's the first time I've seen her, so why does she have the feeling of sister Bai Yu?

Having said that, the chief magician of the kingdom is really a great beauty, by the way!Although I haven't really seen it yet, but Sister Bai Yu must be such a beautiful big sister, right?The appearance is mature, beautiful and attractive!

At the moment when Gilly was thinking wildly, the magic rainbow in the air had already refocused its attention on Roshan.

Just like Luzi, Junji and Qianyi, she had identified the Roshan monster as early as she saw it.

The results of the appraisal are still the same as those reported by Submerged Seventeen and Submerged Eighteen. Except for the "unique skill--plundering" in the skill column, everything else is a mess of gibberish.

Although I didn't see the level of its panel, I was a little concerned, but since even a cold wind magic at hand could hinder its actions, maybe I overestimated its strength?

While thinking about it, Mohong controlled the power of the cold wind magic, making Roshan follow the adventurers at a distance of about 50 meters.

After chasing like this for most of the day, when she saw the vast forest in the distance where the outline could already be seen, Gilly's body on the horseback froze suddenly.

That... that forest is! !

Her eyes widened and her lips quivered.

Although I have plans to go back to the Granville Monster Forest to meet the person I have been missing for six years, but... that should also be after completing the mission this time!

Monster... You can't lure this Roshan monster in the direction of the Granville Monster Forest!Sister Baiyu is a C-rank adventurer, if she accidentally collides with this meat mountain monster...

Thinking of this, the brunette girl's face suddenly turned pale.

"Sister Jun Ji——"

"Everyone rushes into the forest! The powerful existence that can deal with the monsters is in the forest!"

Just when Gilly was about to ask Jun Ji for help, the magic rainbow in the air shouted loudly to the soldiers and adventurers below.

in the forest?

Was the original destination the Granville Monster Forest?

If so, there is no way.

By the way, if Roshan really invaded the forest, all he had to do was protect Sister Baiyu before it did.

Although she has never seen her sister, Gilly is confident that she will be able to recognize her at a glance.

"Sister, let's go ahead!"

Thinking of "Sister Baiyu", Ji Li's hard-pressed thoughts filled her chest again. Now she only wanted to see the other party as soon as possible, wanted to stand in front of the other party to protect the other party, and thought about telling the other party about the past years after the battle Experience, show off your current adventurer level and strength with the other party...

It's just that she didn't consider the vast area of ​​the Granville Monster Forest, which is one of the largest forests on the mainland. If it is compared to the sea, if a person is thrown into this forest, there will be no splash .

How could it be possible to encounter it as soon as it entered the forest?

It's just that the girl at this moment didn't think much about it, she couldn't wait any longer, and rushed forward without waiting for the response from Lvzi, Junji and Qianyi.

"It's so urgent, why is it more urgent than me?"

"After all, we haven't seen each other for more than six years."

Junji continued.

"If we imagine that we haven't seen our mother for more than six years, our reaction may be even more exaggerated than hers."

"Well, that''s not true. To me, not seeing my mother for a day is almost the same as not seeing my mother for a year! Life is like a year!"

While talking, Midori also applauded and rushed up.


The leading general Gunter heard the voice of the magic rainbow and ordered the soldiers to advance at full speed, and the adventurers behind the soldiers responded quickly.

After a few minutes, everyone rushed into the forest.

Horses are not suitable for moving in the forest, so once they entered the forest, their speed slowed down.

The booming sound caused by Roshan's action behind him gradually approached.

If it chases into the forest, there will undoubtedly be a large number of soldiers and adventurers crushed to pieces under its feet.

What about a powerful existence?Can it solve the existence of Roshan?

At the moment when everyone was looking around anxiously, the sound of "rustling" came from the ground.

Then there was another "bang" sound, and everyone could only see in all directions. Countless huge holes were suddenly opened where they could see, and then one after another, the horses they were riding were almost the same size. The khaki monster broke through the ground.

Their bodies are composed of head, chest, abdomen and six lower limbs that look very hard, and what surprised everyone most is that these khaki monsters have a pair of very huge double jaws in front of their heads.

"Ant, ant monster?!"

"And it's huge!!"

"Damn it, there were wolves before and tigers behind, now we are really finished."

The soldiers and adventurers were immediately shocked by the monster ants that broke out of the ground, but they didn't have time to be shocked. After the khaki digger ants opened the exit, other types of ants began to appear in the holes behind them. The family rushed out.

Army ants, acid ants, iron armor ants, and earth-digging ants are all ant-like monsters that these humans have never seen before.

Among these ants, the iron armored ants, which are excellent in defense and strength, and also very large, scare them the most.

