At the moment when Dilong Kekui fell into shock, Chitong opened his jaws and let out a "ji" almost while suppressing the opponent.


Accompanied by a dog barking, a yellow figure suddenly jumped out of the ant colony at an extremely fast speed!

It was a huge yellow-haired wolf with a height of about three meters, and only half a point inferior to Kekui.

He has a strong figure, sharp eyes, and a murderous intent like choosing someone and devouring them.

After appearing, it quickly rushed to the front of the giant iron-clad ant, and then the yellow figure disappeared, turning into a few gleams of light and betting on the forelegs of the iron-clad ant.

There is a golden streak on the huge and thick forelimb, which forms an equally huge dog paw.

After the yellow-haired possession, Lin Yu saw that Chitong's panel attributes directly increased by a large amount.

The tacit understanding of the possession has reached [-]%, so all the attributes and skills of the giant wolf are added to the panel of the armored ant.

The agility attribute directly exceeds that of Earth Dragon Kekui, and the strength attribute that already surpassed Earth Dragon Kekui after "enlargement" has also risen again.


Chi Tong no longer hesitated after his attributes soared, and launched a full-scale attack on the suppressed Ke Kui!

The huge double jaws protruded at a terrifying speed that did not match its size, and appeared at both ends of the earth dragon's neck almost instantly, and then——

Bite off!

click! !

With a loud noise, Lin Yu and the other daughters saw that Dilong Kekui's neck was broken into two pieces by the giant jaws...

"No, not completely bitten off!"

Almost at the same time as the magic rainbow made a sound, the other daughters also noticed something was wrong.

There is still a very small part of skin and flesh connected to the fracture of the earth dragon's neck, and under the effect of the skill "Regeneration", the fracture of the neck began to grow countless earthworm-shaped granulation.

The granulation stretches and twists at the same time, as if to connect the broken necks together.

And Chitong naturally wouldn't let the other party get what she wanted, she poked out her jaws again——

It's just that when he was about to launch an attack, his body suddenly lost his balance, and there was a slippery and disgusting feeling from underneath.

Take a look.

It was discovered that the scales on Long Kekui's body surface became extremely smooth at some point, and a golden yellow and very slippery liquid was secreted from the gap between the scales.

It was only then that Chitong realized why her all-power blow could not completely bite off the dragon's neck.

The smooth scales and the slippery liquid secreted between the scales took most of their strength away...

Although he quickly reacted and inserted his six limbs into the ground to stabilize his body, the suppressed Earth Dragon Kekui broke free from the iron armor ant's control with the help of smooth scales.

After Dilong Kekui broke free, he fled outside without saying a word.

Although Chitong's blow didn't kill it, the damage was real, and its life value had dropped to an extremely low level.

Even though the skill "Regeneration" was activated desperately, even if it is destroyed to this extent, it cannot be completely regenerated all at once.The fracture of Dilong Kekui's neck was still not closed, so nearly half of his neck and his head drooped in front of him.

If the broken neck has not recovered, it can no longer activate the dragon's breath.

"It's careless, it has become such a tragedy before it can show its true strength..."

"Time... as long as you have some time, your own neck will be able to regenerate! Damn, I didn't expect such a powerful individual to exist in the ant colony."

Dilong Kekui didn't have the slightest intention to stay and fight back, but just ran towards the direction outside the foggy area.

As long as they escaped from the fog area, El and Jon could meet it.

And once the fracture at its neck is restored, it will not be so easy for Chitong to break through its greasy scales.

However, can things really go so smoothly?

Chapter 13 Ant Race VS Earth Dragon (Part [-])

Just after taking a step, Dilong Kekui's body froze in place as if time had been suspended.

Something touched the left hind limb!

"Humph! Want to escape?"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a green-haired girl stomped fiercely on the ground, and then rushed to Dilong Kekui's dragon head with a "swoosh".

A pair of basketball-sized longan stared at the green-haired girl in front of her.

For Kekui, whose level is more than [-] levels higher than Midori, the effect of paralysis can only last for one breath at most.

But one breath is enough.

I saw that while jumping in front of the earth dragon, the green-haired girl brewed for a while, then her throat throbbed, and then spit out a large group of poisonous, paralyzing and corrosive acid on the earth dragon's body with a "vomit". Above the eyes!

In a paralyzed state, Dilong Kekui could only watch helplessly as a ball of green acid covered his eyes.

His vision was green, then red.


