Thinking of this, the two women became a little more cautious.

Chapter 12 map

huh... huh...

The owner of the cabin ran away in a hurry in the forest.

While running away, he looked at a translucent map floating in mid-air that popped out like a pop-up window in front of him in fear.

There are two very bright light spots on the map that seem to have noticed something and are approaching his position.

"Damn it... I have hidden in such a remote place, how can I still be found, and the worst guy is the one who came to me."

The owner of the cabin gritted his teeth.

His name is Liu Yucheng, and he is one of the hundred reincarnated people who were reincarnated in this magical continent. The race after reincarnation is human race, and now he is just like the devil Chen Ke and the brave He Qiwen, a child who is only over six years old.

The gift it has is called "Unique Skill--Map". After activating the skill, a map will appear out of thin air in front of it that can display the names, races and levels of all creatures within a certain range nearby.

In addition to this function, the map has another more powerful ability.

That is, he was able to find the exact location of the other reincarnators who were reincarnated with him on this continent on this map.

In addition, by enlarging the map, although other creatures such as monsters or humans cannot be displayed beyond a certain range, the locations of the reincarnated people are always displayed on the map.

Common monsters, human races, and even subhuman races that exist nearby are represented as white dots on the map. The higher their level, the brighter the dots will be.

The reincarnations are shown as blood-red dots on the map. Although these blood-red dots are not marked with the race, name and level of the owner of the dots like the white dots, they are also the same as the white dots. Some are faintly bright, while others are amazingly bright.

Liu Yucheng guessed that those blood-red light spots were the same as the white light spots, and the stronger the reincarnated people were, the brighter they would be.

The reason why he obtained such gifts, not those gifts that simply make himself stronger...that is because Liu Yucheng doesn't like taking risks.

He is a person who goes with the situation. In his previous life, he was an ordinary person without any big storms in his life. Although life has no ups and downs, it can be said that it is almost the same, but he enjoyed it until...a sudden illness took his life away. took his life.

Afterwards, after his death, he was notified by the so-called gods that he would be reincarnated in an extraordinary continent, caught in an absurd game of "a hundred people fight to become a god"...

In order to survive this fighting game and continue to enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life, he made a wish to avoid evil and seek good fortune, and then obtained this gift called "Unique Skill--Map".

Although more things can be done with this unique skill, Liu Yucheng only used it to stay away from the blood-red light spots on the map. Even after finding blood-red light spots approaching his human town, he Not hesitate to run away from home.

This continent is dangerous and terrifying.

Liu Yucheng, who holds the map, understands this very well.

Because in the past few years, he was able to see the disappearance of a hundred blood-red light spots including himself on the original map.

During the first year when he was just born, the number of disappearing blood-red light spots was the largest. Most of these light spots appeared in forests and mountainous areas where monsters appeared, and a small part appeared in humans and subhumans. In the territory.

After that, he could see two blood-red light spots approaching each other from time to time, and soon, one of the light spots would disappear.

In addition, there were also blood-red light spots approaching, but none of them disappeared, but stayed together all the time.

Alliance... Seeing this situation, Liu Yucheng immediately understood this.

It suddenly occurred to him that with this non-combat unique skill he possessed, there was a good chance of forming an alliance with other reincarnated people.

It's just that he just thought about it. After all, if an alliance is really formed, although the allies may not hurt him, the enemy may not be sure, and after forming the alliance, he will always be involved in these reincarnations for the rest of his life There is war among us.

Even, after the allies wiped out the blood-red dots on the map one by one, wouldn't it be his turn next?

Therefore, unless necessary, he would always avoid those blood-red spots of light.


After leaving home.

Because of his unique skills, Liu Yucheng was able to avoid the powerful monsters in the forest.

And you can also use this skill to find weak monsters that you can easily kill, so as to achieve the goal of leveling up smoothly and safely.

Although he didn't want to take risks, if he didn't have a certain strength, he definitely couldn't do it if he lived in the forest.

However, ordinary weak monsters are fine. As for those powerful and violent monsters, Liu Yucheng dare not challenge them even if they are higher in level.

He thought he could live on like this smoothly, but what he didn't expect was that it wasn't long before "people" began to search the forest on a large scale.

Liu Yucheng didn't accept his fate until he quickly found his cabin, and fled in the opposite direction before he even had time to eat a few mouthfuls of hot food.

However, even if he is very familiar with this forest, Liu Yucheng is just a short-legged child, how could he escape the encirclement of the ants.

"Found it, it's him!"

"My sister guessed right, the owner of this wooden house is indeed a reincarnated person!"

Suddenly, three young girls with very good looks appeared in front of them.

Panting for his life, Liu Yucheng, who was running for his life, turned around and ran away without saying anything after hearing what the three women said.

It's just that as soon as he turned his head, his running feet froze in the air.

There were only three ants standing in front of him just now, but when he turned his head, it was not just three ants standing in front of him, but densely packed with hundreds of ant clan monsters.


