They had just broken through the magic circle, so they hadn't identified these dragon eggs before Lin Yu came over.

After hearing what Lin Yu said, they began to appraise the dragon egg.

In addition to the sixth dragon egg, Lin Yu and his daughters also identified the remaining nine dragon eggs.

It turned out that the nine dragon eggs were all qualified S, and the name column was also blank.

"Mom's guess is very possible. This dragon egg may really be a reincarnated person."

Akihito said.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Including Lin Yu, all the ants seemed to be thinking about how to deal with the situation at hand.

They are very clear about the horror of the reincarnation, and every reincarnation that has appeared so far is not good.

From the point of view of Mohong and other ants, the safest way right now is to destroy these dragon eggs together with the dragon egg suspected of being reincarnated, and it will be settled once and for all.

And Mohong indeed suggested this to Lin Yu.

" does Mom feel?"


How to do it...

If you do it like this, you always feel that you have really become a villain.

You know I'm a decent ant tribe.

"Just eat it, give these eggs to Xiaoye, and you can have delicious egg dishes at night!"

At this time, the green-haired girl on the side couldn't help but said.

"Mom wants to eat too, right?"

I'm not that greedy!

Lin Yu glanced at Lvzi.

"Take care of these eggs first, and talk about it later."





PS: I caught a cold, felt dizzy and sleepy, and slept almost all day today...Damn it, I’m old, my body is so bad (つД`)

PSS: I don’t want to code words~ Try harder next month.

Chapter 34 A new forest lord is born!

It took several days to finish cleaning the battlefield one after another.

The daughters are all serious and busy.

Only by watching them work can I know how great the harvest this time is.

In the past few days, the ant clan moved the corpses of the dragon species Floise, the ice dragon Orna, and the fire dragon Fanna, two A-level full-level earth dragons, as well as some of their limb scales scattered on the ground and other materials. Into the dragon's lair.

In addition, there are 97 A-level earth dragons and three other A-level full-level earth dragons on the battlefield in the foggy area. Because of the successive battles, those corpses are still placed in the distance. The monster materials such as flesh and blood scales on the dragon were dismembered and brought back to the castle in the fog area by a group of ants.

The flesh and blood of the earth dragons not only has the effect of restoring health, but also can get a lot of experience points if eaten raw, so it must not be used for cooking. least not too much cooking.

Dragon blood and dragon meat were packed into large jars one after another, and then stored in the castle's food warehouse and ant nests underground in the castle.

Although the space of the food warehouse on the basement floor of the castle is enough to store the flesh and blood of all [-] earth dragons, it would be very crowded if they were all put in. There must be room for the daughters to move around, so only half of them were put in. The flesh and blood of the earth dragon is inside.

There are also scales and keels.

The scales are simple, just stack them in the material warehouse next to the food warehouse, and the scales of a hundred earth dragons were piled up into a hill immediately.

The colors are slightly different, and the scales with some transparent textures are piled together, which is a bit pleasing to the eye.

And the keel is a bit difficult to deal with.

The keel is so hard and heavy that it is not easy to disassemble it, so the final decision is... the whole skeleton is stacked in the open space not far behind the castle with almost no excessive treatment.

The skeletons of a hundred earth dragons almost filled the open space, and among them, the tall skeleton of the A-level full-level earth dragon Er was the most eye-catching.

Because the underground ant nest network near the castle is dense, and there are acid ants, iron armor ants and other ant tribes patrolling for a long time, so there is no need to worry about the skeletons of these earth dragons being stolen.

Well...but no one in this foggy area would steal the keel.

After all, for monsters, these immovable bones are useless at all.

Speaking of monsters, when the daughters were cleaning the battlefield, there were indeed monsters who came to "rob".

Thinking back to what happened in the period when I first dealt with the long-haired brown bear...

I remember that I managed to hunt a yellow-haired pig at that time, but in the end, a group of Granville wolves ate the carcass of the yellow-haired pig before it could be brought back to the ant nest.

Get angry thinking about it.

But at that time, the ant tribe was still weak, so they had to give up.

But now, ahem...

Now that Floise, the lord of the forest, is dead, then!Here comes the problem!Excuse me--

Who is the new owner of this Granville monster forest?

Who is it~ Who is it~

Ok?what? What?Didn't hear it, it was too quiet!

can not hear!Can't hear it at all!



