The white-haired girl secretly glanced up and down at Mohong.

" put on your clothes first."


After Mo Hong put on his clothes, Lin Yu was relieved.

"Then, I will also give you the skill of "Wanyu Tong". "


Mo Hong nodded obediently, she seemed to be in a good mood at the moment.

So activate the unique ability.

He also successfully granted the "Wanyutong" skill to Mohong.



after that.

After staying in the castle for a few more days, and being given the skills "Immortal" and "Camouflage" again, Magic Rainbow set off for the town of Owendor.

However, unlike Junji Luzi and the others, there were twenty stealth ants who followed Mohong to the town of Owendo this time, accounting for one-tenth of the total number of stealth ants so far.

They were all huddled in the shadow of the magic rainbow.

Although it was Mohong's request, Lin Yu originally wanted her to be more ants.

After all, Mohong is not like Junji, Midori, and Qianyi. The only attribute she has higher than the three ants is intelligence, and among the skills she currently possesses, only "fire ball" and "water ball" are powerful.

But it takes time to release magic, and if she encounters an enemy with a high agility attribute, her attack will not easily hit the opponent.

Although practice can shorten the casting time and improve the accuracy of magic, but Magic Rainbow spends more time on the development of magic.

Moreover, it is very dangerous for a magician to fight alone.

So if you let the daughters of the sneak ants follow her, you can rest assured.


After spending a few more days on the road, Magic Rainbow finally arrived in the town of Owendo.

"Hey, look, over there! A big beauty!"

"Hiss~ My God, this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful sister in all these years."

"Ah...white hair and red pupils, it's totally my fault."

"Tsk, save yourself, such beauties are not something that guys like us can imagine. By the way, I heard that there are also great beauties in the famous city guard blade team in the town during this time, I said...You seem to have seen them before? Can they be as beautiful as this white-haired beauty?"

"'s hard to say, after all, they are all first-class beauties, but...if you really have to choose, it must be the one in front of you."

Because of his outstanding appearance with white hair and red pupils, as well as his protruding figure, he received a lot of attention when he was queuing up in the city, and there were more discussions around him.

But Magic Rainbow has long been prepared.

She took out a gray cloak with a hood and a half-face mask that could cover the upper half of her face from the magic backpack.

After putting them all on, although the eyes still stayed on her from time to time, the discussion was obviously much less.

After paying the entrance fee, enter the town.

Because her purpose of entering the city was not to become an adventurer, and she did not intend to let others see her relationship with Jun Ji and other ants, so Mo Hong found a hotel and opened a room alone.

At night, she found the hotel where Jun Ji and Qian Yi were staying.

When they first saw the magic rainbow, the two women were stunned for a moment.

If it wasn't for the age difference in appearance, they would even have taken Mo Hong to be Lin Yu.

It took a while to finally come to my senses.

"Sister Junji, and sister Qianyi."

Mohong greeted them with a smile.

"Where's Miss Midori?"

"She lived in the lord's manor during this time and rarely came back."

Qianyi and Junji invited her into the room.

"Since you've come here, that means... are you going to start?"

There was some excitement in Jun Ji's eyes.

"Have you figured out how to convince mom?"

Qian Yi frowned slightly.

"Not yet... It will take some time. The ant nest network dug by the worker ants and digger ants has not completely covered the entire town and its surroundings. In addition... there are other things that need to be prepared."

"What else needs to be prepared?"

Junji asked.

"By the way, have you figured out a specific plan?"

"I've basically thought about it, but..."

Mohong smiled slightly.

"What the sisters have to do has changed a bit, but it's just as important."

Chapter 150 Six Plans

There are one hundred reincarnators, including the mother's words, there are now four.

Among them, one is a necromancer who can transform corpses into necromancer puppets and endow them with the attribute of immortality.

One is a goblin reincarnation who can take goblins as himself to enhance his own strength.

There is also a dog that runs fast... That guy is most likely to be really loyal to his mother, but to some extent, she is still more troublesome than the first two.

But Sister Chitong should be able to settle her...After all, even I...

In short, all three of them have good combat power.

Although the ant tribe defeated them at a very low price, the necromancer found him because of good luck. Otherwise, if the opponent continued to transform the necromancer puppets by snowballing, once the number accumulated to a certain level... The consequences could be disastrous.

The same goes for the Goblin Reincarnator, and this time it wouldn't be easy to deal with if he hadn't discovered the opponent's weakness.

As for the dog, at her speed, if she wanted to forcibly take away her mother, unless the sisters and sisters were protecting them closely at all times, there was a high possibility that she would succeed.And if she harassed the ant colony like she did with the goblin reincarnation, it would be a big... trouble.

And there are 96 such terrible opponents.

No... there shouldn't be so many.

It is very likely that some reincarnated people will die during these three years.

There are probably three death situations. One is that, like us, we were defeated and died in the battle with other reincarnated people.

The second is to reincarnate in a dangerous place and be killed by monsters or malicious humans.

The third is to fall into crisis because of the "side effects" of skills.For example, after laying eggs, the mother's body will fall into a state of extreme hunger. If the food is not replenished in time, the life value will begin to decline...

Having said that, mothers seem to have experienced all three of these situations...

But mother is a unique existence after all, if she can easily solve these catastrophes, it doesn't mean that other reincarnated people can too.

So the actual opponents are likely to be less than this number.


Having said that, it is inevitable that there are four reincarnators around a border town with a population of just over 5.

The town of Owendo is just a border town belonging to the Principality of Maika, and there are many towns and large cities with a larger population in the Principality.

Moreover, the Principality of Maika is only one of the three principalities under the rule of the Kingdom of Rollo. Besides the kingdom, there are also the Eastern Delta Empire, which has a wider area, and the southern countries.

In addition, there are many large or small forests and lakes and seas on this continent.

Even if the dog was born from another area and found it following the smell of its mother, then there are also two other reincarnations.

It is obviously unreasonable for too many reincarnations to be reincarnated in one place, so it is very likely that there will be no No. 5 reincarnations in the town of Owendo right now...

But in any case, we still need to be alert to this possibility.

Closer to home.

In order to deal with the reincarnators who may become enemies in the future, the ant clan must become stronger as soon as possible.

The key to strength lies in the acquisition of mana. Although mother already has enough mana recovery potions to use, it is because of the defect that the mana recovery potions will have diminishing effects if they are taken too much at one time.

If you don't consider this point, the magic recovery potion you have now is still not enough, it should be said that it has never been enough.

In addition, if the Ant Race wants to continue to develop, they will not be able to bypass this town, and sooner or later they will be discovered by the Human Race...


The town must be taken.

And it should be occupied as much as possible without harming the human race.

There are two reasons.

One is for consideration of possible future positions.

The second is to take into account the mood of the mother, who used to be a human race, she should not want to massacre the human race.

Then it is from top to bottom, from light to darkness... Completely control the entire town, and at the same time prevent the existence of the ant clan from being discovered by forces outside the town.

After all, the ants are monsters. After doing something like occupying a town, if they are discovered by forces outside the town, the consequences can be imagined.

And if there is such a big movement, if it spreads out, it is likely to attract the attention of other reincarnations, and thus suspect whether the ant tribe's attack on the town is caused by the reincarnations.

Therefore, this point is the focus that has been considered so far.

And how to achieve...

In fact, besides the ant tribe in the forest, the ant tribes currently operating in and around towns are acting to achieve this.

I am no exception.


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