In order to facilitate monitoring and obtain intelligence, it may be possible to dig a few new ant nests in the west as long-term sentinels.


The tentative task in the west is to establish outposts and secretly collect information on the Goblin tribe.

There are many mountain deer in the east, but the current ant clan can't catch them at all, so the east is temporarily abandoned.

The rabbits in the south can let them reproduce on their own first, and then deal with them later. In addition, keep an eye on the few fruit trees. It is best to dig one or two new ant nests near the fruit trees.

The purpose is to find the fruit is ripe in the first time!Well, if the fruit is ripe, there will definitely be monsters attracted to it, and there will be endless meat to sit and wait for!

But the main reason is the fruit itself.

If the fruit ripens overnight and is eaten by other monsters... this situation is simply unacceptable!

Then there is a small pool in the south, and one or two new ant nests will also be dug here.

The purpose is to be like a fruit tree, to wait for the rabbit!

If the ant nests monitoring the goblin tribe in front are sentinels, then these ant nests waiting for rabbits... well, they are called trap points?

Ah, it's called the harvest point!

harvest ~ harvest ~

That's great, I love that word!

In short, there are two gains in this way.

And finally the north.

If you want to improve the strength of the ant colony, attacking the north is the best choice.

As long as you bring more ants and find a small group of wolves to attack, you should be able to defeat the opponent with a relatively low loss.


So the next day.


A group of 3 army ants, 30 weak ants, and 30 worker ants set off to the south to establish two harvest points. These ants were divided into two teams to establish harvest points near the fruit trees and small water pools.

A group of 20 army ants and 70 weak ants set out to attack the north.

The remaining ants in the ant nest are handed over to the remaining 40 worker ants.

The reason why only these worker ants with weak fighting abilities were left in the ant nest was because this time Lin Yu also planned to follow the northern exploration team to conquer the north.

This was a decision she made after struggling and hesitating for a long time.

There are two reasons.

One is to improve the hunting efficiency and reduce the casualties of the ant colony. It is absolutely impossible for the ant colony to keep the enemy alive and then bring them back to the ant nest for Lin Yu to make up for. The importance of ants is undoubtedly the first, and to achieve both, you need to go out with the queen.

The second is that if Lin Yu joins, the strength of the entire ant colony will be greatly increased by the skill "Command", making it easier to defeat the enemy.

As long as you are careful, and there are so many ants protecting you, you will be fine!

By the way, you can let a small group of ants explore the way ahead, so that if you encounter an invincible enemy in front, you can retreat smoothly under their cover!

This is not mom running away!

Even if I stay where I am as a weakling, it will only get in the way, so it's a helpless move.



Along the way, the white ants rode on the C-qualified army ant, and a group of army ants and weak ants surrounded the C-qualified army ant.

In front of the weak ants of these army ants, there is also a small group of weak ants acting as pathfinders.

A strong lineup of 20 army ants and 70 weak ants can almost defeat wolves with no or minor injuries.

Most of the Granville wolves encountered are between classless LV.8 and classless LV.10. Their attack ability is stronger than LV.6 army ants, but their defense ability is lower than that of LV.[-] army ants. On the army ants.

However, because of the level gap, the strength of the army ants is still lower than that of the Granville wolf when both sides have the skill "Bite".

But the quantity makes up for the lack of strength.

As for how to reduce the loss of the ant colony, you only need to bless her with the "command" effect when there are weak ants about to be attacked by Granville wolves. 1 point of physical resistance is enough to defend against most of the damage from Granville wolf attacks. .

Lin Yu was relieved that he didn't meet a wolf with the skill of "command" along the way.

If they met Granville wolves who had the "command" skill like the previous wolf, the ant colony would definitely not be able to defeat the wolves as easily as they are now.

After making up four rounds of more than [-] Granville wolves, Lin Yu leveled up, and the magic points that were almost exhausted due to using the "Command" skill from time to time were also fully recovered in an instant.

Chapter 41 The blue sky and white clouds unique to Africans

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.10 is upgraded to LV.11, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Maximum HP +10, Strength +1 ② Maximum Mana +10 ③ Dexterity +1, Abnormal status resistance +1

/Please choose your gift.

The second one was chosen.

/boon established.

Now that it has been upgraded, well, if the magic value is now...

/Magic: 67/67

It feels like it has improved a lot recently.

Well, let's retreat next!

Why retreat?

Needless to say, I must go back to give birth... Cough, it's just doing something that is a little uncomfortable but also a little comfortable.

And along the way, more than 50 Granville wolves were killed, and their bodies were still left where they were. It would be a pity if they were not recovered.

Meat!The more the merrier!

Lovely daughters will eat more meat if they grow up!

So the northern exploration team recovered the dead wolf carcasses and escorted Lin Yu back to the cave.

The dead Granville wolves attracted other small predators, such as normal-sized snakes and birds.

Because neither the army ants nor the weak ants can fly, we can only watch these little thieves run away.

The snake's words were easily dealt with, and entered the stomach of the army ant on the spot.

After returning to the cave, under Lin Yu's order, the 40 worker ants who had been staying in the cave temporarily stopped the work of expanding the ant nest. ant nest.

Lin Yu was also "moved" into the ant nest by the army ant with C qualification.

She found that riding her daughter wasn't bad at all.

If the terrain is not very steep, with six limbs, she will still be very stable on the back of the army ant.

After sending Lin Yu home, 10 army ants took the 40 weak ants and headed north again. This time, 10 worker ants accompanied them. These worker ants would be responsible for carrying the corpses of the defeated monsters.

Because the situation of the monsters in the nearby area was generally understood, only 10 army ants, 30 weak ants and 30 worker ants were left in the ant nest.


"Well, thanks for your hard work."

After getting off the C-qualified army ant's back, Lin Yu stretched out his forelimb and touched the army ant's brain.

Next, without further ado...

After letting the worker ants bring in a small pile of bear meat, Lin Yu squatted down beside the pile of bear meat.

Activate the skill "Spawn"

The belly slowly grew up.

Huh... I'm so nervous, will there be a good baby this time~ will it be~

After a while, the swelling of the abdomen seemed to be reaching a limit.

to... coming...


In the abdomen, a magic circle suddenly unfolded.

When Lin Yu saw the color of the magic circle, Lin Yu's heart turned cold, just like the mood when blue sky and white clouds appear after drawing cards in a card game...

It is a white translucent magic circle!

No... I'm tired of seeing the white magic circle. I want a magic circle of other colors. If it doesn't work, blue is fine too!

No, I can't give up yet, the color of the magic circle may not represent anything.

So Lin Yu began to check the results of his "drawing cards".

This time, one-third of the magic value was also spent, which was 22 points of magic value, and a total of 60 eggs were laid.

The types and quantities of the 60 eggs are——

25 weak ant eggs, including 20 unqualified weak ants and 5 D qualified weak ants.

20 worker ants eggs, including 14 unqualified worker ants and 6 D qualified worker ants.

15 army ant eggs, all with D qualification.

It seems that because of the increase in intelligence attributes, the proportion of army ant eggs produced this time is obviously higher than the previous few times.

However, there was no individual with C qualification in the army ant eggs.

However, Lin Yu's mood recovered a bit.

There are at least 15 army ant eggs!And there are quite a lot of worker ants and weak ants with D qualification.

The magic circle disappeared within a few breaths of time, and Lin Yu felt his stomach also disappear in an instant.

Sure enough, it was subtly comfortable...

To use an analogy, it's like finishing all the untouched summer homework on the last night of summer vacation, and then lying on the bed relaxed and playing mobile games——

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