Or... Rayong the Reincarnator.

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PS: Sanctioned... The deleted content does not affect the plot.

Chapter 130: The Long-lost Voice of Heaven

While seeing the other party, Luo Yong naturally also saw Lin Yu.

Even though he suffered all the torture and pain along the way, when he saw the cold-faced white-haired red-eyed girl in front of him for the first time, his eyes were still wide open, his mouth widened, and his breathing suddenly stagnated.

How amazing this is... Words simply cannot describe its one-ten-thousandth beauty.

He can swear that no matter in this life or in his previous life, whether he saw it with his own eyes, or saw it on TV, magazines and newspapers, he has never seen such a beautiful woman!


The shadow that bound him suddenly tightened, and Luo Yong howled miserably.

The goblin who regained consciousness gasped in pain and looked at the white-haired girl.

"who are you?"

"The one who killed you."

I haven't forgotten Lvzi's hatred for being bullied!

Lin Yu took out the long sword from the space backpack without hesitation.

But in addition to this reason, there is also a powerful skill that may be obtained by killing the reincarnated person.

You must know that when you helped Mitsui Yuya escape, you got the "immortality" skill.

"Wang! Wang!!"

At this time, Huang Mao also bared his teeth.

Ah, yes, there are also yellow hairs.

Heard her say it before, she had several conflicts with this guy before finding herself.

Because they are both reincarnators, they started fighting when they met. The first battle ended with Huang Mao's serious injury. After knowing that Luo Yong could not be defeated head-on, Huang Mao started with extremely high speed. Deal with Rayong.

So much so that a deadly enemy-like situation was formed in the back.

"Inugami!! Damn, are you guys in the same group?! So, you are!"

"Huang Mao is my dog, and everyone else is my daughter."

Let you die clearly.

Who told me to be a good person.

Ah, by the way, I would feel better if I killed him all at once, but Midori and Oriole, who are the victims, haven't vented their anger yet.

It's not good for your health if you hold back your anger.

"Are you going to teach him a lesson first?"

The girl put down her sword, and turned to look at Midori and Huangmao beside her.


After some time.

The white-haired girl with a cold face walked up to the dying goblin and raised the long sword in her hand.

No more words.


White light flashes--

The next moment, the goblin's head was cut off, and his bloodshot eyes widened and he fell silent.

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.3 is upgraded to LV.4, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of three gifts: ① Maximum HP +100 ② Maximum Mana +20, Dexterity +6 ③ Acquire the skill "Rage"

Ah, the voice of the long-lost sister, the Voice of Heaven!

However, the gift for freeing Luo Yong...is a normal gift.

Obviously, when I freed Mitsui Yuya before, I also got a promotion reward. I remember that I was directly promoted from rank C to rank B, and I crossed almost [-] ranks in one fell swoop!

Ah, wait, it seems to be saying "the reincarnation was killed for the first time"?

In other words, is there an extra reward for the first kill?

It always feels like a game.

However, after dealing with Rayong, it is not without benefits.

/Please choose your gift.

Please give me skills!That's right, the third option!

/boon established.

Then Lin Yu saw a new skill named "Rage" appeared in the skill column on his dashboard.

It seems to be a powerful skill of the same type as "Magnification" and "Iron Armor".

Take a look...

"Rage": Fall into a state of rage, and obtain a relatively large temporary increase in all attributes.

The improvement is probably not as large as the skills of "Enormization" and "Iron Armor", but it is an improvement of all attributes!You must know that after losing the bonus provided by more than 3 goblins under him, after activating this skill, Luo Yong can still fight against the weak voice and latent image for a period of time.

However, this skill is not without drawbacks.

First of all, it has the same disadvantage as other skills such as "Enlargement", that is, the consumption of mana is extremely fast!If there is no supplement of mana, it is impossible to maintain this state of battle for a long time.

Then there is the violent state in the description. After using this skill, the skill user himself seems to fall into an impulsive and irritable state, and his thinking will also be affected.

In addition, the skill user's skin will turn red?After using this skill in Rayong before, the skin became like a red-hot crab, and it was still steaming.

Well, no matter what, even these shortcomings can't hide the power of this skill.

It is a useful skill that can be bestowed on daughters!

Ah, by the way, speaking of which, the mana points are completely restored after being upgraded...

If the magic value is restored, there will be two choices again.


"Mom, what should I do with his body?"

When Lin Yu was in a daze, Qian Yi asked.

"Hey, you don't have to bother mom with this kind of thing, this disgusting guy can just be burned~"

Midori kicked the goblin's corpse with some disgust.

"Mom doesn't know what Weak Yin and the others saw in the cave in this guy. It's even worse than what we saw in Naner Village before. There's not only—"

"Midori-san...that's disgusting, so stop talking about it."

Ziwu pulled Lvzi's skirt with her front legs, but when Lvzi looked over, she took a few steps back.

Although Midori has now turned into a human figure, Ziwu is still a little afraid of her.

Probably because of the psychological shadow of the previous events, for Ziwu and Ziyun, being caught by a human-like green child is as terrible as being caught by an ant-like green child.

Seemingly thinking that Ziwu's reaction was a bit funny, Lvzi frightened her by pretending to rush up, but unexpectedly, the effect was outstanding, the purple ants exploded all over, flapping their cicada wings and flying away as if fleeing.

"Xiao Wu is still as shy as ever, there is really nothing I can do about her."

"I'm not shy, I think you're disgusting."

"Jiji! You ant like to joke around."

While speaking, Midori clinged to Jun Ji again, and although Jun Ji had anticipated Midori's movements, she was still a step behind.

Gritting her teeth and struggling a few times and finding that she couldn't break free, the blond girl had no choice but to give up.

Their relationship has become better... and the relationship between Qianichi and them seems to be getting better. It seems that sending Midori... no, sending her to the town is the right decision.

"According to what Midori said, burn it."

And if you want to burn the body...

Lin Yu looked at Mohong.

After fighting and practicing during this period, the fireball and waterball magic she had learned had turned into skills and appeared on the panel.

Although he hesitated to say something, Mohong finally nodded.

She activated the skill "Fireball".

The fireball fell on the goblin's corpse, burning it to death in a matter of moments.

Chapter 130 IX

There is so much to celebrate after all!

The first is to defeat that stinky goblin, and then to retrieve the yellow hair, and this time is the day when all the long-lost daughters return to the castle!

and so--

"Let's have a party next."

As Lin Yu spoke, he approached Huang Mao. Huang Mao lowered his head in a heartbeat, and the white-haired girl took advantage of the situation to touch her.

"In addition to celebrating the defeat of a powerful enemy, this time it is Huangmao's welcome banquet. Everyone should know Huangmao, right?"

The girls nodded.

"Well, I got it, the three of us were saved by her when we fought that goblin before."

Even so, the smile on Midori's face always feels weird.

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