Walked to the front of the earth dragon's corpse.

"Mom, let's eat together!"

At this time, a green ant that was gnawing on the back of the earth dragon raised its head and saw Lin Yu, so it raised its blood-stained forelimb to greet her.

"Eat earth dragon meat! Ah, you can eat mine...hehehe..."

She wiped the drool that was dripping with her foreleg.

Lin Yu ignored her and turned into an ant clan like the other daughters.

The girl with white hair and red eyes suddenly became a pure white ant tribe.

"Mom, try this one?"

At this time, Qian Yi held a piece of scarlet dragon meat stuck in his foreleg and handed it to Lin Yu.

In the previous battle, because Qian Yi's task was to protect Lin Yu who was an ant queen, she did not participate in the battle with the earth dragon.

At this time, because Qianyi's level has already reached the limit of B level, eating raw meat can no longer bring her level up, so it can only be handed over to Lin Yu.

The white ant nodded, and bit the dragon meat together with Qian Yi's forelimbs into its mouth.

Then he spit out Qian Yi's forelimbs, and started chewing the dragon meat in his mouth.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.


The bloody smell after eating it in the mouth is very light, and it can hardly be felt!

Ah, it may also be the reason why I eat too much raw meat, so I am quite used to the smell of blood.

Human races like Simon and Felid may not be able to accept it, but for me, compared with the raw monster meat I have eaten before, these earth dragon meats are already delicious!

Moreover, the ground dragon meat seems to have a salty taste, so there is no need to add seasoning, and it can be eaten raw.

After just eating a piece, Lin Yu was surprised to find that the progress bar of his experience value had increased by more than half.

The experience value content in the flesh and blood of the earth dragon seems to be unexpectedly large.

"Mom... Mom... try again?"

At this time, Qian Yi's voice brought Lin Yu back to his senses.

However, the voice is trembling?

I saw the gray ant once again inserted a piece of dragon meat with its forelimbs, but this time its forelimbs were also trembling slightly.

Lin Yu understood immediately.

It's because of what I just did...

Tsk, still the same sensitivity.

The white ant narrowed its eyes slightly, and then bit the dragon meat together with Qian Yi's forelimbs into its mouth again.

It's just that this time, he didn't spit out Qian Yi's forelimbs, but chewed the dragon meat in his mouth with Qian Yi's forelimbs.

With each chew, Lin Yu could feel Qian Yi's forelimbs trembling along with it.

At this moment, the gray ant in front of him had limp limbs and fell to the ground, with a pair of mouthparts constantly spitting out hot air and making a slight "chichi" sound.

Chapter 22 Lord of the Forest, Mother of Earth Dragons

"Ah, mom is partial! Just eat Qianyi's! I want mine too!"

At this time, the green ant noticed the abnormality, and jumped off the dragon's back screaming.


"No, I can do it myself, and you can eat it yourself."

Seeing that the other daughters who were eating also stopped at the sound, Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly refused in a cold voice.

Really, I can't eat so many words...

Hey, I always feel that this kind of statement is weird?

Hmph, after all, I'm just teasing, I'm not a young lady who stretches out my clothes and opens my mouth to eat. In my previous life, I did all the laundry and cooking by myself!



The white ant spit out the forelegs that were hidden in its mouth, and crawled to the ground dragon, and began to feast on a gap that someone had bitten out.

The level was quickly raised from LV.6 to LV.7.

And with the continuous consumption of raw meat, the experience value continued to increase, and the level continued to increase... The prompt sound of the level increase also kept ringing in the ears.

After being rejected, Lvzi leaned closer again, eating and chatting beside Lin Yu.

After all the B-rank and A-rank daughters were full, most of the corpses of the earth dragons in front of them had been eaten.

Lin Yu took a quick look and found that the daughters of B-rank had all reached the full level of B-rank, that is, LV.35, and the daughters of A-rank had also reached the twenty-odd levels of A-rank. Maybe you have to eat too much to walk before you can advance to another level.

In addition to the daughters, I also upgraded from the original LV.6 to LV.20.

It really deserves to be the flesh and blood of a high-ranking earth dragon!

Delicious and easy to use!

He raised so many levels at once, and also acquired three new skills.

The first new skill is the skill "Magic Scale".

