
There is still one third of the mana left, and another daughter can be used to help give birth.

The remaining ant species that have not been tested include weak ants, army ants, acid ants, soil-digging ants, magic ants and flying ants.

Junji, Lvzi, and Mohong are all in the human town and cannot come back for the time being, so the army ants, acid ants, and magic ants are temporarily put aside for testing.

Although other ants with B qualifications are right, but I am not very familiar with them.

Qian Shiyi still got along for a while anyway.

I haven't talked much at ordinary times, but the first conversation turned out to be—"I want you to help me lay eggs."

It was too strange to say the least.

And the point is... I'm kind of stuck.

So the matter of letting these B-qualified daughters lay eggs will be discussed later.

So apart from army ants, acid ants and magic ants, digger ants are also not very familiar, so skip it too.

The rest are Weak Voice, Ziyun and Ziwu.

who to choose~

Because there is only one last chance left, if it is given to Ziyun or Ziwu, the other ant of the twins might have a quarrel.

So I decided to mute it!

It's not because she looks easy to bully, so I chose her, hehehe, I said no, no~


Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu connected through his unique skills and weak voice.

Her eyes fell on Ruoyin, the girl at the moment was fighting a group of more than 20 jaguars in the forest.

In the forest area of ​​the southern hills, because of their fast speed and the fact that the goblins seem to have almost eaten up their natural enemies, the swift jaguar seems to be overrun.

The weak ants and worker ants of D and C ranks heading to the southern hill group were attacked by these swift jaguars during this period, and a considerable number of ants suffered casualties during the battle.

Therefore, the army ants, iron armor ants and other ants who are good at fighting are currently investigating the monster group in the hill area, and the main hunting target is these flooded monsters.

The group of swift jaguars confronting Ruanyin in front of them are high-level C-level monsters. Because they don't have skills such as "magic essence perception" and "identification" that can judge the strength of the target level, they seem to regard Ruanyin as prey. Surrounded by girls, it seemed that they would pounce on them at any moment.

In this situation, Lin Yu connected with the girl.

"Xiao Yin."

"Ah, mom, mom..."

The weak voice who was about to do something suddenly became a little at a loss because of Lin Yu's voice.

Because of her shyness, her voice became smaller and smaller as she got to the back, and two faint blushes even appeared on her little face.

"Did it bother you hunting?"

"I do not..."

Before she finished speaking, the group of swift jaguars seemed to think that there was a good opportunity in front of them, and several leopards rushed from all directions of the girl in an instant.

It's just that when they rushed in front of the girl, the next moment, the two little pink fists landed on the heads of these leopards first.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

A huge force struck, and accompanied by the sound of several bone cracks, the heads of these leopards were immediately blown off, and then the headless corpses fell to the ground with a "slap" while maintaining their rushing motion.

Get it dirty...

Weak Yin looked at the shirt stained with the blood of the swift panther, and seemed a little unhappy, and for a moment even forgot that he was "talking" with Lin Yu.

She squeezed her small fist and rushed towards the remaining dozen or so jaguars.

And after seeing several companions rushing up were instantly killed with one blow, those swift jaguars immediately realized that the short man in front of them was not a target they could provoke.

The tragic death of their companions made them lose their fighting spirit even more. After the leading swift leopard howled, they began to retreat.

However, before taking a few steps, the screams rang out, and the screams stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of "bang bang" falling to the ground.

One after another, the jaguars were blown out of their heads.

The leading leopard running at the front turned his head while trying to escape, only to see that the swift jaguars following him were all dead in just a few short breaths.

The next moment, its sight rose sharply, and its consciousness began to blur.


The leopard's head fell to the ground.

So far, more than 20 swift jaguar all died.

And the weak voice finally came back to his senses at this time.

"Sorry Mom, just now... I was only focused on dealing with them..."

"No, I was wrong, I interrupted your hunting."

", I didn't bother you..."

The voice is weak, but still shy.

Obviously when he killed the Swift Jaguar just now, his little eyes were quite fierce.

And every time I was connected by myself, I would panic, and my body seemed to become a little stiff.

So cute.

"Xiaoyin, come back."

"Go... go back?"

"Well, I need your help with something."

"What's the matter?"

"You'll know when you come."

Hey hey, keep it a secret for now.

"Now, now?"



Mom, I can't wait!

"Then... what about Ziwu and Ziyi?"

Ruoyin raised his head, and Lin Yu also saw a few flying ants flying in the sky in the distance.

"They stay here, you just need an ant to come over."

"Well...then, I'll go tell Ziwu about it."

"No, I'll tell her."


Weak Voice nodded his head, and then obediently began to march towards the Granville Monster Forest.

It's just that probably because she is being connected by her mother, her movements are a little stiff, so that her moving speed is much slower than usual.

Seeing this, Lin Yu told her a few more words to tell her to go home as soon as possible, and then canceled the connection.

Chapter 160 Two: A Deep Sleep

Near evening.

"mom, Mom, Mom..."

The voice from outside the door revived Lin Yu, who was lazily lying on the bed, drinking the magic recovery potion that was about to vomit, and "changing the channel" watching his daughters' activities in boredom.

She hastily canceled the connection with her daughters and looked outside the door.

While she was looking over, a small head shrank back from the crack of the door in a panic.

Lin Yu knew this daughter's temperament, so he kept quiet and walked towards the door with light steps.

When Ruoyin poked her head out again because she hadn't heard the sound for a long time, she grabbed her.


After being caught, the girl let out a cute cry and subconsciously tried to run away again.

"Where are you going?"

A cold voice came from beside my ear.

After the voice calmed Weak Yin a little, she was probably worried about hurting the white-haired girl who was holding her, so she quickly eased her struggle.

"Didn't I say that I need to find you, how come you run away when you see me?"

"I'm sorry."

"Does Xiaoyin hate me?"

"! Didn't hate mommy..."

The little weak ant became anxious all of a sudden, and even stopped struggling.

"Then why do you avoid me every time we meet? And he hesitates every time I speak, are you playing with me?"


I'm about to cry!

Ahhh, after the weak voice turns into a human appearance, the appearance of crying is even more cute!

Although there is nothing wrong with being pretty, but as long as I say harsh words with this cold expression and tone... the lethality is also very good!

What is a cold-faced school girl?

Hey hey, I'm good or bad.

After admiring the soft voice for a while, anxious, shy and adorable, the white-haired girl finally let her go.

"Just kidding with you, Xiaoyin likes me, right?"

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