The lord of the forest is of course my Lord Lin Yu!

Everything in this forest belongs to me now~

Therefore, the monsters that dared to grab food were of course eliminated, which became an additional gain.

But this also shows how attractive the flesh and blood of these earth dragons are, just like red fruits. Once the red fruits are ripe, their fruity fragrance will attract flying monsters.

The smell of the earth dragon's flesh and blood seems to have the same effect, even awakening some monsters that hibernate in winter.

The level of monsters attracted by the corpses of the earth dragons in the foggy area are very weak, and the highest level is no more than a B-level junior, but it is different in the depths of the forest.

The corpses of the fire dragon Fan, the ice dragon Orna, and the dragon species Floise attracted some A-level monsters.

There are not only high-level monsters like earth dragons in the depths of the forest, but there are also many A-level monsters such as snakes and bears.

However, most of these monsters are at the low level of A-level, and now any one of the A-level ant clan can easily defeat them.

So after processing them, some additional A-level monster materials were harvested.


The corpses of the fire dragon Fan, the ice dragon Orna, and the dragon species Flois were taken into the dragon lair. The space in the dragon lair is spacious enough, so it is more than enough to put their corpses down.

As for the fifteen dragon eggs in the cave, the Ant Daughters of Rank B took turns to take care of them in the past few days, but they showed no sign of hatching at all.

After all, they are dragon eggs, and it may take a long time for them to hatch.

But I don't really care if I hatch or not, it's better not to hatch... because I haven't thought about how to deal with them.

In addition to the dragon eggs, there are additional harvests in the dragon lair.

That is the magic stone.

In the depths of the dragon lair is a vein of magic stone, and the magic stone mine contained in it is larger than the previous goblin cave at a glance.

I asked the worker ant daughters to dig up some magic stones.

The quality of the excavated magic stones is also far better than those in the goblin caves. Through the skill "identification", it is found that a considerable part of them are intermediate-level magic stones, and their color is obviously better than that of the low-level magic stones commonly found in goblin caves. The stone should be brighter.

In addition to the mid-level magic stones, several high-level magic stones with brighter and smoother colors can be picked out of these excavated magic stones.

Red fire-attributed magic stones, blue wind-attributed magic stones, blue water-attributed magic stones, earth-yellow earth-attributed magic stones... Magic stones also come in various colors, with various attributes.

However, fire, wind, water, and earth are relatively common magic stones, and only these four kinds of magic stones exist in the mine vein in the Goblin Cave.

However, after several days of tentative excavation, an ice-blue ice-attribute magic stone with frost on the surface was dug out of this part of the dragon's lair, and a dark green lightning-attribute magic stone with occasional tiny lightning flashes on the surface. stone, and...

Transparent...non-attribute magic stone.

Although there is only a small one, but... once you touch this non-attribute magic stone, all the skills on your body will be unable to activate!

Give it to the magic rainbow, and then the magic rainbow can't use magic anymore.

To say it is a non-attribute magic stone, it is better to say it is a "forbidden magic" attribute magic stone.

No... To be precise, active skills cannot be used.

As a passive skill, the effect of "defense enhancement" did not lose its effect when it came into contact with this non-attribute magic stone.

But since it can invalidate unique skills, this magic stone may be used to deal with reincarnators.

It's a pity that this "magic-forbidden" effect can only take effect after the body touches the magic stone, and if the amount is too small, the "magic-forbidden" effect cannot be produced.

In short, even if it is only for non-attribute magic stones, it is necessary to develop the magic stone veins here.

What's more, intermediate and high-level magic stones can be used by Sandora. With these high-quality magic stones, the old woman can develop high-level contract scrolls faster.

Chapter 35 No.11 Ant Nest

But speaking of it... staying near the dragon's lair, the automatic increase of experience points is indeed much faster. Is it because the magic element content in the air here is higher?

Hmm... maybe the reason why this magic stone vein is so high in quality is because of the magic element content.

Ah, I don't feel much about the automatic increase of experience points...

Mainly Jun Ji and Midori have some feelings.

After all, I am already an S-level LV.30 now. If I kill those A-level monsters, it may be difficult to go up a level. How can I feel the automatic increase of experience points just by staying in the dragon's lair.

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