
And accompanied by this loud bang, what came to their ears was Roshan's miserable cry.

Chapter 64 Self Explosion

After failing to kill Roshan on the spot under pressure, Chitong moved and jumped off Roshan's body.


After becoming a huge monster, the originally slender and sharp six limbs also became huge and thick. After landing, these limbs made a lot of noise and at the same time poked six big holes in the ground.

Chitong seldom activates "Giant" and "Tower" at the same time, let alone use both in battle, so it feels a little fresh to look at his enlarged body, especially the one in front of him. A pair of huge double jaws that were not much smaller than his own body.

Not letting Roshan wait too long, after taking a few glances at her body, she raised her feet and walked towards Roshan in front of her with a "boom boom boom".

After the previous pressure, the current height of this meat mountain is about the same as hers.

Final blow...

The huge ant opened its pair of huge jaws.

After the two jaws are opened, it is just enough to include the entire body of Roshan... As long as the two jaws are clamped, the Roshan can be cut in half in one fell swoop, right?

I heard from my sisters that there was an S-level adventurer and three A-level adventurer teams who had fought against this mountain of meat, but no matter how they attacked, this mountain of meat could recover.

The wounds from the dragon's breath attack by Orna and other land dragons in front seemed to be beginning to recover.

But what if it is bitten in half?

If it can still survive even if it is bitten in half, then it will be bitten into four parts, eight parts...or even more, and then let the sisters destroy these parts one by one.

After making a plan, Chitong no longer hesitated.

The huge and sharp jaws snapped together.

With a "click", Roshan's strange screams stopped abruptly, and its body was easily split in two.

"Did you make it?"

In the forest, Midori couldn't help but speak.

"Somewhat something is wrong."

Jun Ji didn't answer whether she was successful or not, but narrowed her blue eyes slightly with a serious expression.

"It was bitten in half, but it didn't bleed much."

"Ah, really! Why isn't there more blood flow than when we attacked before?"

I saw that after Roshan was cut in half, the blood at the gap in its body seemed to be sealed in the body. Except for some stains on the huge double jaws of Chitong, there was only a small amount of blood. Part of it trickled down the edge of the gap.

The young girl also sensed that something was wrong, but she only lifted her jaws for a moment, flying the upper half of the cut-off meat mountain, and then took a few steps back cautiously.

The upper part of Roshan's upturned jaws crashed to the ground.

But even so, whether it is the upper half or the lower half, the flesh and blood inside still seem to be sealed in the body.

Just when Chitong was hesitating whether to subdivide Roshan according to the original plan, the two parts of Roshan's body began to squirm at the same time.

This time the peristalsis not only stays on the surface of the body, but also not only stays on the part of the body, but the whole body is squirming crazily inside and out! !

From time to time, the flesh all over Roshan's body bulged up like scalding boiling water bubbling... as if something was making noise inside Roshan's body, trying to break through Roshan.

The weird scene didn't last long.

Just when Chi Tong was taken aback and decided to continue the attack, the two parts of Roshan's body suddenly stopped wriggling, and they suddenly swelled up like a blown balloon, and then——

Bang! ! !Bang! ! !

Accompanied by two loud bangs, the two halves of Roshan's body suddenly exploded, and countless large and small pieces of flesh and blood flew out of the sky, almost covering the sky and dyeing the entire sky red. The battlefield was filled with the smell of blood.

Some flesh and blood fell next to Chitong, and then she saw the flesh and blood squirming and turning into a flesh and blood monster in the shape of a human.

"I see, was the self-destruct just now a means of escape?"

Just thinking about it, the humanoid monster let out a strange cry, and swung its arms that turned into bone blades, slashing at Chitong's right foreleg.


Like a thin needle hitting an iron plate, the bone blade slashing made such a sound on his right foreleg.

The bone blade of the humanoid monster is so small compared to the size of Chitong's right forelimb, which has become a giant at the moment, so that not only does it not feel pain, Chitong doesn't even feel it. With a 'ding', Chi Tong might not realize that she was attacked.

"It's an instinct to escape, but is it also an instinct to attack living things? It shouldn't be called stupid, after all, it did cause a lot of trouble."

The huge black ant raised its right foreleg, and the humanoid monster was knocked to the ground, unable to even stand up for a while.

Then the right foreleg is lowered...

There was a soft "paji", as if an ant was trampled to death, the black ant trampled the humanoid monster into a bloody mess again.

Condescending, she looked around.

