"What, you're still a coward."

After gaining control of the body, you can feel the little hands touching your body.

His face couldn't help turning red.

Lin Yu silently opened his cold eyes.

Xiaoye didn't notice Lin Yu who had woken up at first, until she turned her eyes away from the sleeping weak voice and turned to the white-haired girl——

The line of sight was connected at once.

The girl's pupils shrank instantly, and the smile on her face froze.

The air seemed to freeze in an instant.

"Mom... Mom, morning... good morning?"

"It's good evening."

"Okay, it seems so, then... good evening?"

"Take your hand away first."


Under Lin Yu's indifferent gaze, the familiar Xiao Ye felt a little guilty. She obediently pulled her hand out from under the white-haired girl's pajamas.

It's just that the action made Lin Yu's face red again, and the strange feeling made her hum softly.

Xiao Ye was dumbfounded by this slightly shy gesture.


Lin Yu regained his indifferent expression, and then gave her a chestnut.

"it hurts!"

Hmph, I didn't use any strength at all.

Forget it, after all, she is pregnant with her own daughter, so I will spare you for now.


By the second day.

The stomachs of the two women and one ant can feel the changes.

The expressions on their faces also became softer, which made Lin Yu feel a little complicated.

Day three.

The stomach is already big enough to affect the movement, and it takes more time to get up from the bed.


Two girls with big bellies in their teens, and an ant with a big belly...It looks weird, but I always feel like it's funny, is it my fault?

Two more days passed.

gave birth!

Qianxi, Xiaoye and Weak Yin all spawned on the same day.

I don't know if it was affected by their aptitude, but eleven of them laid [-] ant eggs, but as guessed, the proportion of sneak ants in the ant eggs laid is larger than the proportion of their own eggs. .

Forty sneaking ant eggs were laid out of the three hundred.

Although it doesn't seem like a lot, even if it's me, I can only lay up to ten stealth ant eggs at a time!

Moreover, there are only more than 200 sneaking ants in the ant colony.

Then came Saya.


A lot were born, a total of [-] ant eggs.

And is it because worker ants are relatively common? Out of the [-] eggs, [-] are worker ants, and the qualifications of these worker ants are mostly C qualifications, a few are B qualifications, and D qualifications are still to be less.

The last is the mute.

The number of ant eggs she gave birth to was the same as Xiao Ye's, eight hundred.

Then, among the [-] eggs, [-] were weak ants, and their aptitude distribution was similar to that of the worker ants laid by Xiao Ye.

The reason why Wei Yin and Xiao Ye were able to lay so many ant eggs is probably due to the ant species besides the reason of aptitude.

And with the results of their spawning, it is almost certain that the previous guess is correct.

If different ant species lay eggs, more eggs of that ant type will be produced!

So for the development of the ant tribe, what kind of ant species are needed now?

The answer is all of them.

Flying ants are undoubtedly very important as a detection unit and the only flying unit, and their current number is only a little over 30.

The magic ants are currently the only magic attack unit in the ant colony. Although only two or three magic ants have learned magic besides the magic rainbow, the magic rainbow has gone to the town to "study abroad". It will be able to teach these magic ant daughters more magic.

Moreover, their current number is only ten, so there is also a need for production.

Then there are the stealth ants, because they possess skills such as "stealth" and "invisibility", so they are the strongest detection unit and the strongest assassin of the ant clan. The strongest of the species.

The number of sneaking ants is currently more than 200, and if the daughter Qian Shiyi just gave birth is added, the number will be about [-].

For digger ants, they can not only help worker ants to expand the ant nest, but also have a certain fighting ability. In addition, their number should be regarded as the least except for the above three ant species. Although I haven't counted them carefully, there should be more than 1000.

The number of Iron Armor Ants and Acid Liquid Ants is about [-]. One of them is a "tank" unit with excellent strength and defense.

The other should be considered a ranged attack unit, and the acid attack is very useful!Not only can it cause considerable damage to most monsters, but acid can also reduce the enemy's physical resistance to a certain extent.

Then there are the army ants. They are the main melee attack unit of the ant colony. They are smaller than the armored ants, and their melee ability is stronger than that of the acid ants. They are an ant species with well-balanced values.

Worker ants are also very important as the main force of the ant colony to expand the ant nest and cultivate magic soil and fruit trees and herbs.