"B-level? No, is it a high-level monster of A-level?"

The adventurers held their weapons tightly.

"Don't panic, and don't attack! They are what I said, and they can solve the existence of Roshan."

At this time, Mohong shouted, but the content of his words surprised everyone even more.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw not only the forest, but also many broken grounds outside the forest, and many ants and monsters jumped out of it.

On top of them, Magic Rainbow, the chief magician of the kingdom, increased the power of the cold wind magic, causing Roshan's movement speed to decrease accordingly.

But the reason why Roshan didn't continue to chase was not all because of the cold wind magic.

And thanks to the ants.

The ant tribes that broke out of the ground were in all directions, almost surrounding Roshan.

As far as Roshan is concerned, both humans and monsters can be his food, and because the powerful aura emanating from the surrounding ant monsters also attracts him, Roshan stopped all of a sudden.


It screamed strangely and wanted to attack the surrounding ants.

Just at this moment, a dragon cry suddenly came from above the forest.

The sound once again attracted Roshan's attention, and the soldiers and adventurers were no exception.

So they saw five huge dragons with different appearances flying over the forest.

Looking carefully, it seems that there are some... people standing on the backs of these flying dragons?They also seem to have two long... tentacles growing from their heads?

Chapter 62 Dragon Breath

In order to crusade against this mountain of meat, Lin Yu called Chitong back from an underground labyrinth. After all, if you want to deal with such a huge monster, the main body is big and has two kinds of "giant" and "tower". Chi Tong, who can improve the attribute ability and increase the size of the skill at the same time, is really suitable.

"You know Xiaohong's plan, and I will rely on you from now on, Xiaotong."

As Lin Yu spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched the little head of the little girl next to him who was a head lower than himself.

Behind them stood a huge wolf.

"Leave it to me, Mom."

The little girl with black hair and red eyes nodded.

In fact, even if Lin Yu didn't say anything, she planned to come back.

As long as she is on the field with the skills "Life Connection" and "Undead", all friendly units including Lin Yu and Dilong can be said to have difficulty dying.

"Little master Chitong, let us meet it for a while before that."

But before Chitong could make a move, the earth dragon below spoke out.

The two women and the giant wolf are standing on the back of the ice dragon Orna, and the other four earth dragons are standing on the backs of Iron One, Iron Two, Demon Three, Demon Four and other daughters who have never appeared in human society.

Having experienced in the forest and the maze for a long time, they are no worse than Jun Ji and Midori and other daughters in terms of strength, but if they don't use skills and simply use their bodies to compete, it's still a matter of who wins and who loses.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that in the "first appearance" of the ant clan this time, all the transformed ant clan, including Lin Yu, kept the pair of tentacles on their heads.

The purpose of keeping the tentacles is to let the human race watching the battle understand their identity as an ant race.

You must know that some monsters will leave some traces of their bodies after they take shape.

For example, for earth dragons like Orna and Fan, their horns and tails can be retracted after they transform into forms, but some parts of their bodies will be covered with a layer of fine dragon scales, and these traces cannot be removed. take back.

Another example is the Lord of the Mountains of Beasts. Its body is a petite cat-like monster. After it is transformed, a pair of cat ears will be left on the top of its head.

"Ants with tentacles on their heads are transformed ant tribes" - in order to impress the tribes, all the transformed daughters who appeared on the stage had a pair of tentacles on their heads.


Back to topic.

After hearing Orna's words, Chitong nodded, and the giant wolf standing behind her, which was planning to possess her after hearing these words, also stopped.

"Then leave it to you."

Let's see how powerful this meat mountain monster is...

And I haven't seen my mother for several months.

Thinking of this, the young girl moved closer to the body of the white-haired girl next to her, and while sniffing the familiar fragrance of the girl, she leaned her small head against her slightly raised chest.

Orna and the other four brothers exchanged winks before flying to the Roshan below.

And as early as the earth dragons appeared, the ant colonies surrounding Roshan retreated tacitly, so they didn't need to worry about hurting their allies.


Roshan seemed to feel the threat, and let out a threatening cry. At the same time, countless giant tentacles broke through its body surface, and shot towards the earth dragons that were getting closer in the air.

Facing these giant tentacles that could easily tear apart B-level adventurers and put A-level adventurers into a hard fight, Orna just dodged in the air, avoiding the bite of the huge mouthparts in front of the giant tentacles, With the two dragon claws grabbing casually, these incoming tentacles were easily torn into several pieces.

While tearing apart the tentacles, Orna had also completed brewing the dragon's breath.

As the temperature of the surrounding air rose, Orna opened her mouth.

boom! ! !

A huge and thick pillar of fire nearly three meters wide crashed down!

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