Just as she guessed, after the flesh and blood shot out by Roshan's self-explosion hit the ground, they all squirmed and reorganized into humanoid monsters, and then attacked the nearest living creature.

Therefore, the ant tribe, who thought that this time they could only watch their big sisters as the crowd eating melons, began to fight with the attacking humanoid monsters.


Not only this battlefield, but even the forest farther away, as well as the nearest human villages and towns... The flesh and blood from the self-explosion almost covered these places.

Looking down again, I saw that the flesh and blood monster trampled into a ball of blood by her began to squirm and reorganize again...

"The life force is tenacious. Is it impossible to destroy it with ordinary blows and slashes? Then there is..."

Looking up, Chitong saw that the blood stained on his jaws after cutting the meat mountain in half also gathered together, and he was also wriggling...

"It's disgusting."

Seeing this scene, Chitong canceled the "Giant" and "Tower" skills after shaking off the blood on her jaws, and activated "Transfiguration" to transform back into a petite young girl with black hair and red pupils.

Afterwards, he told Lin Yu about his discovery through "reading words", and at the same time raised his little foot and stepped on the head of the humanoid monster that had been reassembled into a ball of blood again.

The young girl took out a bottle of fuel from the magic backpack, poured it on the humanoid monster under her feet, and ignited it.

It's just that the bottle of fuel on her body is just ordinary fuel, and its power is not even comparable to that of ordinary fireball magic. The blood that was burned just moved slower. recovered.

The young girl frowned.

She still seemed to underestimate the troublesomeness of this meat mountain.

Not strong, but disgusting.

Chapter 65 "Cat Ear Girl" and the Underground Labyrinth

After seeing Chitong jumping off the back of the dragon, the gigantic giant wolf transformed into a man with blond hair and golden pupils, who was about thirteen or fourteen years old beautiful girl.


The girl with wolf ears threw herself on Lin Yu's back.

In three years, Huangmao and Chitong have experienced countless battles in the underground labyrinth. She has already been upgraded from A-level to S-level, and at the same time obtained the skill "Transfiguration".

As for the shape after transformation...

She's obviously not a daughter, but she still looks a little like me, because it's your dog?

But compared to her appearance, what people are more concerned about is the pair of furry ears on her head. They are yellow wolf ears that stand upright, and they look similar to cat ears.

Ah yes!

"What about the suffix, the suffix!"

The white-haired girl said dissatisfiedly while reaching out her hand to play with the furry ears of the wolf-eared girl who was plopping on her back.


"Well, that's right."

Ah, it sounds so good, I really feel it.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that, but... Mommy, the cutest attribute besides the maid is the cat-eared girl!

The maids are played by the daughters, so it can be considered that the collection of attributes has been achieved.

Now the yellow hair can transform into a cat-eared girl again, so it can be regarded as achieved!

Um?The yellow hair is a wolf, not a cat?

I don't care, I say it's a cat, it's a cat, you see, the fluffy ears feel the same as cat ears, plus the "meow meow" oral habit... This is a cat ear girl!

Well, although the lord of the beasts and mountains who joined the ant tribe is also a cat-eared lady, she is a cooperative ally after all, so she can't be too greedy... and she is obviously a cat-eared lady transformed from a cat-like monster , that guy doesn't put "meow" at the end of his sentence at all, unbelievable!

Speaking of which, it seems that there are cat-human tribes in the southern countries. Unlike the beasts and mountain masters who turned into humans from monsters, these cat-human tribes belong to a kind of demi-human tribe. They are born with cat ears and cats. tail.

If you have a chance, you must visit the tribe.


Something slippery slid on his cheek, waking up Lin Yu who had accidentally fallen into a fantasy state.

Lin Yu, who was taken aback, almost passed by.

Good thing I stopped in time...

Dogs like to lick their owners' faces the most.

When I was still in the original world, Huangmao liked to jump up and lick his own face, but even if Huangmao was a clean puppy at that time, the feeling of being licked so that his face was full of saliva still made people feel some...

So it was natural to beat her up at that time, although she would still be 'attacked' from time to time after the beating.

Ah, speaking of it, other dogs like to lick their master's feet, but Huangmao doesn't... Hehe, it's Miss Ben's dog after all, it's just different from ordinary dogs!

As for why you don't stop the yellow hair from licking your face now... that's because...

"If you want to lick me, you have to wait until you become a beautiful girl with cat ears."——I seem to have said this to her before...


After all, it's what I said...


It's not easy to repeat what you said...

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