After experiencing ups and downs like life and death, Simon's face showed ecstasy.

"I haven't been saved yet, I'll take care of these ant monsters—"

Before the words were finished, two more sneaking ants rushed over.

It's just that when they saw the faint joy in the eyes of the green-haired girl, their movements froze, and they seemed to hesitate before rushing forward again.

The green-haired girl blocked the jaws of the two sneaking ants with her long sword horizontally.

"—Let me block it first, the other Knights of the Guards are also coming here, the lord should retreat first!"

"Alright, Miss Midori, be careful!"

Simon is not hypocritical, he knows that staying is also a burden, so he might as well run away first.

And it seemed that they realized that he was going to escape, so the five stealth ants turned their targets on Simon and rushed to him!

It's just that Midori's figure flashed, but she blocked the five ants again, and even opened her arms as if to hug them.

"Five at the same time? Humph, five won't work either!"

Then she was beaten by five sneaking ants together.

The occasional screams and shouts of "Go! Leave me alone!" moved Simon so much that he gritted his teeth and ran out.

At the bottom of my heart, I thought that my hard work in the past few months had not been in vain.

This girl really started to have a good impression of herself!

If not, how could he risk his life to save himself before the Knights?

Next, you only need to meet up with the knights of the Knights of the Guards, and then rush to the barracks of the flying beast army, and then you can ride the monster Ruifeng to escape from the town.

The ant monsters are just reptiles after all, could it be possible to chase them with flying wings?


And just after he left.

"That guy seems to have run away, our mission is complete!"

Midori stretched out her hand to pick up the nearest stealth ant, but one of them jumped back and narrowly escaped.

They are a new batch of sneak ants born by Qian Shiyi just two months ago, and their level has just reached the high level of C-level.

"What, it's okay to hug! If you talk about seniority, you have to call me sister Midori, um, you should call me Aunt Midori?"

"No, stay away from us."

"Mom... No, sister said, you are a dangerous ant."

The sneak ants refused one after another.

"Did eleven...well, it's decided, I'll play with her next time I go home, dare to speak ill of me!"

"However, since the far sounder has been recovered, it seems that we will have nothing to do next. No matter that guy plans to use flying monsters to escape, or use transfer magic crystals, he can't escape from our palms."

第170六章 蚁穴网络

When the remote speaker in the study room of the lord's castle was recovered, the time moved forward again.

the other side.

Adventurers Guild.

After receiving the news that the town was besieged by an army of ant tribes, and almost all the adventurers rushed over, Grace got up with a grim expression and planned to follow.

But after thinking that he should pass the information to the adventurer guilds in other towns before that, he looked at the teller behind the counter.

"Olina, give me the remote speaker."

"Yes, President."

Olina took the remote speaker off the shelf behind her and quickly handed it to the tall man with whiskers.

When the man was about to take over the remote speaker, his expression suddenly changed.


He pushed Olena away at once.

Almost at the same time as it was pushed away, something passed by, and with Grace's dynamic vision, it could only be seen that it was a limb similar to an insect-like monster.

The remote speaker fell to the ground with a "bang", and then bounced up.

And just as it was about to fall to the ground after bouncing up, this special material stone engraved with magic patterns disappeared directly.

"Is the purpose a remote speaker?"

Grace drew out the two swords from his waist, lowered his body and suddenly entered an attacking stance, with a serious expression on his face that had never been seen before.

"Hide behind the counter, Olena."

While instructing the counter lady, he kept looking around.

Almost at the same time that the remote speaker disappeared, five gray ant monsters suddenly appeared in the guild.

Grace had no idea where they came from, but his intuition from the long-term battle told him...these ant monsters were not ordinary.

He even felt...he was no match for these monsters.

Just one alone made him feel more dangerous than most of the monsters he had encountered before.

If five go up together, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

What should I do?

Cold sweat oozes from the forehead due to tension.

But Grace finally realized after he calmed down...they didn't seem to have any killing intent?

Could it be that their purpose is just a remote speaker?It is said that high-level monsters may have the ability to think independently, so the reason why they seized the remote speaker is to prevent themselves from asking for help?But even so, how did they know the existence of the remote speaker?

In any case, it is best not to act rashly at the moment.

Although it was only for a moment, Grace thought of many possibilities.

But he ignored the rest of the other adventurers in the guild.

"What, what! I didn't expect that all these damned monsters would invade the town!"

"Ants are good at burrowing in the soil, and maybe they came out of the underground sewers of cities and towns."

"It's just a few ants, but we have the strongest President Grace!"

"That's right, President! We're here to help you too!"

"Come on, follow President Grace to kill these ants!"

"Ahahaha, it would be a great contribution to eradicate the ant monsters that invaded the town. Miss Olina remember to raise our adventurer rating!"

There are only about [-] adventurers left in the Adventurer's Guild, all of them are D-rank adventurers.

It seems that the existence of Grace gave them courage, and the adventurers rushed to kill the ten B-rank advanced stealth ants in the guild.

"Fools! Don't provoke them!"

Grace shouted with a changed expression, but he was a step slower.

The adventurers who drew their swords at the sneaking ants couldn't touch the sneaking ants at all, and they couldn't even react before their bodies rose from the ground.

Almost at the same time, they flew back at a faster speed than before.

boom!boom!boom! ...

All twenty or so adventurers either slammed into the walls of the guild and smashed cracks, or smashed several tables and chairs and fell to the ground, leaving cracks.

The adventurer, who was still fighting high one moment, was seriously injured the next moment, and fell to the ground in all directions.


Grace was taken aback.

Although the adventurers are all D-level strengths, they can knock everyone down in an instant, and even I can't see their movements clearly...The strength of these gray ant monsters is stronger than I imagined!

But they seem to be showing mercy, adventurers...

While keeping an eye out for the sneaking ants, Grace glanced at the fallen adventurers.

Although seriously injured, there does not appear to be any danger of death.

What are these monsters...

Before he could think about what to do next, commotion came from outside the guild, people could be heard screaming, and there was also an obvious vibration from the ground.

Grace's attention was attracted by the commotion outside, so he took the time to glance out the window, but when he looked back, he found that the five stealth ants...disappeared? !

How can it be?

After being dazed for a while, he finally came back to his senses.

Although I don't know what's going on, but now is not the time to be in a daze.


"Yes, President?"

At this time, Olina dared to poke her head out of the counter when she heard the voice.

"Ah, where are the ant monsters? He, what about them!"

"The monsters have disappeared, you give these idiots life restoration potions, I'll go out and have a look."

Grace then pushed open the guild door and walked out.

"what happened?"

When I was about to ask a passerby nearby, I saw the other person staring at the air with his mouth wide open.

So he followed the line of sight of passers-by.

Then his eyes widened, and he opened his mouth, his eyes full of disbelief.

"That... what is it? Are... ants flying in the air?"

Two pairs of cicada wings, six limbs, a pair of sharp jaws, and two antennae... Although the color is purple, but this appearance... No matter how you look at it, it looks like an ant monster with wings.

At a glance, the number may be thousands!

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