PS: I don’t know how to write battles, I have a headache

Chapter 15 Ant Race VS Earth Dragon (Part [-])

Spikes from the electric shot split the ground, destroying trees...

In just the blink of an eye, the area of ​​hundreds of meters centered on the earth dragon Jon was devastated.

As for both sides on the battlefield.

The largest earth dragon, El, received the most attacks from the earth dragon Jon. Its huge body was covered with spikes, and blood stained most of his body. The thorn didn't go all the way into its body.

In contrast to the ants.

Because Lvzi and Junji were closest to the ground dragon Jon, they were immediately attacked by spikes.

Several spikes pierced through their bodies in an instant, and the broken bodies fell to the ground at once, and the life value returned to zero in that instant.

"Hahahaha!! Well done, Jon!"

Dilong El laughed heartily, but the smile soon subsided.

Because it saw that the remaining giant ant on its back on the field did not die under the attack of the spikes like the other two anthropomorphic ants.

"Slippery body...Damn it! You got Kekui's slippery body skill!"

Scale-like lines appeared on the body surface of the armored ants, and at the same time, a golden-yellow greasy liquid continued to seep from the body surface.

The spikes that were shot lost most of their force when they hit the armored ant's body, and the spikes also deviated from the direction after hitting the armored ant, and finally rubbed against the armored ant's body surface and shot in other directions.

And it seems that other defensive skills were activated. After cooperating with the skill "Slippery Body", these spikes just caused some inconspicuous scratches.

The earth dragon El was furious, and dragon's breath began to brew in its huge dragon mouth, as if it planned to attack the armored ant along with its own back.

Seeing this, Chitong finally gave up and continued to grab Dilong Er's back, and jumped off the opponent's back.

She saw that the fracture on Dilong El's neck had almost healed.

The "Tower" skill seems to be able to amplify the effects of its other skills, at least making its "Regeneration" skill stronger, otherwise the fracture would not be able to heal so quickly.

Now I also need to go all out... Chitong thought.

And just thinking of this, Earth Dragon El has already completed the brewing and activated the skill "Dragon's Breath".

A huge column of flames made of raging flames blasted towards her, and the diameter of its dragon's breath was almost half the body length of the gigantic red pupil!If this hit hits, even if all the defensive skills are activated, I'm afraid it will be seriously injured.

However, Chitong had already anticipated the opponent's attack, and because of the decline in the opponent's agility attribute, the young girl could fully react.

I saw that she canceled the "transfiguration" skill, and the giant armored ant with a height of seven or eight meters turned into a petite young girl with black hair and red eyes at that moment.

The pillar of flames almost brushed against the little girl's ear, and then crashed to the ground!

Large expanses of woods and snow directly vaporized under the blazing dragon's breath, leaving only a charred and sunken scorched black road stretching for nearly a hundred meters.

"Lvzi, Junji! Are you all right?"

After avoiding the attack of the dragon's breath, the young girl took out a bottle of blue magic recovery potion from the magic backpack and drank it, then shouted with her unique soft waxy voice.


"It hurts, but it's okay! It's just dead, it's not like I haven't tried it before."

The moment the sound came, the body of Dilong Er was shocked, and his long eyes widened in disbelief and looked at the two humanoid ants that were supposed to be dead.

what happened?

Did I see hallucinations, or...resurrection?Can these ants be killed?

It was enough to surprise him not only being powerful but also being able to transform into a human form, but he couldn't kill him in the end? !


"Ji Ji, kill this guy while this is the time!"

"Well, I know, you don't need to tell me."

The two women who were resurrected through the skill "Immortal" saw that after the earth dragon Jon launched the skill to shoot out the spikes all over his body, there were also countless dense blood holes all over his body.

If people with trypophobia saw this scene, they would probably faint on the spot.

Although the skill of shooting spikes is powerful, this skill is not only an indiscriminate attack, but also causes damage to the user itself.

After the hedgehog dragon Jon shot the spikes earlier, it seemed that he activated the skill "Regeneration" immediately. Lvzi and Jun Ji were close, so they could see the spikes growing in the dense blood holes.

However, the speed of regeneration is not fast, and I am afraid that it will not be able to fully regenerate within a few minutes.

In other words, it will take at least a few minutes for the opponent to launch the indiscriminate spike attack before!

And this time is the time to fight back.

Those bloody holes after the spikes are just the flaws of the earth dragon in front of you!

After looking at each other, the two women then attacked without hesitation.

To strike again is to go all out.

Their two arms turned into the sharp forelimbs of ants, and then they activated the skill "Rage"

"Rage": Fall into a state of rage, and obtain a relatively large temporary increase in all attributes.

After using this skill, the skin of the two women suddenly became like a red-hot crab, and it was still steaming.

"Ah, Ji Ji is ripe."

Midori subconsciously called out.


Then Jun Ji reached out and knocked on the head severely.

