Beauty God and Inugami did not follow back.

She separated a portion of divine power from herself, and bet it on a white-haired girl with a dazed expression in a certain castle on the mainland.

Lin Yu, who was declared victorious in the Battle of the Reincarnators, was immediately surrounded by divine power.

"Although it's a projection, it's more like a daughter to me."

Beauty God looked at the white-haired girl who was absorbing her divine power in the air and said softly.

"Master watched her grow up after all."

"Well, yes."

They silently watched the picture in the sky.

"Lin Yu, come to Mommy."

After the white-haired girl absorbed the divine power and truly became a god, the Goddess of Beauty couldn't help but make a simple move.

Then, in a flash in the palace, the girl appeared in front of the God of Beauty and the God of Dogs.


Before he had time to experience the power of the divine power in his body, Lin Yu's eyes suddenly blurred.

When she regained her strength, she realized that she was no longer in the castle, but in a palace that was too big.

In front of him stood two women.

One is a cute girl with animal ears.

yellow hair?Uh, no, although she looks very similar, it doesn't seem to be her.

Another word...

What a nice view...

Although I can't see the face, I just think it looks good, maybe even... prettier than myself?

No, it's impossible, how could there be a beautiful girl who is prettier than me!

Even if there is, it should be the daughter she gave birth to!

Hmm, but the identity of the woman whose face is shrouded in mist in front of me may...probably...probably...

"Come here, let mom take a closer look."

Sure enough, it was the guy who called himself a mother before!

Since she is a mother, then am I not a daughter?Wait, maybe there is a possibility that this guy's name is "Mom"?

The white-haired girl was thinking wildly, but her body moved forward involuntarily.

When he was about to walk in front of the woman, the girl with animal ears beside her pinched her face curiously.


The woman in front of her suddenly reached out to clear the fog in front of her.

The mist dissipated, revealing a delicate and beautiful appearance, just like a finely crafted work of art, so beautiful to the extreme, all the beautiful words seem to be unable to describe it, it looks very unreal.

After seeing the beauty's appearance, Lin Yu was convinced.

There is no mistake, this is my mother!

The goddess of beauty opened her arms slightly, and the white-haired girl fell into her arms tacitly... and rubbed against her.

Inugami on the other side bit his finger and cast envious eyes.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu still felt a little shy and awkward, and didn't call out the word "Mom" to this woman who he liked very much at the first meeting.

But Beauty God didn't care, just said softly while stroking the smooth long hair of the girl in her arms.

"Since you have become a god, then you should have your own god domain."

"Holy area?"

Lin Yu raised his head in doubt in the arms of the God of Beauty.

After hugging her, she was a little reluctant to let go.

Lin Yu was more or less experienced in many battles, but the slenderness and beauty of Meishen's body still made her mind flutter, and she couldn't help herself.

"That's right, every god has its own territory, and the territory of the gods is the domain of the gods. Even the weakest gods have at least one planet as their domain of the gods."

After a pause, Beauty God seemed to think of something.

"After the trial continent, no reincarnation will come. Since you have so many daughters in the trial continent, you might as well take it as your own domain."

"is it okay?"

"Well, the Trial Continent is also an unowned land. If I give it to you, other gods will not have any objections, but the planet of the Trial Continent is still a little smaller. Well... I will start from my I'll give you some in God's Domain."

"Mom...cough, how many planets are there in your God's Domain?"

The white-haired girl blushed slightly, but she still looked up at the God of Beauty curiously.

"The number of planets in my domain of the gods is not the largest among the gods. There are only more than 300 planets now."

"That's all?!"

"Mom, I am now the Lord of the Gods, and I will only have more planet territories in the future."

Beauty God seemed to be amused by the cute look of the white-haired girl's wide-eyed surprise, and the corners of her mouth curled up. She was obviously in a very good mood at the moment.

"I will hold a banquet in the shrine the day after tomorrow, and all tens of thousands of gods will be there. You go back and talk to your daughters first, and then go to the shrine with me the day after tomorrow."


with her?

Does this... mean to cover yourself?

There is always a feeling of being pampered, what's going on...

Although he nodded in response, Lin Yu didn't intend to leave the arms of the Goddess of Beauty.

The arms seemed to be fixed together with the slender waist of the Goddess of Beauty, motionless.

"Don't let go?"

Beauty God helplessly patted the girl's arm.

"How about going back with me?"

"Well... that's fine too."

After thinking about it, the Goddess of Beauty agreed.

She also wanted to meet Lin Yu's daughters.

"Ah, and me, me too!"

After hearing the conversation between the mother and daughter, the Inugami on the side also shouted quickly.

"My projection... No, my daughter is still testing the mainland!"



The Trial Continent became Lin Yu's domain.

Although he was assigned to many planets in one go from the God of Beauty, Lin Yu still stayed in this trial continent most of the time.

And the Ant Kingdom created by her and her daughters became the largest country on the mainland after that.

Although there are many human races or sub-human races from other countries who came to settle in the Ant Country, the population of the Ant Race in the Ant Country still accounts for more than 90.00% of the entire country's population.

In addition, after becoming a god and possessing divine power, Lin Yu's abilities were not limited to the skills he had acquired before.

After becoming a god, almost omnipotent.

As long as she wants, she can even have thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of copies... While reaping countless happiness, it also brings happiness to all the daughters.

However, if there are too many clones, Lin Yu is not used to multitasking after all.

So she still prefers to have only one or two daughters at a time.

"Who are we going to play with today..."

At this moment, what appeared in front of Lin Yu was the map of the Trial Continent.

The map is dotted with dense dots of light, and each light dot represents a daughter of the ant clan.

The ability of this map was imitated by Lin Yu from the reincarnation who possessed the "unique skill - map".

Lin Yu first placed the map on the ground, then took out a gold coin, closed his eyes to block out all perception, and threw the gold coin over the map.

The gold coin spun, and finally fell on a light spot on the map, making a crisp sound.





(End of the book)

Closing remarks

It's over! !

This is my second book. Although I finished it a little hastily, I basically wrote everything that should be written, so it can be regarded as a smooth completion, and the promise I made to finish the book was fulfilled.

I thought about it a lot, but I always felt that it was just unnecessary words, so I won’t say more here.

Let’s talk about the continuation of this book directly.

There will definitely be a side story, but I’m still hesitating what kind of side story to write, maybe I will write about the daily life of certain characters, or make some supplements to the main text, or I may open a separate side story volume.

The range update frequency is about once every two days, but I may have to take a break these two days and take it easy.

By the way, if you have any ideas about the extra episode, you can also put them up in the interim post.

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