Lin Yu asked the worker ants to bring the pieces of meat to the army ant larvae.

The army ants began to eat "snapping".

However, there were only 19 army ants eating, and the army ant with qualification C had not hatched yet.

The higher the qualification, the longer the incubation time seems to be.

But it didn't grow much.

Only a few minutes later, the army ant egg with C qualification began to move.

After a few cracking sounds of the eggshell cracking, a bright black head burst out of the eggshell.

Unlike other army ants who just froze in place after breaking out of their shells, she had two small black eyes wandering around.

In the end, his eyes stopped on Lin Yu...


uh, what?

Why are you looking at me?Hey, are you looking at me?

Lin Yu suddenly felt flustered. She looked back, but there seemed to be no ants standing behind her.

When I look back again——

Wow! !Come here!

"Don't come here!!"

As if it had received Lin Yu's order, the C-qualified army ant did stop, but it tilted its head, looking suspicious.

At this moment, Lin Yu finally calmed down.

All the time, whether it was weak ants, worker ants, or the 19 D-qualified army ants who were feasting, they looked like robots that could only execute orders.

During Lin Yu's contact during this period, she realized that these ants had no self-awareness and would not resist her orders.

But judging from the actions of this C-qualified army ant, she obviously has self-awareness.

Fortunately, she would still obey her orders, which made her really relieved.

what the hell...

If you are an obedient child, there is no need to be afraid at all!

I haven't forgotten the complete loyalty mentioned in the unique skill, but complete loyalty and complete obedience to one's own orders should be two different things, right?

For example...

"Although I like my mother very much, but doing what I say is the best choice for my mother."

"I'm sorry, I can't obey my mother, so I let my daughter stop these guys! Even if I die, I don't regret it!"

——Maybe there will be such a situation.

It's troubling if that's the case.

Okay, let's get off topic.

The question now is...

What to do with her?

What should you talk about when you're in the same room with someone you're meeting for the first time?Where should the line of sight be placed?As for the expression, what kind of expression should I show?

I'm not good at dealing with this kind of thing.

In short, first identify her status.


name: none

Species: Army Ants (growing)

Qualification: C

class: none

Level: LV.1

Health: 20/20

Mana: 0/0

Skills: none

Attribute: Strength 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 0

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


The health value is 5 points higher than that of army ants with D qualification.

But she is still a larva now, if she is fully grown, she should be able to distance herself from the army ants with D qualification, right?

Ah, by the way, since she has self-awareness, can she communicate?

Not that kind of verbal communication.

Chirp chirp or something, this kind of ant talk may be understandable to each other, but I can't understand it.

Before that, observe the other party's psychological activities.

"hungry" "like" "awe"

The psychological activities of the other party are much richer than those of other ants.

But... like?

Who do you like?

If you fall in love early, your mother will not allow it!

But she's been staring at me... so the person I like is...


Ah, forbidden love!

It's not good, even if it becomes an ant, does the amazing charm of our school flower still exist!It's troublesome to look beautiful~

Speaking of which, even his current appearance is not ugly. The milky white body reveals a crystal texture, and the eyes are as eye-catching as two shiny red gemstones.

If it is seen by lovers of insects, it is very dangerous!

Ok, back to the topic.

In addition to liking her psychological activities, there is also awe.

The object of liking is me, and the object of awe is also me?

But it's better to be in awe, because only in awe can you be obedient!Children always have to be afraid of their parents!

What's next...

Try a conversation?

But how to start...

"Hi, it's the first time we meet, I'm your mother."——what?

No, no, it's one thing to think, but another to say it. I can't say such frivolous words at all.

Hmm... The first greeting or something, this kind of thing is too painful for a marginalized social fear like me...

Ah, by the way, speaking of which, what was she trying to do when she walked in her direction just now?

Say hello to yourself?

Rather than letting yourself start, it's easier to let the other person start, right?I can also follow the other person's words...

Well, just do it!

Therefore, Lin Yu canceled the previous order telling the other party not to come over.

Chapter 31 The night goblins are resting

The larval army ants slowly approached Lin Yu.

Lin Yu's limbs were tense, a little nervous.

Then she saw the larval army ant kneeling on the ground with six limbs, its small head sticking out and rubbing against her milky white forelimbs.

Suddenly I'm not nervous.

Even want to touch the head.

In fact, Lin Yu stretched out his other forelimb and gently rubbed the small head of the army ant larvae.

So cute...but so weird...

There is always a feeling of rubbing the head of your own puppy.


By the way, it is a puppy!Although self-aware, she felt to herself like that puppy she had had before.

Suddenly feel relieved.

If it's a puppy, it's perfectly fine to have a conversation!This is the self-confidence of people on the fringes of social fear!

However, although it has been more or less certain, it still needs to be tested...

Lin Yu connected himself with this army ant with qualification C, hesitated and asked:

"Can you... speak?"

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