back and walked forward.

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