Liu Yucheng was caught.

The process was very easy, because the reincarnator didn't intend to resist at all, he raised his hands high above his head almost as soon as the ant daughters were about to speak, signaling surrender.

The reason why he surrendered at the speed of light was because Liu Yucheng, who possessed the unique skill of the map, knew exactly what kind of monsters these ants surrounded him.

After Liu Yucheng surrendered, and the ant clan learned about the unique skill effect of this reincarnated person, everyone was overjoyed.

Judging from the opponent's map, the brightest blood-red spot on this continent is the one representing Lin Yu, and the rest of the spots are extremely dim compared to her.

Hearing this news, even Lin Yu was so happy that he made an exception that night and had fun with several daughters.

With Liu Yucheng's joining, the next search for reincarnators doesn't need to be like looking for a needle in a haystack like it is now.

As for the reincarnation that the Ants have yet to find... there are only two people left.

Chapter 13 The Battle of the Reincarnators, the End

With the assistance of a reincarnation named Liu Yucheng, the Ant Clan successfully captured the remaining two reincarnations.

Like Li Qi and Liu Yucheng, they acquired non-combat unique skills, and one of the reincarnators possessed a gifted skill called "Unique Skill - Fortune Teller".

Through this skill, the other party can perform divination on almost everything in this world.

For example, if you plan to fight monsters in the forest, you can use your unique skills in advance to perform divination for the next action. The results of divination are divided into good luck, middle luck, little luck, little bad luck, middle bad luck, and big bad luck.

As these names indicate, if the result is auspicious, it means that the trip will be smooth sailing and a good harvest; if it is Zhongji, it will be smooth sailing, but the harvest will be less; reward.The opposite is true for minor ominous, medium ominous and major ominous.

But luck can be changed.

If going to the forest to fight monsters after divination is a big disaster, then as long as you go at another time or place, the result of divination may be different.

It is precisely because of this skill that the reincarnated fortune-teller can survive until now.

The first thing a reincarnated person with the "unique skill - fortuneteller" wakes up every day is not to wash and brush his teeth, but to divination about today's fortune.

The day the Ants went to where she was was no exception.

But the result showed Xiaoji.

As a result, the reincarnated fortune teller, who had no defense at all, was caught by the ant clan so easily.

As for the other reincarnation, it possesses a gifted skill called "Unique Skill--Change". By activating this skill, the skill holder can change into the appearance of various items he has seen, Even transmogrification will gain some of the item's properties.

He can change into the appearance of passers-by he has seen, or into various monsters, and even into trees by the roadside, or dead objects such as desks and wardrobes.

However, this skill also has various limitations.

For example, he couldn't transform into something whose size was too different from his own, or something he hadn't seen before.

In addition, his changed posture can be seen through "identification".

After the identification, the result displayed was the attribute status panel of the main body, and this skill limitation was also one of the main reasons why he could not escape the pursuit of the ant tribe in the end.


After the last two reincarnators were also found by the ant tribe, together with the brave He Qiwen, the demon king Chen Ke, and Liu Yucheng who was very useful in finding the last two reincarnators, the reincarnators who are still surviving on this continent today A total of 33 people.

That is to say, the remaining 67 reincarnators died due to various reasons during the six-plus years.

Besides Lin Yu, the remaining 32 living reincarnators are either under Lin Yu's subordinates or completely controlled.

"This game between the reincarnations, it was my mother who won."

After seeing the last two reincarnators being brought back to the Granville Monster Forest, Mohong chuckled and pulled the small tuft of long colored hair on the right side of her bangs behind her ear, facing her side The white-haired girl said.


Lin Yu's eyes were in a daze.

"...If you can kill the other 99 people, you will become a god, gain eternal life and supreme divine power."——I remember what the so-called god said to himself when he was reincarnated.

According to her words, only by killing the other 99 people can it be considered a victory, right?

Well, even though there are no 99 people left, but if it is really necessary to kill the other 32 reincarnators, it can be said to be a piece of cake with the current strength of the ant clan.

But if the other party intends to kill him first, it's fine. After all, killing him back is more or less a legitimate defense, right?But now, if I want to kill these guys who have no grievances with me... What kind of murderer is this!I won't do it!

What's more, not to mention the temptation to become a god who doesn't know whether it's true or not, some of the reincarnated guys alone can't do it anyway.

For example, Huang Mao, who reincarnated with him from the original world, and Li Qi, a pharmacist who had been with him for a long time.

Besides, there is also the brave He Qiwen whom I just met some time ago... Although he is a weird guy, I can feel that that guy is not a bad guy.

Moreover, after all, I was not interested in the so-called becoming a god.

For me, the status quo is fine.

"Put them in the ant town."

Lin Yu said to the daughters who brought the two reincarnators.

Although I don't have the idea of ​​becoming a god, no one can guarantee that the reincarnated people will not have other ideas, so the best way is to put them under my nose.


And after that, a few days passed.

Something that surprised Lin Yu happened.

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