The sizzling of the eyeballs was accompanied by unbearable severe pain.

For an earth dragon, there are not many body parts that are not covered by scales, and the eyeball is one of them.

Although the eyelids were also covered with scales, it couldn't even blink when it was paralyzed.

After a hit, the green-haired girl who fell from the sky was caught by Zi Yi who flew in.

At this time, Dilong Kekui finally recovered from his paralysis.

It's just that during this period of time, the acid has corroded its eyeballs to be riddled with holes, and it has fallen into a state of blindness.

In addition to the fracture at the neck, there is another part that needs to be regenerated.


Under the severe pain, the earth dragon roared angrily.

It wasn't carried away by anger, though.

It is very clear that it is already at a disadvantage and it will no longer be an opponent of Chitong after losing its vision.

Apart from escaping right now, Dilong Kekui has no other thoughts in his mind.

But it is already late.

At the moment when Lvzi successfully paralyzed Long Kekui, a crowd of digger ants launched the skill "Swamp" on the ground where it was located.

The ground dragon's legs sank deeply into the mud, and its movement speed suddenly decreased.

Seeing this, Mo Hong, who was watching from the sidelines, canceled the ability to activate.

"Well done, Midori."

At the same time, the giant armored ant quickly crawled up to the earth dragon at a speed that didn't match its huge body, and without hesitation, its two jaws clamped fiercely at the broken neck of the earth dragon Kekuina, which was constantly regenerating!


Accompanied by the sound of chopping flesh, Dilong Kekui's neck was completely bitten in half.

The dragon's head and the other half of the neck that had been bitten off fell from the air, and "Rolling Roll" rolled to a stop, dropping dragon blood all over the ground.

The dragon head that stopped rolling opened its mouth, and then stopped completely.

Its life value also returned to zero at that moment.

Chi Tong, who killed the earth dragon Kekui, gained a lot of experience, and once again raised from A-level LV.30 to LV.41.

While the attributes have been greatly improved, new skills have also been acquired - "Slippery Body" and "Earth Wall", and these two skills seem to be the two skills possessed by Dilong Kekui.

Lin Yu appraised her daughter's panel skills.

"Earth Wall" is an earth-type defensive skill similar to "Fire Shield". After the skill is activated, an earth-type magic shield is formed on the body surface.

Because I haven't tested it, I don't know which skill has a better defensive effect between "Earth Wall" and "Magic Shield", but I always feel that "Earth Wall" should be better.

As for the "slippery body"... After the skill is activated, the body surface becomes smooth and at the same time it will secrete an extremely greasy liquid, thereby reducing the damage caused by the enemy's attack to a certain extent.

This should be the last skill Dilong Kekui used.

always feel horny...

But no matter what, this skill named "Slippery Body" seems to be the strongest skill that this earth dragon named Kekui possesses besides "Dragon Breath", and none of the earth dragons I have encountered before has it. have this skill.

Lin Yu looked at the ground dragon whose body was separated.

It's great to be able to successfully kill this earth dragon!

Hehe, this is what happens to my daughters who underestimated me!

Then next words...

Through the perspective of Ziyun and Ziwu, Lin Yu saw that the other two LV.50 earth dragons had also entered the fog area. They seemed to have heard the angry roar of the previous earth dragon Kekui, and there was a look of anxiety in their eyes. color.

Although the mist that Earth Dragon Kekui dispersed through the sound waves filled the area again, if the two Earth Dragons followed the smell of blood from this Earth Dragon Kekui, they would surely disperse the mist again.

This group of earth dragons seem to underestimate the ants, or... are they too arrogant?

Otherwise, this little earth dragon wouldn't just break into the foggy area by itself.

Well, but it's not incomprehensible.

After all, for the group of guys living in the depths of the forest, the Granville Monster Forest is equivalent to their back garden, right?

Hmm... Maybe these guys have been in this forest for decades, or even centuries.

It must be incredible for low-level monsters like the ant clan to use tactics and even defeat earth dragons.


after that.

After a quick discussion with his daughters, Lin Yu asked most of the ants to hide underground.

Since the acid liquid of the acid ants cannot harm Dilong Kekui, other ant tribes must be similar, so the next battle will be mainly handed over to the A-rank daughters.

The other daughters can only assist in fighting like digger ants.

Not long after the ants entered the ant nest one after another, the rumble brought by the running of the earth dragon got closer and closer.

Sure enough, the voice came close to the corpse of the earth dragon named Kekui.

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