"Then... who is this?"

The stall owner who was still very excited was stunned when he saw the white-haired girl beside him. Although he was wearing a mask, he was also attracted by the other party.

"It's a cadre of the ant clan, the daughter of the queen ant. I'm here to receive her today."

Midori said with a straight face.

"Yes, is it?"

It was not easy for the stall owner to come back to his senses.

"Is it an important person of the ant clan? Ah, by the way, do you want meat skewers? These are all for you."

He wrapped more than a dozen steaming kebabs in yellow paper and handed them to Midori.

"I just need two skewers."

"It's all for you, and it's free for you."

The stall owner laughed.

"A few days ago, my stall was almost overturned by a few gangsters. Thanks to the ant tribe patrolling over and teaching them a lesson, it was saved."

"What are these meat skewers? It's just that I, a small street vendor, can't offer anything else. I hope that the ant tribe won't hold it against it."

"That's it..."

Midori was no longer polite, and took the meat skewers.

They then left the vendor and continued on their way.

"It seems that there were some problems with the patrol team of the human race before. I don't know whether it is negligence of duty, or the patrol efficiency is lower than that of the ant race."

While speaking, the green-haired girl picked up a skewer of meat from the yellow paper and handed it to Lin Yu.

"Try it, Mom."


Lin Yu bit off a piece of meat from the meat skewer and began to chew. The roasted meat was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the meat juice flowed out as soon as he bit into it.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

The taste is surprisingly good, especially in such a cold weather, I always feel very happy.

Xiaoye should also like it.

Let her come over to eat and have a look later, um, by the way, also learn the cooking method of that vendor!If you pass through the hands of Sayo who has the skill "cooking talent", you will definitely be able to make better kebabs.

"It's delicious, then I'll come too..."

Lvzi took a bite where Lin Yu had eaten.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm... delicious! Mommy will have another bite."

She handed the meat skewers to Lin Yu's mouth again.

The white-haired girl took a look at her, and stretched out her hand to take the meat skewers from Midori's hand.

But it didn't work out.

The green-haired girl didn't intend to let go at all.

After wrestling with his daughter for a while, Lin Yu gave up.

"Give me this string, don't you still have so many?"

The cold expression of the white-haired girl changed slightly, and she stared slightly at the green-haired girl.

"But it tastes better when eaten together, okay? Okay?"


I really can't do anything with this guy.

And acting like a baby...that's cheating!


Although the portion of more than a dozen strings of kebabs full of sincerity is enough for the average person to eat, it is nothing to Lin Yu and Lvzi who are ant clan.

After eating all the kebabs together, the two women came to the door of a clothing store.

"This is a new clothing store in the inner city. Would you like to go in and have a look, Mom?"


Lin Yu nodded, but then felt something was wrong.

"Haven't you been serving as a Knight of the Guard Knights in the lord's mansion, how do you even know about this newly opened clothing store?"

"Ah, that...Actually, apart from occasionally sparring with that guy named Lekalis, I usually have nothing to do, so I often go out for a walk in the inner city."

Midori explained, but then puffed up her cheeks.

"Really, it's because my mother rarely connects to me, so I don't even know about this kind of thing."

"There is one more thing that mom must not know. It is the lord named Simon. That human race has been pursuing me some time ago."


The white-haired girl suddenly returned to her previous indifferent expression, and her tone became even colder.

"Hey hey... Mom is angry."

The green-haired girl couldn't help showing an idiot-like smile on her face.

"Don't worry, that guy hasn't even touched a hair of mine, and he's super easy to deal with."

"But if it's my mother, let alone the strands of hair..."

Midori hugged her arms tightly.

Lin Yu could feel his arm being squeezed by something soft.

"Anything is fine! Anything is fine!"

The green-haired girl blinked her pair of clear blue eyes.

Can anything be done!

Lin Yu swallowed secretly.

"...Anyway, it's good that you haven't been touched by the human race. Let's go in first. Since it's a newly opened clothing store, there should be some clothes that suit you."


The owner of the clothing store is a young woman who looks 25 or [-] years old, holding a baby in her arms.

After entering the store, the two women were immediately attracted by the dazzling array of clothes on the underwear rack in the store.

"Ah, welcome, what kind of clothes do you two want?"

The young woman stood up from behind the counter with her baby in her arms, with a professional smile on her face.

"Let's just take a look."

"Okay, you two can do whatever you want."

But not long after, the baby in the young woman's arms began to cry.

The young woman saw that there were only two girls in the store, hesitated for a while, turned around with the baby in her arms, and then pulled up her blouse...

The crying of the baby disappeared and was replaced by the whimpering and whimpering of feeding.


Seeing this, Lvzi whispered in Lin Yu's ear.

"I want that too."

The green-haired girl pointed at the young woman behind the counter with one hand, and lightly poked the white-haired girl's waist with the other hand.

Chapter 180 Why Are You Blushing?

breastfeeding?I don't have any milk to feed you, even when the stomach gets bigger during spawning, there is no milk secreted.

Ah, no, I mean... there is no need to feed at all!

The white-haired girl raised her hand in embarrassment and gave Midori a chestnut.

"Oh, it hurts...why hit me."

"Any questions?"

I am a mother, and it is only natural for a mother to beat her daughter!


The green-haired girl clutched her brow that was knocked, and twisted her body.

"play one more time?"


Lin Yu ignored her and picked up the clothes in the shop on his own.

Seeing this, Lvzi leaned closer again, sticking to the white-haired girl's arm like brown candy, no matter how much Lin Yu tried to shake him, he couldn't get rid of it.

She finally understood how Junhime and Midori felt when they acted together.

But it's just that it's just that it's inconvenient to move. If you hate it...it's not annoying, after all, it's my daughter.

"Ah, how about this one? It must be very suitable for mother."

Because she was worried that the proprietress would hear her voice, Midori leaned closer to the white-haired girl's ear when she spoke.

The crispy itching gave Lin Yu goosebumps.

For a while, I couldn't even answer in time.


Lvzi first glanced at Lin Yu suspiciously, and then showed a funny idiot expression on his face again.

"Even if I get so close to my mother now, my daughter will be fine. I don't know how close I have to be..."

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