The remaining weak ants are to make up for the work of the previous ants. They can be used for fighting, and they can also be used as detection units at the ant nest sentinel. In addition, they can also help worker ants and digger ants to carry earth and rocks. All kinds of chores outside and outside are also entrusted to them, so even if they are weak, they are very important.

However, considering that the number of weak ants and worker ants is the largest in the result of each egg laying, there is no need to specially produce these two types of ants for the time being.

Therefore, it is enough for Xiaoye and Xiaoyin to conceive once temporarily, and then the other daughters are asked to continue to work hard.

第160四章 寒冬已至

more than three months later.

Winter has come.

The amount of snow falling was not small, whether it was the houses built of stone and soil in the town or the lush green trees in the forest, they were all covered with a layer of snow white.

When snowflakes began to fall in the sky, whether it was a town or a village, most of the human race chose to stay at home and seldom went out.

None of the crops planted by farmers seem to be cold-resistant, so they usually choose to repair farm tools and houses in winter, process the raw grains before winter into food, leave some for the winter, and sell the rest in the market.

However, this year's winter seems to be a little earlier, and the farmers' harvests are not very good, and they can often be seen with frowning faces.

The adventurers also reduced the number of times they went out to town to perform commissions. In such weather, they would gather in taverns, laughing and cursing loudly, eating, drinking and having fun.

What's more, the number of commissions has been significantly reduced by more than half after winter.

After all, most monsters will also go dormant in winter, and naturally they will not attack human towns and villages when they are dormant, and the crusade commissions will naturally decrease.

The vast majority of merchants stopped trading, and the convoys that came to the town of Owendo from afar also stayed in the town of Owendo for the winter.

However, because the town of Owendor is located in a remote place, and there are often monsters around, there are not many merchants who dare to do business.

In addition, the daily flow of people entering and leaving the town gates has been reduced to such a low level that there is no need to queue at all.

The soldiers patrolling the town and guarding the gate of the city have become the most "dedicated" people in the cold winter. On the road, they can occasionally be heard cursing the cold weather and complaining that their boots have gotten into the snow again.

In such a cold winter, most of the ant clan stopped busy.

Because there are food and monster meat that have been prepared for the winter, and the magic soil can plant all kinds of food and fruit trees regardless of the harsh cold weather, so even if the ant tribe stays in the ant nest in winter, there is no need to worry. Problems with food.

As for the rest of the ant tribes that are still active, they are mainly worker ants and digger ants that are still expanding their ant nests underground, while ant tribes that are good at fighting, such as iron armor ants and army ants, have mostly stopped hunting.

It wasn't until something happened that they started to move around...


"Mom, there is an ant nest post that was attacked by humans."

When I made a "phone call" and was about to call my daughters who were "working" and "studying abroad" back for the New Year, I suddenly received bad news from Mohong.

Ant nest attacked?

You have always made your daughters very careful, why?

"what is going on?"

"The one being attacked was a sentry point closer to the town. The attackers have been found. They are three C-level low-level adventurers."

"They used the fire attack, and more than 20 weak ants in the sentinel were burned to death."

Burned to death... more than 20 weak ants?

Lin Yu was angry at first, but soon realized something was wrong.

How could ordinary fire burn all the weak ants in the sentinel to death?You must know that the weak ants arranged in the sentinels around the town are almost all C-rank ants, and they are all coated with special slime with fireproof and waterproof effects.

And even if fire magic is used instead of ordinary fire, it is impossible for three low-level C-level adventurers to kill all the more than 20 weak ants, and it is more likely to be killed by weak ants .

That is to say...

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Mom is so smart, she really can't fool her."

Mohong readily admitted.

"But mother, didn't you think about the existence of this possibility? There are quite powerful attack magic crystals for sale in the engraving shop, and there is a powerful fire magic that can attack targets in a wide range, so it is entirely possible that this will happen. situation."

"In order to eliminate possible threats and for the long-term development of the ant clan, it's time to act, Mom."

She paused, and continued before Lin Yu could reply.

"Because of the coming of winter, the human races have all returned to their villages and towns, so now is the best time."

"Kill most of them, and then leave a small part of the human race that can be used by us and can be easily controlled, what does mother think?"

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