As if stepping on something dirty, the black-haired young girl quickly lifted her feet, and her figure flashed back to block the white-haired girl.

"Step on! Step on a few more feet, it's not enough, it's not enough!! I am a brave man, step on me as a brave man, humiliate me, torture me! Isn't this what you hateful monsters want? ?”

While yelling, the little girl didn't get up, she just spread her arms and legs.

There was silence in the study.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Xiaoyin, take the others down first, and ask them about the effects of their unique skills."

"Okay...okay, Mom."

Ruoyin looked at He Qiwen who was lying flat on the ground, and felt that she seemed to be somewhat similar to the sister Lvzi she was familiar with.

After the weak voice took the other six reincarnators with complex expressions out of the study, Lin Yu looked at He Qiwen and said.

"What you said is not what we want, it should be what you want..."

"Hmph! It's useless to talk too much, let's do it!"

Lin Yu didn't speak anymore, just walked to her side.

Then he stepped on the little girl's stomach.


I put more effort into my feet.


Then, with another effort, he twisted the little belly with his toes.


"Anything else to explain?"

The white-haired girl stepped on He Qiwen, looked down at her coldly and asked.

"Explain what? Huh-um~~~"

Before the other party continued to put on an appearance that he would rather bend than bend, Lin Yu exerted force on his feet, and this perverted little girl named Brave showed her feet again.

"Get up, if you want to be beaten, I can satisfy you, but before that, I have something to ask you."

Chapter 6 Next is...

Through He Qiwen's narration, Lin Yu learned about the skill effect of the "unique skill-brave".

First of all, it is a very strong learning talent. Whether it is learning sword skills or magic, the time spent by people with this skill will be greatly shortened.

Then there is the ability to defeat enemies by leapfrogging. Simply put, the skills she holds are more powerful than common sense, so she can defeat C-rank or even B-rank enemies with D-rank.

Finally, there is another layer of effect, which is to be able to sense the general position of the hero's opponent-the devil king.

Lin Yu didn't care much about the first two. After all, the other party is now under his control, and his every move in the future will be monitored by the sneak ants hiding in the dark. Therefore, if you want to escape and improve your level, you can say It is impossible.

The final skill effect made the white-haired girl's eyes shine.

At present, seven reincarnators in the empire have been caught, and if the search continues to narrow down, there may not be many reincarnators who can be found in the end.

However, the position of the reincarnation of the brave man and the devil king is very far apart, and the demon tribe where the devil king lives is still not found by the ant tribe, but with the help of the unique skills held by the brave He Qiwen, the devil king Maybe it's not that much trouble.

"Anything else to ask?"

After getting up from the ground and sitting on the sofa, He Qiwen asked aloud after explaining her skills.

If I hadn't seen the weird behavior of this little girl before, it would be really difficult to connect her sitting upright with a pervert.

"What about your family, if you don't worry about them, I can send my daughters to pick them up."


Lin Yu shook his head.

"With the childish appearance of you now, where do you need any hostages?"

"Oh...but there's no need for it. After learning that I was a reincarnator, the parents exchanged money with an imperial officer for money and left happily. If you take them over, I can rest assured They don't worry about it either."

He Qiwen said in a flat tone.

But after he finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face again.

"I've answered everything that should be answered. Now it's time to fulfill your promise? Come on, this time, even if you stomp on other parts of me hard, I won't say a word!"

Afterwards, a strange sound came from the study room, which was like a muffled groan under pain, and a soft chant in bed.


After beating He Qiwen, Lin Yu found the weak voice who was asking the other six reincarnators about the effects of their unique skills.

Among the unique skills held by the other six people, there is no such thing as "unique skill - one-hit kill" that can be used directly regardless of level, but with restrictions and side effects, all skills need to be supported by level strength to be used A powerful skill.

He waved his hand and asked the daughters of the six guards to take them down.

The castle is huge, and there are many guest rooms. It is easy to give each of the six children a room, and even if there are no vacant rooms, they can be taken to the ant town at the dragon's lair to resettle.

Looking at them, Lin Yu couldn't help thinking of Ji Li when she was a little girl.

After staying in the castle for a few days, the brown-haired girl left the castle and continued to seek revenge for her mother.

It's just that this time she didn't set off alone, and several sneak ants hid in her shadow just in case.