"It hurts to death!!"

It seems to be too much force.

Is it a side effect of "Rage"?Although I gave this guy a blow, I still feel that it is not enough to relieve my anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together!"

Jun Ji pretended nothing happened, and rushed up alone.

While rushing to those bloody holes, the skill "Magnification" was activated.

Immediately afterwards, the forelimbs formed by the blond girl's hands became thick and long, almost as tall as her, and looked like two huge two-handed epees when lifted up.

After the legs turned into ant limbs, the girl's head was raised all of a sudden.

The sharp forelimb swung out suddenly, and after the forelimb touched those blood holes, it cut open along the edge!


Under the attribute increase of the skill "Rage" and part of "Enormization", Earth Dragon Jon's left forelimb was easily cut by Jun Ji with a huge wound more than one meter long.

The ground dragon Jon roared in pain, and it roared and raised its right foreleg to kick Junji hard.

The blond girl seems to have easily avoided it as expected, and at the same time even cut a huge wound on the right foreleg of the ground dragon Jon.

For Jun Ji who possesses the skill "Fighting Ability", such an attack cannot touch her at all.

As early as when she was hunting monsters in the forest, she was the ant who was the best at fighting head-on among all the daughters, and the monsters that could injure her could only be existences whose levels were far higher than hers.

Although Jon, the current earth dragon, is much higher than her in terms of level alone, but the level gap has been narrowed by more than half due to "berserk" and "giant". In addition...

The bigger the body, the easier it is to see through its movements.

Jun Ji moved around, avoiding the angry attacks of the dragon Jon one after another.

The blond girl's eyes became brighter and her fighting spirit was awe-inspiring.

Chapter No.16 Ant Race VS Earth Dragon (Part [-])

When Jun Ji waved her two huge forelimbs and kept avoiding the attack, she rushed towards the ground dragon, bringing up pieces of blood.

Lvzi behind touched his head that seemed to be red and swollen, stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears that didn't exist, and followed him to kill the dragon Jon with his mouth puffed out.

Corrosion, toxin, and paralysis are also added to its forelimbs. As long as you look for an opportunity to hit the ground dragon Jon hard, the army girl on the other side will seize the opportunity to deliver a violent output.

Before the original spikes in the blood hole of Earth Dragon Jon could regenerate successfully, new wounds continued to be added to his body. The blood on his huge body gurgled down his body surface like a small stream, staining the snow underneath. A piece of scarlet.

No matter what kind of attack is launched, it will be avoided by the powerful blond girl, and as long as the attack target is changed to another green-haired girl, then the blond girl's attack will come down like a storm.

Aggrieved and angry.

The pain from all over his body made his eyes even redder.

Soon, its left forelimb was cut off by a heavy blow from the blond girl, and blood spurted out!

"Escape! Jon! Go back and inform mother!"

At this moment, a roar from the other side caught its attention.

Then I saw Dilong Er's rather embarrassed appearance——

Akahito, who had turned into a young girl, also activated the skills "Rage" and "Giant" just like Midori.

The red and steaming young girl is faster and stronger than before, and a punch on Dilong Er can smash the scales on the opponent's body and crack a large piece!

However, the tall earth dragon moves a little slowly, and with the skill effect of "High Tower", the movement becomes even more sluggish.

With one increase and one decrease, Dilong El could only watch the wounds on his body continue to increase.

Although skills such as "Earthquake" and "Ground Spike" can affect Chitong's actions to some extent, thereby creating opportunities to counterattack, but because of "Slippery Body", "Earth Wall", "Iron Armor", "Undead", Because of the defensive skills such as "Sturdy" and "Magic Scale", even with the skill gain of "High Tower", the attack it finally seized the opportunity only caused slight injuries to Chitong at best.

In addition, apart from Chitong, there were two other ants attacking it.

One is the weak voice with the same speed and strength attributes that increase dramatically under the skills of "Enlarge", "Rage", "Giant Power" and "Overspeed".

The speed may not be as good as Chi Tong after being possessed by the yellow hair, but the strength is no less than her.

The other is the magic rainbow standing far away from the battlefield, using ice elemental magic to assist the weak voice to fight.

"Ice Shield", "Ice Lance", "Ice Wall"... the power of various ice-type skills has increased a lot under the influence of cold winter weather. With the assistance of these ice-type skills, it is also difficult for Earth Dragon El Attack to pianissimo.

In just a short period of time, the scales on Earth Dragon El's body fell to the ground under the attack of the three women, revealing the flesh and blood behind the scales.

And after losing the defense of the dragon scales, pure defense skills can't stop the attacks of Chitong and Weak Voice.

Their arms turned into two-handed epee-like ant forelimbs like the army girl Luzi on the other side, and then they slashed towards the ground dragon El who had lost his scale defense.

However, the earth dragon El is the strongest of the five dragons, and his "regeneration" skill is much more effective under the "tower" skill.

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