Maybe you have to start in advance.

"How do you three feel about the taste of this tea?"

"is acceptable."

"Bitter, I don't like drinking tea."

"It's better to drink."

"This, this way..."

Simon smiled awkwardly.

The last two answers, but the tone of the serious girl who answered "Not bad" was very perfunctory.

Is this tea so bad?

"If you really want to compare, the tea made by my mother is even better, hehehe..."

Seeing that Midori was about to "fall ill" again, Jun Ji quickly reached out and poked her.

"Is that Miss Midori's mother? Hehe..."

Simon shook his head and chuckled.

A kind-looking middle-aged woman in her 30s automatically appeared in her mind.

Although it is true that he is a B-rank adventurer, he does not believe that the mother of the other party can have better quality tea than himself.

You must know that apart from beauties, tea can be regarded as his second favorite hobby.

"Well, this guy is very attached to her mother."

"I see."

With Jun Ji's words, he was even more sure of this.

Then back to business.

"We are clear about the responsibilities of the Knights, what about the benefits? What are the benefits of joining the Knights?"

"of course."

The man nods.

The advantage is that in addition to getting the same monthly salary as Knight Commander Lycarlis, you can also have all the rights owned by the knights, as well as the maximum degree of freedom under the charter.

"How is it? Cough, don't worry, the three of you can think about it slowly while drinking tea."

Looking at each other, the three of them looked like they were thinking.

Then Green nodded.

"It's fine, but I have a small condition!"

"What conditions?"


The slender index finger of the green-haired girl pointed to the back of the man.

Simon turned his head sideways and looked in the direction Midori pointed.

"Telephone? You want this?"

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"What do you want this for?"

Simon looked suspicious, and Philip next to him also frowned.

"So this is really a remote speaker, isn't it! Ah, because I haven't contacted my mother for a long time, so..."

"So that's it...haha, but the telephonic device can only contact the person who also holds the item, and it is also limited by the distance. In other words, if you want to use it, you can only contact the people in the town of Nukeel in the north Lord or Adventurer's Guild."

Simon laughed.

"Okay, then...I'll change the conditions."

Midori didn't bother with the remote sounder anymore, and didn't even look at it anymore.

After learning the "purpose" of Midori's request for the telephony device, Simon and Felid also let go of their doubts.

"What conditions?"

"I want to see your flying beast army!"

"Flying Beast Army?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and chuckled as if thinking of something.

"Hehe, Miss Midori wants to ride the flying monsters of the Flying Beast Army home to visit her mother, right?"

After having the previous conversation, he preconceived this way of thinking.

"I didn't expect you to be a very filial daughter."

"Hey, it's exposed... Mom really likes me! She loves me the most among all the children!"

Midori lifted her head proudly.

Although the two girls next to them were upset, they were in the lord's mansion after all, so they had no choice but to endure it.

"This condition is just a small problem, I can promise you, but the flying beast army is still in the training stage, those flying monsters are very naughty, riding them is not a small risk, can you ride them home to visit your mother in the future It depends on your ability, Ms. Midori."

"Hmm! Ah, but it's not us. I'm the only one who joined the Knights. Junji and Qianyi want to stay in the Adventurer's Guild."

"This, why is this?"

"They prefer to be adventurers."

"Well...that's a pity."

Simon pondered for a moment, looked at Midori and nodded.

Although they couldn't get all three girls to join the knight order, the relationship between the three girls seemed unusual, and there was no big difference between one person joining and three people joining.

And... it's much easier to get one done than three at once.

After chatting for a while, it was noon.

Simon invited the three girls to the castle restaurant for lunch.

Although the dishes presented at the luncheon were luxurious and delicious, they were inferior to those prepared by Gong Ye.

But the red wine was pretty good, so the only one who was really satisfied with the lunch was Qian Yi.

Although the lord Simon thought he was humorous and knowledgeable, only Midori talked to him at the banquet, and the other two women either echoed perfunctorily or drank on their own.

While he was somewhat dissatisfied with the two women, Simon became more and more pleasing to Midori.

Simon knew Xu Xutuzhi's truth very well, so after the banquet, he asked his soldiers to take the three girls back in a carriage. He asked Midori to formally enter the knight order the next day and act together with other guard knights.


After leaving the lord's mansion, the carriage stopped at a pharmacy.

"Then the three of you, I will take my leave first."


The soldiers who had brought them drove away in their carriages.

"Tch, even a mere human race dares to attack me!"

After the carriage drove away, the green-haired girl pouted.

Although Simon consciously concealed it very well, the other party's expression from time to time still exposed him.

"You have to be careful in the future. It's nothing to confront directly. I'm afraid that these human races will play tricks."

Jun Ji warned that the experience of being drunk by the human race and almost being attacked at night still made her a little uncomfortable thinking about it, so naturally she didn't want other sisters to suffer the same experience.

"Huh~ Is Jiji worried about me?"

The green-haired girl clung to her again, hugged the blonde-haired girl's arm, and looked at her with two blue eyes.

After all, the daughters looked somewhat similar to Lin Yu. Because Lvzi was too close, Junji suddenly saw Lvzi as Lin Yu, and her breathing stopped.


"But don't worry, I'm not as stupid as Ji Ji."

Midori's words woke her up from a stupefied state, and immediately gave her a head-scratching blow.

The green-haired girl covered her forehead in pain.

"I'm not worried about you, let's go."


But speaking of it, even if it was plotted by the human race with dirty means such as poisoning, there are still sneaking ant sisters hiding in their own shadows.

"Let's go, Qianyi."


Although he agreed, Qian Yi walked a little wobbly.

"You really drank too much..."

"Well... not before, but a little bit as soon as I got out of the car."

"Let Midori take you back to the hotel to rest first."

"Do not..."

Before she could refuse, the green-haired girl leaned over happily.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Qian Yi, who was a little weak due to drunkenness, couldn't break free from the green-haired girl at all, so he was helped away with a drunken eye.

Jun Ji glanced at Qian Yi gloatingly, then walked to the pharmacy alone in a happy mood.

But before she opened the door to go in, the store door suddenly opened.

"Ah, Miss Junji?"

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