And now that it is allied with both the kingdom and the empire, the Ant Kingdom also asked the two human nations to help find the whereabouts of the two adventurers.

There is no need to look for them in the southern countries. After all, the two adventurers who killed Gilly's mother were only two C-rank adventurers. After six or seven years, they will only be B-level adventurers at most, and such low-level adventurers will not be able to do much good if they go to a non-human country.

After all, after so many years, these two adventurers might have died in the belly of some monster long ago.

Although already members of an adventurer team, Junji, Qianichi and Midori did not go with Gilly this time.

They had left the forest for more than half a year and hadn't come back. They were really reluctant to bear Lin Yu. If they wanted to stay a few more days, at least... they would have to "get close" a few more times.

Although Gilly also wanted to be "closer" to the elder sister who cared the most after she lost her mother, she was still thin-skinned and there were a bunch of daughters in front of her, so she didn't even mention it.

I just thought that after knowing the whereabouts of the enemy and solving the incident of the year, I will come back and mention it later.


Back to the present.

After the last reincarnated person was taken out of the room by the daughters of the sneak ants, Lin Yu reached out and grabbed the little ant who was about to follow him out of the room.

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

"You have heard what I said earlier, but I am not joking with you."

"say what?"

The little ant buried its blushing face even lower.

"Do you really not understand? If you don't understand, come to mother's room at night, and you will understand when you come."

After setting the "schedule" for tonight, the white-haired girl warned the little girl not to let her pigeons go, and then let her go.


The next day.

After placing the six reincarnations in the castle, He Qiwen, who is a brave man, was taken to find the location of the devil because of the skills he possessed.

The location of the demon king pointed to by the hero's unique skills is located in an unnamed forest in the southeast of the southern countries.

In fact, even without He Qiwen's help to point it out, in a few days time, the ant tribe would also set their search target on this forest, and right now they are just advancing the process a little bit.

Of course, with the "navigation" of the brave, it can also save the trouble of searching the past inch by inch.

As for the manpower dispatched this time...

Considering that they may have to fight against the remaining demon forces in the last battle between the brave man and the reincarnated devil, almost all high-end combat forces were dispatched this time in order not to make the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

In addition, about [-] A-rank ants and fifty A-rank earth dragons also came to this forest through the magic rainbow's space magic.

In addition, just in case, even Flois, the mother of the dragon, who was visiting with several forest and mountain lords in the Hantian Mountains, and the cat ear girl, the lord of the beasts, also came over. .

"It's just ahead, and it's getting clearer and clearer. The location of the about 200 meters away from us."

He Qiwen pointed to a direction and said.

"However, the birth rate of those demons is very low. Even in the most prosperous period, the total population is only a few thousand. Do you need such a big battle?"

Behind her is a dense army of ants.

Chapter 7 The Devil

Nameless Forest.

In a certain dungeon, the demons with horns on their heads were almost in a mess.

Because just now, their Lord Demon King announced a big news with a bitter face: the demon clan and the old enemy hit by the Demon King - the brave man has come to this forest, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer.

This means that the brave will start to attack them.

If he dared to kill him, it means that the brave man has a certain degree of certainty... The Lolo Kingdom and the Deta Empire are two giants. Although it is not clear which country the brave man was born in, no matter which one, Right now, my two 300-member demon tribes are definitely not enough for others to swallow.

Although the individual attributes of the Demon Race are stronger than those of the Human Race, the degree of strength is limited. Generally, a Demon Race can easily defeat a Human Race of the same level. Two or three people may be able to handle it, but if the number goes up If it is up, it will be very hanging.

The reincarnated Chen Ke, who was reincarnated as a demon king, sighed again.

Although he couldn't figure out how the brave man led an army across the borders of the southern countries to attack him. After all, there are many sub-human countries in the southern countries that hate the human race.

Army?Of course it was a large army. If he were a brave man, he would definitely use the power of the human race to lead the army and wipe out himself and the remnants of the demon clan.

But now doesn't seem like the time to think about that.


At this moment, a demon sentry who was sent out to investigate the enemy's situation broke into the meeting hall screaming and screaming.

"How's the situation? What's the matter with you, how are you injured?"

Chen Ke jumped up from the Skeleton Throne almost at the same time as the call of the sentinel sounded.

While asking, he frowned slightly and looked at an iron arrow slantingly inserted into the shoulder of the sentry.

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