I have seriously thought about my relationship with them.

Although they look a bit like me, and have similarities in certain personalities and habits, I and them are not actually mothers and daughters in the traditional sense.

The ability to give birth to them is also due to the skill "spawn".

Ah, but the identity of the family is beyond doubt!

It's just that in addition to being a family member, there seems to be another layer of identity... What identity?Me, I don't know!

Hmm...it doesn't matter how it is, let everything take its course.

Putting the entangled emotions behind him, Lin Yu hugged the comatose and sleeping Lvzi into his arms, like hugging a warm human-shaped pillow.

The loose white long hair and green long hair were immediately intertwined.


The next morning.

bang... bang bang...

I felt an intermittent muffled sound in my chest.

Lin Yu opened his sleepy eyes, but saw a green-haired girl very close at hand.

The girl looked a little excited, her cheeks were flushed and her breathing was a little short of breath.

As for the muffled sound I felt before...

It's Midori's heartbeat.

Yes, I am holding her now...

Is it because of something you did yesterday?Ah, it may also be the reason why this guy has been acting like a pervert, and he always feels that he won't be so nervous when he hugs her again.

"Morning...ha...good morning...mom, mama...ha...ha..."

"Well, good morning."

"Will... want to get up?"

"No, I want to sleep a little longer."

In winter, I usually sleep until almost noon before getting up!

Because it's cold if you wake up too early, how comfortable it is to stay in bed.

It's useless for anyone to come, I'm going to sleep late!It's useless for a daughter to come, only a mother can control her daughter!

But Green is so noisy...

Both heartbeat and breathing are too loud!

But holding it was very warm and I didn't want to let go.

Ah, yes...

Lin Yu suddenly raised his head.

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

When Midori was stunned, the white-haired girl's face got closer and closer, and the green-haired girl's heartbeat gradually approached the sound of the engine.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired girl kissed the green-haired girl's forehead lightly.

When the warm and wet lips touched the skin, Midori's chest heaved violently, then she tilted her head, with a silly smile on her face, and passed out again.

Hmm...that's it.

The white-haired girl smiled with satisfaction, and fell asleep with a pillow in her arms.

This time he fell asleep.

So much so that they didn't hear the knock on the door.

After receiving no response, Jun Ji and Qian looked at each other.

"I'll go in and see."

Qian Yi said.

Then he activated the skill "Concealment", turned into a black shadow and entered through the crack of the door, and then appeared in human form again.

After turning back into a human form, Qianyi opened the door.

After Jun Ji came in, the two of them walked into the room and looked at the bed together.

I saw the two women hugging each other and sleeping soundly.

"Mom and Midori..."

Jun Ji bit her lip and looked at the two girls whose hair was intertwined on the bed, her heart was full of envy and jealousy.

"Lvzi has passed out, and her mother seems to be in a deep sleep. I'm afraid she won't wake up until noon."

Qian Yi said helplessly.

As she spoke, she couldn't help stretching out her hand after seeing the white-haired girl's peaceful and lovely sleeping face.

It's just that when it just stretched out, it was grabbed by the blond girl on the side.

"what are you doing?"

"I would like to ask what you are going to do, aren't you afraid of waking up mom?"

"Mom is sleeping very soundly, if you just touch it, it won't wake you up."

"how do you know?"

"What do you say, when I was in the forest, I took care of my mother every day, unlike you, who fought in the forest all day long."


Jun Ji couldn't help but want to argue with Qian, but she stopped thinking when she saw Lin Yu sleeping soundly on the bed.

"After Midori, the next ant to sleep with mother will be me."

she whispered.

"Why? You should be behind me."

Qian Yi also retorted in a low voice.

"You line up behind me."

"No, you line up behind me."



And just when the crowd is having fun in town.

the other side.

In Granville Monster Forest.

Inside a castle in the foggy area.

"Master Ant, the master bedroom deep in the corridor on the third floor of the castle, the pool in the bathhouse on the first floor of the castle, and the water intake and drainage systems have all been repaired. Are there any other priority repairs?"

A human race wearing loose overalls with a little dust on his face asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Behind him there are more than [-] people dressed in the same clothes.

They are a construction team sent by Lord Simon, and they are all highly skilled workers who are good at repairing mansions.

"The exterior of the castle, as well as the damaged walls and leaks inside the castle... Then these are repaired first."

Mohong called a few C-rank worker ants through "reading words".

"The location that needs to be repaired, my daughters will take you there."


The workers responded and walked away under the leadership of the worker ants.

The magic rainbow first came to the third floor of the castle, Lin Yu's master bedroom.

I saw that the floor, walls, and ceiling in the bedroom needed to be repaired. The damage and cracks were all repaired. At the same time, the furniture in the bedroom was also rearranged, which looked more beautiful and pleasing to the eye than before.

After nodding in satisfaction, Mohong went on to look at the bathhouse on the first floor.

After entering, I found that the pool in the bathhouse had been repaired, and the inner wall of the pool was also cleaned. In addition, there was a wolf statue at the end of the pool.

The wolf's eyes are inlaid with two magic crystals, one red and one blue.

Seeing that the magic rainbow seemed to think of something, she stepped forward to condense the magic essence with her fingers and then tried to press the blue magic crystal.

After pressing down on the magic crystal, a transparent magic circle appeared in the wolf's mouth, followed by a large amount of water gushing out from the wolf's mouth.

After pressing the red magic crystal in the same way, the gushing water immediately emitted heat and turned into hot water.

It is the same method of use as the "Magic Shower" that Sandora showed in the engraving shop before.


Mother will be very happy when the bathhouse is restored.

But before that, you have to try it to make sure it works normally...

Chapter 190 Two

After letting a few ants watch outside the bathhouse, Mohong closed the bathhouse door.

First put hot water until the water level in the pool was sufficient, then she took off her clothes one by one.

In addition to the pool in the bathhouse, there are also magic showers for showering on the surrounding walls. Magic Rainbow was attracted by the pool and wolf statue before, so that it didn't find these magic props that can also produce water for a while.

After taking off all her clothes, she first took a shower under the shower beside her for a while.

But in fact, this step is likely to be superfluous. Unlike the human race, the ant race will not produce much dirt and oil on the surface of the skin even if it is transformed into a human race. Even if it does not take a bath for a long time, it will still be clean.

The only thing that needs to be rinsed off is the dirt that may be on the body.

After showering, I went to the edge of the sink.

The warm and white jade feet like beautiful jade touched the water surface, and ripples appeared on the water surface.

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