After the skill is activated, a surface shield composed of magic elements will be generated on the user's body surface. After activation, it has a certain degree of defense against attacks such as elemental magic.

It was a skill that Chitong had obtained before.

But unlike Chitong, I can grant this skill to other daughters through the granting function of "Unique Skill - Ant Queen".

After all, it is also a very useful skill, especially for these earth dragons who are good at magic attacks and dragon breath attacks.

Then the next acquired skill is "Regeneration".

Although it is much worse than the skill "Immortal", if there are injuries that affect the battle such as eyes or hands and feet being cut off, the skill "Regeneration" can recover these injuries by consuming a little mana.

From this point of view, this skill can be regarded as a complement to the "undead" skill.

After all, activating the skill "Immortal" consumes one-tenth of the mana.

The last skill I acquired was "High Speed ​​Health Recovery".

Although I feel that I can get this skill one day as long as I continue to take the health recovery potion and red fruit, but because I don't know how long... or how much I need to take it, this skill is also useful!

After all, this skill is passive and does not need to consume mana.

Among the three skills acquired, the skill "Magic Scale" should be the most helpful to the battle so far.

With this in mind, Lin Yu bestowed this skill on the A-level daughters by using the mana recovered during the upgrade.


"lets go."

After seeing that all the B-rank and A-rank ants had recovered, Mohong spoke out.

All the daughters nodded, and then an elite army consisting only of B-rank and A-rank ant tribes began to march toward the depths of the forest where the hidden shadow was.

Then they rendezvoused with the latent image smoothly.

After actually seeing the two ground dragons, one red and one blue, all the ants were a little surprised.

The latent image really killed three high-level earth dragons with one ant...

"Xiaoying, do you know where the mothers of these earth dragons are?"

At this time, Mo Hong, who had the best relationship with Latent Image among the ants, asked aloud.

The gray ant first glanced at the white-haired girl beside him, and then turned his head to look at Mohong when he looked at Lin Yu until he felt a little nervous.

She stretched out her foreleg and pointed in one direction.

"I don't know, but this ice dragon is coming in that direction."

"In other words, is it likely to be in that direction?"

Mohong nodded.

"Next, everyone has to proceed carefully. This time there is no cover from the fog zone. We may encounter other earth dragons along the way."

In addition to the five A-level full-level earth dragons, there are other relatively low-level earth dragons in the depths of the forest.

After traveling a certain distance, a group of flying ants, including Ziyun and Ziwu, who were exploring the way ahead, brought news.

They found a huge stone cave at a distance of about 3000 meters in front. Its height can be more than ten meters at a glance, and its width is several meters wider.

Such a large cave is likely to be the lair of the mother of the earth dragon.

So after approaching a distance of more than 1000 meters, most of the B-rank ant clan entered the ground behind the digging ants, and the rest marched towards the cave from the front.

In addition, in order not to startle the snake early, the work of exploring the path in the cave was handed over from the flying ants to the sneaking ants.

The sneaking ants have skills such as "stealth", "invisibility" and "invisibility", so even if there are earth dragons in the cave, they should not be easily found.

However, Lin Yu and the ants still underestimated the existence in the cave.

Just as the stealth ants set off and the army of ant tribes approached within a kilometer, a clear and crisp dragon cry with strong murderous intent and anger came out of the cave, and the sound wave shook several people around the cave. The sound of ice and snow within a hundred meters reached the ears of the ant tribes!


The ant clan of Tier B immediately froze in place, unable to move.

And the ant clan of rank A also more or less felt that their actions had been blocked in some way, and an inexplicable fear appeared in their hearts involuntarily.

This dragon cry seems to be mixed with some kind of control-based skill. This is...the fusion of the two skills, just like the fusion of the skill "Paralysis Addition" and "Poison Gas" used by Midori.

The presence in the cave... is strong!

It is a terrifying enemy that those five A-level LV.50 earth dragons can't match!

The sound of the dragon's roar has not stopped yet, accompanied by a gust of wind, an earth dragon suddenly appeared at the entrance of the stone cave in the distance... No, it has wings!

A real dragon species with two huge bat-like wings on its back appeared in the sight of the ants.

Its eyes are scarlet, its head has a pair of dragon horns, it is seven or eight meters high, its back has thorns, and its body is covered with hard green scales. The dragon claws and teeth are extremely sharp. Only a thick tail.

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